This beautifully illustrated book comprises 297 photos of living insects and spiders, demonstrating a little known aspect of entomology for there exists no popular literature treating the nocturnal activities of these fascinating creatures. Few have had the time - or courage - to carry a camera quietly through the jungle at night. The text and photos introduce the reader to the various types of tropical forest and their smaller inhabitants. A chapter illustrates the many ways in which one may observe noctural life in the jungle, and the special techniques necessary to photograph bugs and vegetation in these dripping ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Some Aspects of Insect Life ... This book highlights the very successful and much diversified group of organisms, the insects, and deals with some interesting aspects of insect life, which are often ignored in entomology textbooks. There are chapters on: ants making "slaves; insect migrations chemical defence strategies parental care and love AIDS and insects killer bees The book also includes first-hand experiences of the great traveller-naturalist Prof. P. Jolivet, who narrates the re-emergence of the 17-year-cycle cicada in the USA in May 2004; the occurrence of insects on the great tepuys of Venezuela; ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
"En la historia de las civilizationes, lo mismo que en la historia de los individuos, la infancia es decisiva..." segun el historico Frances Jacques Le Goff. La "infancia de la aristocracia Europea" tiene sus raices en los Balcanes. Los monumentos de la cultura Tracia son una ilustracion de sus etapas iniciales. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Koprivstitsa es una pintoresca ciudad-museo, declarada de reserva historico-arquitectonica nacional, agazapada en la montana Sredna Gora y rodeada de sus bellos montes. Esta a unos lOOkm al este de la capital Sofia y ofrece a los visitantes paseos inolvidables y toda la diversidad de su pasado. Las calles de empedrado, que serpentean por toda la ciudad, cerradas entre los muros altos, los portales grandes de madera con sus portezuelas incorporadas, las bellas casas de madera, signo de la prosperidad y la fortuna de sus propietarios, los magnificos puentes con arcos que atraviesan el rio Topolnitsa y sus afluyentes, son ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |