Perfect for fans of Erin Stead and Emily Winfield Martin, here is a charming paperback picture book about two friends who enter a fairy-tale world hoping to find an exciting story to tell. When best friends Fern, a bear, and Otto, a cat, go searching for an exciting story in the forest, they have different ideas about what that means. Fern thinks they should stop and watch a race between a tortoise and a hare, but Otto worries that a tortoise is too slow to be exciting. Fern thinks listening to the three brothers talking about how to build a house is incredibly interesting, but Otto isn't convinced. Along the way, ... |
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880 - 1938) is regarded as one of the key figures in 20th-century European art. A Modernist to his bones, he sent seismic waves through the art world with his hard-edged, intensely colored paintings and disseminated his ideas through Die Brücke art movement and the MUIM-Institut school of modernist painting, both of which he cofounded. Kirchner's work reconciled past and present through an Expressionist prism, reflecting the latest avant-garde ideas in art, while exploring traditional academic approaches and subjects. His works tackled social, moral, and emotional questions with a fierce ... |
Aesop's Fables is split into themed sections including Funny Fates, Challenge and Chance, and Narrow Escapes and features favourites such as The Hare and the Tortoise and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. At the end of every fable the moral is simply summarised in a way for younger readers to understand. Beautiful, colourful illustrations bring famous animal characters and scenes to life. ... |
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This book contains nine Talks given by the Master of the disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood, at their annual convention on August 1927 in Sofia, Bulgaria. "The disciple must have a heart as pure as a crystal, a soul as vast as the universe, and a spirit as powerful as God and one with God." The Master ... |
A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... On holiday in Lyme Regis, Chief Inspector Morse is startled to read a tantalising article in The Times about this missing woman. An article which lures him back to Wytham Woods near Oxford... and straight into the most extraordinary murder investigation of his career. First published in 1992, "The Way Through the Woods" strikes the perfect balance between the best of Colin Dexter's cantankerous detective, and the character as portrayed in the hugely successful television adaptation starring John Thaw. Ingenious and affecting, this modern crime novel will endure as a ... |
Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience. In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through eighty seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and an actionable framework for meaningful connection, she gives us the language and tools to access a universe of new choices and second chances - a universe where we can share and steward the stories of our bravest and most heartbreaking moments with one another in a way that builds connection. Over the past two decades, Brown's extensive research into the experiences that ... |
Между десетките пътища, които следва съвременния човек, пътят на война е най-малко познат. Може би и най-неправилно разбраният. Но със сигурност е най-вълнуващият. Дан Милман е шампион по гимнастика и следва в университета Бъркли в Калифорния. Живее един обикновен живот, лутайки се между своите амбиции, страхове и илюзии. Само че, още не го е осъзнал. Тази книга е опитът му да сподели с всички това уникално изживяване. Казват, че това е книгата, която "може да промени живота ви". И това не е пресилено. Откликът на читателите и техните коментари го доказват. Това е така, защото във всеки от нас живее един ... |
Какъв е звукът от пляскането с една ръка? Дзен будизмът не е религия, нито философия, не е психология или наука. Той е начин на живот и път за освобождение, който е прямота, замах, усет за красотата, но преди всичко - способност за преобразяване. Само когато в съзнанието ти няма неща и съзнанието ти не е в нещата, ти си свободен и духовен, празен и чудодеен. Корените на дзен са колкото даоистки, толкова и будистки, така че Алън Уотс търси извора му в китайските духовни традиции. Стремежът на дзен е проумяване на същността на живота. Както "рибата плува във водата, но не мисли за нея, както птицата лети с вятъра, ... |
Pack your suitcase for a magical adventure! At the Strangeworlds Travel Agency, each suitcase transports you to a different world. All you have to do is step inside. Flick is now a badge-wearing member of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency so when an urgent summons arrives at Strangeworlds from Pirate Queen Nyfe, she and Strangeworlds Society guardian Jonathan immediately pack their bags for an adventure to Queen Nyfe's world: The Break, a place of magic and piracy. Nyfe's world is falling apart. The Break is used to having ships vanish without a trace, but there has been a sudden increase that can't be ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", one of the best-known and best-loved poems in the English language, a grizzled old sailor stops a man on his way to a wedding and tells a terrifying story. He speaks of how he doomed the crew of his ship by shooting dead an albatross, awakened the wrath of ocean spirits, met Death himself, and must now walk the earth for ever and share his tragic tale of sin, guilt and - ultimately - redemption. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s longest major poem features ... |
Овладейте изкуството да убеждавате, въздействате и успявате. ... Джордан Белфърт - обезсмъртен от Леонардо ди Каприо в хитовия филм Вълка от Уолстрийт - ни представя поетапна система за убеждаване и продажби, която доказано превръща всеки в знаменитост, помага му успешно да сключва сделки и да печели. Белфърт разкрива стратегиите и тактиките си и осигурява на читателите достъп до магична система - същата, която е използвал, за да натрупа огромно богатство за себе си, клиентите си и екипите си по продажби. Сега тази революционна система може да достигне до цяло ново поколение читатели и да разкрие как всеки би могъл да ... |
The Call of the Wild (1903) and White Fang (1906) are world famous animal stories. Set in Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush of the late 1890s, The Call of the Wild is about Buck, the magnificent cross-bred offspring of a St Bernard and a Scottish Collie. Stolen from his pampered life on a Californian estate and shipped to the Klondike to work as a sledge dog, he triumphs over his circumstances and becomes the leader of a wolf pack. The story records the "decivilisation" of Buck as he answers 'the call of the wild', an inherent memory of primeval origins to which he instinctively responds. In contrast, ... |