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Книги от поредицата Young Adult Readers

The Great Gatsby - ниво C1 + аудио материали
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Gulliver's Travels - ниво A1 + аудио материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Emma - ниво B2 + аудио материали
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Wuthering Heights - ниво B2 + аудио материали
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Tales from Shakespeare - ниво B2 + аудио материали
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
The Scarlet Letter - ниво B2 + аудио материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
The Hound of the Baskervilles - ниво A1 + аудио материали
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
A Christmas Carol - ниво B1 + аудио материали
Цена:  16.90 лв.
The Great Gatsby - ниво C1 -

The Great Gatsby - ниво C1 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
По романа на Франсис Скот Фицджералд, преразказан от Ричард Ларкман. ... Scott Fitzgerald's third novel was published in 1925 and has justifiably become a 20th century literary classic."– Gatsby?" - asked Daisy urgently. – What Gatsby? Could it be the same young army lieutenant whom Daisy Fay met five years ago - and who owns a sumptuous house on Long Island, where New York society enjoys the best parties on offer? Is it just coincidence that Gatsby lives across the bay from Daisy - now married to wealthy polo-player Tom Buchanan?" From the novel As one man's mysterious dream moves towards its ...
Gulliver's Travels - ниво A1 -

Gulliver's Travels - ниво A1 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
По романа на Джонатан Суифт, преразказан от Джанет Борсби и Рут Суон. ... Jonathan Swift's best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature. Gulliver is a doctor on a ship. He travels from England to many places. He meets little people and giants, he meets people from the past and horses who can talk. He also encounters pirates and terrible storms. Will he ever return home? Will he be happy in England? Книгата е част от поредицата Young Adult Readers от издателство Клет България. ...
Emma - ниво B2 -

Emma - ниво B2 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
По романа на Джейн Остин, преразказан от Силвана Сарди. ... Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, rich, intelligent and a snob. She says she will never marry, but loves matchmaking and is determined to find a suitable husband for her friend Harriet Smith. However, her imagination often leads her to make mistakes, creating problems for both her and the people around her. Jane Austen describes the social values of her time and the novel is full of comical moments as Emma causes one disaster after another. Jane Austen once described Emma as a character 'whom no one but myself will much like'."You must be the best judge ...
Wuthering Heights - ниво B2 -

Wuthering Heights - ниво B2 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
По романа на Емили Бронте, преразказан от Елизабет Ферети. ... In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte shows us the destructive power of hatred and revenge, but she also explores love in its many forms and, in the end, her story is about hope. Cathy's life is changed forever when her father brings home an abandoned child he names Heathcliff. As Cathy and Heathcliff grow up, their love for each other is as wild as the moors. But, can love overcome jealousy? Can forgiveness enter hearts filled with pain and suffering? In this reader you will find: information about Emily Bronte's life; sections focusing on ...
Tales from Shakespeare - ниво B2 -

Tales from Shakespeare - ниво B2 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
По пиесите на Уилям Шекспир от Чарлз и Мери Ламб, преразказани от Силвана Сарди. ... An excellent introduction to the world of Shakespeare. This edition includes seven of Shakespeare's plays: As You Like It; The Merchant of Venice; The Tempest; Twelfth Night; Macbeth; Much Ado About Nothing; A Midsummer Night's Dream. They tell stories of love, romance, ambition, jealousy and death, to name but a few of Shakespeare's favourite themes and introduce us to some of his most famous characters. Книгата е част от поредицата Young Adult Readers от издателство Клет България. ...
The Scarlet Letter - ниво B2 -

The Scarlet Letter - ниво B2 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
По романа на Натаниъл Хоторн, преразказан от Клеър Мур. ... Set in 17th century Puritan Boston, this is the story of Hester Prynne and her illegitimate daughter Pearl. She is condemned to wear a scarlet letter A as punishment for her adultery, but she refuses to reveal the identity of Pearl's father and they live a solitary life in a small cottage. We meet many characters, including her husband Roger Chillingworth, the young priest Arthur Dimmesdale and Mistress Hibbins. The Scarlet Letter is one of Nathaniel Hawthorne's most famous novels. Книгата е част от поредицата Young Adult Readers от издателство Клет ...
The Hound of the Baskervilles - ниво A1 -

The Hound of the Baskervilles - ниво A1 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
По романа на сър Артър Конан Дойл, преразказан от Джанет Борсби и Рут Суон. ... An old family document says that everyone who lives at Baskerville Hall is in danger from a terrifying animal which lives on Dartmoor. When Sir Charles Baskerville dies in a mysterious way, his nephew, the young Sir Henry Baskerville, comes to live on Dartmoor. Is he in danger too? Is there really a dangerous animal on the moor, or did someone murder Sir Charles? Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, is the only person who can solve the case. Or can he? Even Holmes is worried. In this Reader you will find information about Sir Arthur ...
A Christmas Carol - ниво B1 -

A Christmas Carol - ниво B1 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  16.90 лв.
По романа на Чарлз Дикенс, преразказан от Елизабет Ферети. ... Dickens' favourite Christmas story shows us the difficult lives of the poor, but it is also a story of hope, where the future can be better. Ebenezer Scrooge loves only one thing - money. He has no friends, doesn't like his family and never helps anyone. But when Jacob Marley, who's been dead for seven years, arrives at his house one night, Scrooge learns that a good life is about much more than money. In this Reader you will find information about Charles Dickens' life, focus on sections: England in the 1800s, Christmas traditions and ...
Книги от поредицата Young Adult Readers
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