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Търсене на: writing practice

IELTS Trainer Academic: Six Practice Tests : Помагало по английски език за сертификатния изпит - ниво В1 - С1
Amanda French, Miles Hordern, Anethea Bazin, Katy Salisbury
Цена:  63.90 лв.
Improve Your Business English Skills: Reading, Listening and Writing
Lilyana Todorova-Ruskova, Radmila Kaisheva, Ophelia Pamukchieva
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  17.90 лв.
Compact First - ниво B2: Учебник по английски език : Third Edition
Peter May
Цена:  47.90 лв.
Grammar Goals - ниво 6: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD
Angela Llanas, Libby Williams
Цена:  46.00 лв.
Grammar Goals - ниво 5: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD
Angela Llanas, Libby Williams
Цена:  46.00 лв.
Grammar Goals - ниво 4: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD
Julie Tice, Dave Tucker
Цена:  46.00 лв.
Grammar Goals - ниво 3: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD
Julie Tice, Dave Tucker
Цена:  46.00 лв.
Grammar Goals - ниво 2: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD
Nicole Taylor, Michael Watts
Цена:  46.00 лв.
Grammar Goals - ниво 1: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD
Nicole Taylor, Michael Watts
Цена:  46.00 лв.
Think for Bulgaria - ниво B1: Учебна тетрадка за 9. клас по английски език + 2 CD
По учебната програма за 2024/2025 г.

Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Nikolina Tsvetkova, Maria Metodieva
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  27.30 лв.
Think - ниво Starter (A1): Учебна тетрадка по английски език : Second Edition + онлайн материали
Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  32.90 лв.
GMAT - Book + CD
Bobby Umar, Carl S. Pyrdum
Цена:  82.00 лв.
Продукти отговарящи на търсене: writing practice
IELTS Trainer Academic: Six Practice Tests Помагало по английски език за сертификатния изпит - ниво В1 - С1 -

IELTS Trainer Academic: Six Practice Tests : Помагало по английски език за сертификатния изпит - ниво В1 - С1

Amanda French, Miles Hordern, Anethea Bazin, Katy Salisbury

Cambridge University Press
Цена:  63.90 лв.
Six IELTS practice tests for perfect exam training, including details of the test format, question types an scoring system, plus step-by-step guidance and tips. Build your confidence by following the step-by-step guidance, tips and strategies in the Training and Exam Practice exercises in the first two practice tests. Then develop your exam technique with the final four tests. Grammar, vocabulary and writing practice exercises show you how to avoid common mistakes. The resources download includes audio for the Listening tests, audioscripts, the answer key with clear explanations and model writing answers. Учебната ...
Improve Your Business English Skills: Reading, Listening and Writing -

Improve Your Business English Skills: Reading, Listening and Writing

Lilyana Todorova-Ruskova, Radmila Kaisheva, Ophelia Pamukchieva

Цена:  17.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Improve Your Business English Skills 2: Reading, Listening & Writing is intended mainly for students of Economics and Business Studies at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) preparing for the Final (State) Examination as well as students doing business and economics degree programs in other universities. This is the second book - a sequel to "Improve Your Business English Skills 1: Use of English" - and spotlights the other components of the exam - Reading, Listening, Writing and Summary. It provides focused training for advanced students of English who want to improve their skills in these areas. ...
Compact First - ниво B2: Учебник по английски език Third Edition -

Compact First - ниво B2: Учебник по английски език : Third Edition

Peter May

Cambridge University Press
Цена:  47.90 лв.
Учебникът подготвя за изпита First Certificate in English. ... This course offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise performance. Consolidate language and skills for exam success through clear, concise training. Compact helps you build confidence with its unique step-by-step approach and teaches essential exam strategies through user-friendly Exam tips. The exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference deepen understanding of language structures, while the Speaking bank and Writing bank extend proficiency in productive skills. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, ...
Grammar Goals - ниво 6: Учебник Учебна система по английски език -

Grammar Goals - ниво 6: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD

Angela Llanas, Libby Williams

Цена:  46.00 лв.
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ...
Grammar Goals - ниво 5: Учебник Учебна система по английски език -

Grammar Goals - ниво 5: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD

Angela Llanas, Libby Williams

Цена:  46.00 лв.
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ...
Grammar Goals - ниво 4: Учебник Учебна система по английски език -

Grammar Goals - ниво 4: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD

Julie Tice, Dave Tucker

Цена:  46.00 лв.
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack includes a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success ...
Grammar Goals - ниво 3: Учебник Учебна система по английски език -

Grammar Goals - ниво 3: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD

Julie Tice, Dave Tucker

Цена:  46.00 лв.
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ...
Grammar Goals - ниво 2: Учебник Учебна система по английски език -

Grammar Goals - ниво 2: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD

Nicole Taylor, Michael Watts

Цена:  46.00 лв.
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ...
Grammar Goals - ниво 1: Учебник Учебна система по английски език -

Grammar Goals - ниво 1: Учебник : Учебна система по английски език + CD

Nicole Taylor, Michael Watts

Цена:  46.00 лв.
The American Grammar Goals include a Pupil's Books 1 and a CD-ROM. The Pupil's Books has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The American Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - bronze, silver and gold - ...
Think for Bulgaria - ниво B1: Учебна тетрадка за 9. клас по английски език + 2 CD -

Think for Bulgaria - ниво B1: Учебна тетрадка за 9. клас по английски език + 2 CD
По учебната програма за 2024/2025 г.

Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Nikolina Tsvetkova, Maria Metodieva

Клет България
Цена:  27.30 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка само за часа в рамките на София, в работни дни от 10:00 до 18:00 часа.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Учебна тетрадка може да се използва за 9. клас и за 10. клас при разширено изучаване на английски език. ... Think for Bulgaria - ниво B1 е учебна система, изцяло съобразена с учебните програми на МОН и осигурява не само сериозни езикови умения, но се концентрира и върху развиването на учащите като личности. Фокусът върху критичното мислене, социалните ценности и самооценката осигурява на учениците уменията, необходими за отговорно учене и водене на успешен социален и професионален живот в съвременния свят. Свежи теми и съобразени с възрастта задачи са специално подбрани да въздействат на тийнейджърите, да провокират ...
Think - ниво Starter (A1): Учебна тетрадка по английски език Second Edition -

Think - ниво Starter (A1): Учебна тетрадка по английски език : Second Edition + онлайн материали

Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones

Cambridge University Press
Цена:  32.90 лв.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Workbook offers extra practice of the language covered in the Student's Book - perfect for homework. It also comes with access to the Digital Pack, with mobile-friendly online practice and collaboration tools on Cambridge One. ...
GMAT - Book + CD -

GMAT - Book + CD

Bobby Umar, Carl S. Pyrdum

Цена:  82.00 лв.
Most up-to-date review and practice tests currently available. ... The book includes: 2 full-length practice GMAT tests. Comprehensive subject of all the core GMAT content areas tested in Quantitative, Verbal, Analytical Writing Assessment, and Integrated Reasoning. Strategy tailored to the unique challenges of a Computer Adaptive Test. Practice sets for each topic area and level of difficulty found on the real test. The CD will help you to hone your GMAT skills with a fully adaptive practice CAT. Additional practice questions will full explanations drown from the CAT question pool. ...
Търсене на: writing practice
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