Тази книга не е за всеки. Тя е за тези, които имат амбиции, които искат да се развиват и да се усъвършенстват като личности, които търсят и се стремят към успеха, които са насочени към своето бъдеще и настояват да постигнат повече в живота си. Тя е само за тия хора, които обичат четенето, и то за тях е твърде важно нещо, скъпа жизнена ценност. А за немалка част от човеците, както е известно, скъпите и увличащите ги занимания са други, различни и далечни от знанието, интелекта, мъдростта, прогреса. Който чете малко, трябва да е хитър и лъжлив, за да се покаже знаещ, без да е знаещ. Книгата не е за такива. Това ... |
Part of the hugely popular "Professional English in Use" series, this book offers management vocabulary reference and practice for learners of intermediate level and above (B1-C1). Key MBA topics, covered in 40 independent units, including Leadership, Change Management and Finance are presented through real business case studies. The course has been informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that the language taught is up-to-date and frequently used. Primarily designed as a self-study book, it can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons. This book is a must for both students of MBA ... |
Pocket editions. A compact, user-friendly reference book addressing many of the kinds of questions about grammar that regularly confront teachers, both novice and experienced, when planning or executing their lessons. A glance at any web-site, discussion forum or social network shared by teachers of English suggests that teachers are constantly asking each other questions related to pedagogical grammar. These may simply be questions about terminology or categorisation (What's a clause?; Is like a preposition?), or they may seek to unravel subtle grammatical distinctions (What's the difference between for and ... |
Based on the story of Charles Dickens. Retold by Clare West. ... Christmas is humbug, Scrooge says - just a time when you find yourself a year older and not a penny richer. The only thing that matters to Scrooge is business, and making money. But on Christmas Eve three spirits come to visit him. They take him travelling on the wings of the night to see the shadows of Christmas past, present, and future - and Scrooge learns a lesson that he will never forget. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of ... |
Rowan: I'm in the business of creating fairy tales. Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels. Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland. My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her. Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias. By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late. People like me don't get happy endings. Not when we're destined to ruin them. Zahra: After submitting a drunk proposal criticizing Dreamland's most expensive ride, I should have been fired. Instead, Rowan Kane offered me a dream job. The catch? I had ... |
Broke young man + chainsaw dog demon = Chainsaw Man! Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive in a harsh world. After being killed on a job, he is revived by his pet devil-dog Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous-Chainsaw Man! Denji's a poor young man who'll do anything for money, even hunting down devils with his pet devil-dog Pochita. He's a simple man with simple dreams, drowning under a mountain of debt. But his sad life gets turned upside down one day when he's betrayed by someone he trusts. Now with the power of a devil inside him, Denji's become a whole new man - ... |
Academic Vocabulary in Use Second Edition is the perfect study aid for anyone using English for their academic work. Ideal for students of any discipline, this second edition has been updated to reflect changes in education, technology and communications, includes a selection of new reading passages, and is now in full colour. 50 easy-to-use, two-page units give clear explanations of new vocabulary, along with a variety of practice exercises. A comprehensive answer key, and phonemic transcriptions to help with pronunciation, make it perfect for self-study as well as for use in the classroom. This book is designed for ... |
Работната тетрадка е незаменим помощник при изучаването на английски език по учебната система For Real. Учебната тетрадка съдържа: синтезиран граматичен материал под формата на таблици, както и подробен списък с новата лексика в началото на всеки урок; много и разнообразни упражнения, които следват уроците в учебника; задачи за четене и писане по формата на езиковите изпити за съответното ниво; тест за самооценка в края на всеки модул. Учебната система For Real - Ниво Elementary (A2) за 8. клас се състои от: учебник тетрадка Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Поредицата се състои от книжки с упражнения за децата, на които им предстои да тръгнат на училище. ... |
Live Well, Make Money. ... Everyone should work for themselves. But don't cashflow forecasts, tax returns and P&Ls all sound a bit of a faff? Fear not: help is at hand. In Business for Bohemians, Tom Hodgkinson combines practical advice with laugh-out-loud anecdote to create a refreshingly candid guidebook for all of us who aspire to a greater degree of freedom in our working lives. Whether you dream of launching your own startup or profiting from your creativity in your spare time, Business for Bohemians will equip you with the tools to turn your talents into a profitable and enjoyable business. Accounting need no ... |
Поредицата се състои от книжки с упражнения за децата, на които им предстои да тръгнат на училище. ... |
And my toaster is taking over the world... By the winner of the waterstones children's book prize. Cover artwork by Robin Boyden. ... Luke’s dad has bought a lot of gadgets recently and not one of them works as it’s supposed to. Maybe it’s because a machine-from-the-future is stalking Bromley, playing havoc with all the tech and trying to stop Star Lad going on a date. Could this be the Rise of the Machines? Luke knows what he must do - he just needs his fellow SCARF members to help, or it will be the end of everything... ... |