The Prince and the Pauper is a classic adventure of mistaken identity set in Tudor London and told with Mark Twain’s trademark humour and concern for social justice. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library - a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition has an afterword by author and journalist Nicolette Jones. Penniless Tom Canty wonders what it would be like to be a prince. Heir to the throne Edward Tudor dreams of a life outside the royal palace walls. When the two boys ... |
Настоящата книга съдържа: адаптирана версия на "Принцът и просякът" на английски език; превод на по-сложни думи и изрази, даден за улеснение на самото място в текста; шест теста, подходящи за всички, владеещи английски език на средно ниво, които се занимават интензивно с изучаването му; ключ с отговорите на тестовете, който прави книгата полезна както за работа в клас под ръководството на учителя, така и за самоподготовка. Поредицата "Language Trainer" е предназначена да помага на учащите да усъвършенстват познанията си по английски език за ниво B2 според Общата европейска езикова рамка като: ... |
Based on the story of Mark Twain. Retold by Alex Raynham. ... It is 1547 in London, and Tom is a pauper. His father sends him onto the streets of London to beg for money every day, and hits him when he brings nothing back. But Edward is a prince, the son of King Henry VIII, and he has everything. There is something very unusual about these boys: they are from different worlds, but they look the same. When they meet one day, a mistake puts each boy into the wrong life. So what happens when a prince lives as a pauper, and a pauper lives as a king? Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and ... |
An Autobiography is an adaptation of Mark Twain's famous autobiogrphy. This title has approximately three thousand headwords and is sppropriate for upper intermediate to advanced learners. Twain was an American writer of such classics as "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Prince and the Pauper". In his time, he was considered the funniest man on earth. In this small volume the author recounts colourful anecdotes from his long life. "In this Autobiopgraphy, I shall keep in mind the fact that I am speaking from the grave... I shall be dead ... |
Смяната на местата никога не е била по-забавна от тази анимирана версия на класическото произведение на Марк Твен. ... Когато две приличащи си момчета сменят местата си, това е весело и объркано приключение за всички! Сред блясъка, грандиозността и интригите на 17-ти век в Англия, това поразяващо анимирано музикално достижение е изпълнено с най-смахнатите, най-обичаните образи от времето на Краля Лъв. Но това хвърля чара на магията върху всичко! Принц Едуард е изморен да живее в двореца си без никакви приятели, освен неговия любим сокол Едуард - страхлива "топка пера с криле", който се страхува от височини. Том ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Niccolo Machiavelli provides a remarkably uncompromising picture of the true nature of power, no matter what era or by whom it is exercised. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an afterword by Oliver Francis. Drawing on examples from the ancient Greeks and Romans and from Machiavelli's contemporaries, The Prince offers - some believed with ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... The richness of Oscar Wilde 's way with words and ideas is given full range in this sparkling collection of short stories written between 1887 and 1891. From the comic tales of "The Canterville Ghost" and "Lord Arthur Savile's Crime" to the marvelous fairy stories and fantasies of "The Selfish Giant", "The Happy Prince" and "The Star Child", we are treated to the extravagance and dexterity of Wilde's exceptional wit, in stories that will appeal to both adults and children. Beautifully ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features a specially commissioned translation by Ros and Chloe Schwarz, as well as the charming original black and white illustrations by Saint-Exupery himself. After crash-landing in the Sahara Desert, a pilot encounters a little ... |
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author. ... Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever. And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe. One terrible morning, Jude and her sisters see their parents murdered in front of them. The terrifying assassin abducts all three girls to the world of Faerie, where Jude is installed in the royal court but mocked and tormented by the Faerie royalty for being mortal. As Jude grows older, she realises that ... |
Книжка от поредицата "Златно перо". ... Бедното момче Том се научава да чете благодарение на отец Андрю. Под влияние на книгите то започва да мечтае за разкошния живот на благородниците. И ето че съдбата го среща с невръстния наследник на английския престол. Между принц Едуард и Том има удивителна прилика, която изиграва лоша шега и на двамата. ... |
Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful hardbacks make perfect gifts for book lovers, or wonderful additions to your own collection. This edition features a specially commissioned translation by Ros and Chloe Schwarz, as well as the charming original illustrations by Saint-Exupery himself, coloured by Barbara Frith. After crash-landing in the Sahara Desert, a pilot encounters a little prince who is visiting Earth from his own planet. Their strange and moving meeting illuminates for the aviator many ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Владетелят е най-известното произведение на ренесансовия мислител, философ и дипломат Николо Макиавели. Смята се за едно от първите произведения на политическата философия. В книгата с неприкрита яснота, граничеща с цинизъм, са анализирани механизмите на власт - завладяване, укрепване, задържане на властта и т.н.. Изборът на английски език, вместо оригиналния италиански, е продиктуван от факта, че Владетелят се изучава или поне цитира във всички факултети по хуманитарни дисциплини като история, политология, философия, психология, икономика, мениджмънт и други, където ... |