The Tarot of Light and Shadow presents a new multi-layered way of working with the Tarot: using two decks to explore the Shadow and Light sides of any questions at once. Although some professional readers have used this idea with different packs, and to great effect, this is the first time two Tarot decks have been designed specifically to work together. In fact, they can be seen not as two separate decks but as one deck appearing in two dimensions. The principle of the two-deck system can be explained as follows: there are two sides to every question and two sides to every answer. Answers come both from within and ... |
81 cards and guidebook by Trungles. Let the stars light your way... Enter a world where fairies play, mermaids yearn, and threads of the familiar and fantastic are spun together to guide you on your own personal journey. Featuring beloved indie comic artist Trungles' enchanting illustrative style, the Star Spinner Tarot reinterprets classic tarot imagery for a more inclusive and diverse reflection of the modern world, with illustrations drawn from a wide range of stories, myths, and fairy tales. Contents: 81 full-color cards and a 160-page guidebook. A great gift for tarot collectors and enthusiasts, or anyone ... |
The stories of Christian saints have been evoked over the centuries by beautiful and powerful icons, which transmit to men the example of religious virtues and the consequent action of the Divine Spirit in the world. For this reason, the precious art of the Russian illuminating monks is poured with meticulous care into the Arcana named after the tsars, defenders of Christian religiosity of the East. 78 cards, dimensions: 6.6 x 12 cm and multilingual golden edition instruction booklet included. ... |
A stunning tribute to Art Nouveau pioneer Alphonse Mucha, this deck embraces the fresh beauty of the early 20th century, along with the eternal wisdom and understanding of tarot cards. This special edition contains a booklet that reveals every secret hidden in the cards. Art by Giulia F. Massaglia, colors by Barbara Nosenzo. 78 cards with dimensions 7 x 12 cm and multilingual instruction booklet included. ... |
From the World of H. P. Lovecraft. ... Divine the future with the ancient forgotten gods of Lovecraft! Established by H. P. Lovecraft in the span of a few short stories, the Cthulhu mythos has been incorporated into popular culture and contemporary fantasy production, most recently in HBO's hit series Lovecraft Country. Made by connoisseurs and lovers of Lovecraft, Abrams is honored to present the first tarot deck solely dedicated to this special universe. This complete tarot contains 78 illustrated cards, including 22 major and 56 minor arcana. All decks will be packaged with a 32-page booklet that will help with ... |
The universal symbol of relationships, which is the couple formed by man and woman (the eternal yin and yang), replaced here by situations and archetypes of the gay experience and identity. A tool of knowledge and introspection for those who are not afraid of diversity. Art by Antonella Platano. 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter: the seasons are the first measure of time and the cyclical nature of things. All are interconnected and they transmit the sense of continuity as well as change in the world. The Manga tarot shows a universe of connections and references constructed around the fantastic epic of the Orient. Artwork by Anna Lazzarini, 78 full colour cards, dimensions: 7 / 3 / 12 cm and multilingual instruction booklet. ... |
A 78-card deck and guidebook. ... Deluxe tarot radiant with mystical energy by renowned American Wiccan Priestess Phyllis Curott, illustrated by UK Hedgewitch Danielle Barlow. A new interpretation of the Tarot blending the divine magic of nature with modern Witchcraft, offering spiritual insight and life-changing wisdom to awaken the Witch within. "The Witches' Wisdom Tarot" brings you into the heart of what it means to be a Witch, a wise one who lives with reverence for the land, for life, and for the divine magic that connects us all. And you don't have to be a Witch to benefit from its wisdom. This ... |
One of the oldest Tarot decks preserved to this day, perhaps the most beautiful of all. These cards are universally recognized as one of the most extraordinary examples of the art of miniature and Renaissance symbolism. For the first time, the Visconti Tarot has been restored and printed with gold foil impressions, to enhance their original splendor. Restored by A. A. Atanassov, 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
Таро на мистичната манга е ръководство към картите Карти Таро на мистичната манга ще ви поведе на едно приключение, което може да разкрие пред вас много от отговорите, които търсите. Архетипните образи в тази удивителна колода са нарисувани в стила на японските графични романи манга. Базирани на класическото Таро на Уейт, картите са едновременно лесни за разбиране и очарователни за използване. С помощта на това ръководство световно известният специалист по Таро Барбара Мур ще ви преведе през колодата и ще ви разкрие различни техники за тълкуване на картите. Включена е основна информация за картите, обяснения за ... |
Essential verses from one of the most popular books of wisdom of all time coupled with ornate illustrations by some of India's best contemporary artists (Indra Sharma, B. G. Sharma, Mahavir Swami, etc.) make this an exquisite gift box presentation. This selection of thought-provoking, strikingly beautiful cards captures the essence of the Bhagavad Gita like never before. ... |
Магията обгръща нашето съществуване и продължава да живее във всеки един от нас под формата на желание или воля, тайни и мечти. Вглеждайки се в това Таро, нашето сърце ще стане по-извисено и чрез него ще открием лесен и семпъл начин да гледаме на живота. Изберете си карта, намислете си желание и... точно както в приказките. Броя на картите е 78. Размерите на една карта са 6.6 x 12 cm. Към тях има и инструкции на английски, италиански, испански, френски и немски език. ... |