Winner of The 2023 International Booker Prize. ... In Time Shelter, an enigmatic flaneur named Gaustine opens a clinic for the past that offers a promising treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a decade in minute detail, transporting patients back in time. As Gaustine's assistant, the unnamed narrator is tasked with collecting the flotsam and jetsam of the past, from 1960s furniture and 1940s shirt buttons to scents and even afternoon light. But as the rooms become more convincing, an increasing number of healthy people seek out the clinic as a time shelter, hoping to escape from the horrors ... |
A small boy creates a shelter for his sadness, a safe space where Sadness is welcome, where it can curl up small, or be as big as it can be, where it can be noisy or quiet, or anything in between. The boy can visit the shelter whenever he needs to, every day, sometimes every hour, and the two of them will cry and talk or just sit, saying nothing. And the boy knows that one day Sadness may come out of the shelter, and together they will look out at the world, and see how beautiful it is. A poignant and heart-warming picture book exploring the importance of making space and time for our own griefs, small or large, ... |
Тентата за плаж на "Aquawave" е изключително подходяща за използване по време на плаж, къмпинг или пикник. Разпъването става много лесно и бързо. Тентата за плаж е снабдена с вграден под и осигурява добра защита от слънце, лек дъжд и вятър. Плажната е изработена от материя с UV защита със степен 30+. Характеристики: материал - полиестер под - полиетилен рейки - фибростъкло размери в сгънато състояние - 62 x 10 cm размери в разпънат вид - 210 / 120 / 120 cm тегло - 1.100 kg ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Illustrated by Kim Barnes. ... The timeless tale of Rapunzel has been beautifully captured in Kim Barnes' gorgeous illustration style. Every page showcases full-bled artwork that is packed with charm and detail to enthrall children. The story has been simply retold to appeal to young readers and listeners alike. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... In this hugely influential, groundbreaking work of science fiction, a brilliant scientist constructs a machine, which, with the pull of a lever, propels him to the year AD 802,701. The Time Traveller finds himself in a verdant, seemingly idyllic landscape where he is greeted by the diminutive Eloi people. The Eloi are beautiful, but weak and indolent, and the explorer is perplexed by their fear of the dark. He soon discovers the reason for their fear - the Eloi are not the only race to have inherited the earth. When his time machine disappears, the Time ... |
A gripping new romance from the team that brought you New York Times bestseller "Five Feet Apart". Can you find true love after losing everything? Kyle and Kimberly have been the perfect couple all through high school, but when Kimberly breaks up with him on the night of their graduation party, Kyle's entire world upends - literally. Their car crashes and when he awakes, he has a brain injury. Kimberly is dead. And no one in his life could possibly understand. Until Marley. Marley is suffering from her own loss, a loss she thinks was her fault. As Kyle and Marley work to heal each other's wounds, ... |
Магнитните книгоразделители "Adventure time" са малки, симпатични и изключително практични разделителчета за книги, изработени от магнитно фолио. Закачват се стабилно за страницата, за да пазят добре до къде сте стигнали или да отбележат специално място в книгата. С цветните си тематични дизайни ще направят четенето още по-приятно. Всеки разделител е с размери 5.5 x 2.2 cm. ... |
This book is a special edition of "Quick Reads" series. ... Have you ever been in the wrong place, at the wrong time? You are hiking in the Scottish highlands with three friends when you come across a girl. She is half-naked, has been badly beaten, and she can't speak English. She is clearly running away from someone. Do you stop to help her? Even if it means putting your friends' lives - and your own - in terrible danger? About the series "Quick Reads" are bite-sized books by bestselling writers and well-known personalities for the people who want a short, fast-paced read. They are designed ... |
Can a killer ever go free? When sixteen-year-old Drew Gamble shoots dead the cop who was abusing his family, he becomes the most hated person in Clanton, Mississippi. The townsfolk expect Drew to be convicted and go to the gas chamber. It falls to Jake Brigance, Clanton's most famous lawyer, to defend the kid. However reluctant he is to put himself in the firing line, Jake is determined to do his best to save Drew. And, as the folk in Clanton already know, when Jake Brigance takes on a case, even a cut and dried one like this, anything can happen. ... |
Етикетите от Rainbow са от самозалепваща хартия и са декорирани с красиви илюстрации. Прилепват добре както към хартия и картон, така и към подвързиите за учебници и тетрадки. Всеки етикет е с редове за надписване и размери 7.8 x 4.9 cm. ... |
Етикетите от Rainbow са от самозалепваща хартия и са декорирани с красиви илюстрации. Прилепват добре както към хартия и картон, така и към подвързиите за учебници и тетрадки. Всеки етикет е с редове за надписване и размери 7.8 x 4.9 cm. ... |
Картичката с дизайн тип консерва на "Gespansterwald" е изработена от алуминий и хартия. Тя е с изключително свеж дизайн - надпис "Time to Party it's your Birthday" на зелен фон и флорален мотив. Подходяща е за рожден ден, като самата тя може да бъде подарък с послание, или да бъде добавена към по-голям такъв, за да бъде постигнат ефекта на "подарък в подаръка". Подобно на "писмо в бутилка" това е различен и уникален начин да изразите внимание и любов като изпратите послание, малък подарък или комбинация от двете. Чрез специален отвор отстрани, можете да поставите избраният от ... |