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Dan Hurley

Smarter - Dan Hurley - книга
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Smarter - Dan Hurley - книга


Dan Hurley

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Издадена2017 г.
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Алтернативни предложения
Bulgarian folk music - книга

Bulgarian folk music

Lydia Litova-Nikolova

АИ Проф. Марин Дринов
Цена:  30.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Книга 9 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... Bulgarian Folk Music is a scientific work offer­ing a large-scope investigation of the issue of musical folklore dialects in Bulgaria in connection to the specificity of all-Bulgarian musical folklore style. It is for the first time that the history of Bulgarian musical folkloristics is presented in its entirety - from its initial steps to the latest publications. The activites of Bulgarian folklorists in the basic trends of musical folklore science create a prerequisite for its integration into the world musicology. ...
Abriss der Psychoanalyse - книга

Abriss der Psychoanalyse

Sigmund Freud

Цена:  8.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Freuds Lebenswerk kompakt und verständlich: Der seelische Apparat und die Funktion der einzelnen Instanzen, Triebleben und Sexualentwicklung, die Bedeutung der Träume, das Un- und das Vorbewusste, der Ödipus-Komplex und weitere zentrale Elemente seiner Lehre kommen in diesem "Abriss" zur Sprache. ...
America Latina: Cuba Ниво A1 - A2: Guantanameras - книга

America Latina: Cuba : Ниво A1 - A2: Guantanameras + CD

Dolores Soler-Espiauba

Цена:  22.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Лиза и Присила, две близначки, които живеят разделени в Хавана и Маями, се срещат в Куба, след дванадесет години, без да се виждат. Опитът ще им помогне да осъзнаят многото различия, които съществуват между живота им в Куба и в Съединените щати, като същевременно ще преживеят незабравими приключения. Книгата от поредицата "America Latina" съдържа множество културни, политически, географски и гастрономически коментари, както и дейности за упражнение. Към нея е включен и диск с разказа на романа, идеален за практикуване на слушане с разбиране и за запознаване с испанския език, характерен за Куба. ...
Start With Why - книга

Start With Why

Simon Sinek

Penguin Books
Цена:  25.00 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. ... Simon Sinek's recent video on "The Millennial Question" went viral with over 150 million views. Start with Why is a global bestseller and the TED Talk based on it is the third most watched of all time. Why are some people and organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again? In business, it doesn't matter what you do, it matters why you do it. Start with Why analyses leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Steve Jobs and discovers that they all think in the same way - ...
Koprivstitsa - historia y arquitectura - книга

Koprivstitsa - historia y arquitectura

Viara Kandjieva, Antoniy Handjiyski

Цена:  22.00 лв.
Koprivstitsa es una pintoresca ciudad-museo, declarada de reserva historico-arquitectonica nacional, agazapada en la montana Sredna Gora y rodeada de sus bellos montes. Esta a unos lOOkm al este de la capital Sofia y ofrece a los visitantes paseos inolvidables y toda la diversidad de su pasado. Las calles de empedrado, que serpentean por toda la ciudad, cerradas entre los muros altos, los portales grandes de madera con sus portezuelas incorporadas, las bellas casas de madera, signo de la prosperidad y la fortuna de sus propietarios, los magnificos puentes con arcos que atraviesan el rio Topolnitsa y sus afluyentes, son ...
The new science of building brain power.
Can we really make ourselves smarter?
For over a hundred years science has told us that our intelligence is fixed. You`re either born clever or your are not; there's nothing you can do about it. But the latest research tells us science got it wrong.

In Smarter Dan Hurley reveals how new fields in intelligence research show that our mental faculties can be simply and significantly improved.
You'll discover the secrets of:
  • IQ - how it works (and often doesn't);
  • boot camps for your brain - do workouts provide real benefits;
  • pills and superfoods - the truth behind the extraordinary claims;
  • fitness, learning a language or an instrument - do they really help?

Exhilarating and inspiring, Smarter puts the science to the test and provides insight for anyone who wants to better their own thinking, give their children the best start in life, or stave off the rapid decline of advancing years.
"Thought-provoking, very entertaining, raising questions about what intelligence is and whether we should try to improve it."
New Scientist

"Chatty, personal, an easy read - even for those of us with untrained brains"
Washington post

That rare thing: enjoyable reading that can also improve your life... Beautifully explained, engaging and inspiring
Gretchen Reynolds
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Рейтинг: 9.00 / 5 гласа 
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