One of the most powerful self-help guides ever written. "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" introduces and explains the mind-focusing techniques that remove the subconscious obstacles that prevent us from achieving the success we want - and deserve. This authorised edition of Dr. Murphy 's keystone work is the first premium mass market edition to feature additional commentary drawn from his unpublished writings. As practical as it is inspiring, Dr. Murphy's work demonstrates with real-life examples the way to unleash extraordinary mental powers to build self-confidence, create harmonious relationships, ... |
...because everyone deserve a fresh start. ... Smart and funny Ruth Hogan, author of The Keeper of Lost Things The first step was learning to read, but if she really wants to turn her life around, Maggsie is going to have to trust other people - and that might just be the hardest lesson she’s ever faced... Small and dyslexic, with a short fuse, bad teeth, a prison record and something to prove, Marguerite McNaughton - Maggsie - doesn't need anybody or anything, thank you very much. She's more than capable of looking after herself. She's also about to discover that everyone needs someone, sometimes. Even her. ... |
Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results. No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving - every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level ... |
"Dover" empower your life series. ... Change your life by changing your beliefs! This user's guide to the mind explains how to control the force of subconscious thought with the techniques of autosuggestion and visualization. Learn how to attain self-confidence, create harmonious relationships, accumulate wealth, overcome fears, banish bad habits, promote physical healing, and achieve well-being and happiness. Dr. Murphy's techniques have helped readers all over the world. Inspiring examples throughout this book attest to the effectiveness of his methods. ... |
In a world of deceit, only the death hold the truth. Raine is seventeen-years-old and still on the run. She can see the dead, a secret that could get her killed. Seeking refuge with a deluded cult is her latest bad decision but rescuing an injured woman in the snow is soon revealed to be a horrific mistake. Hazia endangers not just Raine, but the whole world: she's escaped from Redwinter, fortress-monastery of the Draoihn, the warrior magicians who answer to no king or queen of the land, but to their own Grand Master. They will stop at nothing to retrieve what she’s stolen. Raine must survive by her wits, and her ... |
Five short stories about life in America in the 1920s and 1940s: "The Cut-glass Bowl" - A wedding present brings sorrow and bad luck. "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" - Marjorie tells Bernice that if she cuts off her long hair, she will be admired by all the young men. "Gretchen's Forty Winks" - Roger Halsey tricks his wife and finishes an important job. "Magnetism" - A rich and handsome film star has power over people. But can he control this power or will it destroy him? "Three Hours Between Planes" - Donald visits an old friend. But will Nancy remember him? This book is ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Thoughts, ideas, concepts... For you hairdressers – creators ... With this technical catalogue, we invite you to enter in endless space of aesthetic hair coloring and to break the routine in daily life towards originality in sensual chic of hair. Our proposals will give you the unique opportunity to perfect and realize techniques, dreamed of by your clients. We will introduce you in the world of unusual color combinations, for hair style and exclusive decisions for expressing of modern individuality in professional manner of hairdresser. Catalogue will help you to respond to bold and rich imagination of free person via ... |
Десет карти, разкриващи бъдещето на нашия свят. Вижте защо следващата бежанска криза в Европа е по-близо, отколкото си мислим, заради проблемите в Сахел; защо Източното Средиземноморие е една от най-взривоопасните точки през XXI век и защо земната атмосфера предстои да се превърне в следващото световно бойно поле."Интересно и достъпно изследване на силите, оформящи нашето бъдеще на Земята и отвъд нея." Ед Хюсеин, автор на Ислямът. Световна история "Книгите на Маршъл са отлично четиво за всеки, който се опитва да разбере света и наблюдава с изумление променящите се съюзи. Маршъл предлага изключителен ... |
It is getting dark over the mountain lake; the passing winter freezes the quiet northern land. A little boy dressed in fur, girded with a sword decorated with a raven head, struggles with uneven terrain, mud, and unbearable load - the remains of his father - Edsgar, the mighty warrior of the Great North. A stream of white light splashes from the sky to the funeral pyre. A ringing sound fills everything around. It is as if billions of metal particles are sprinkled on a steel shield. Edsgar bids farewell to Erik, the lovely Valkyries take on the spirit of the warrior, and he flies with them to the gates of Valhalla to take ... |
The use of airborne weapons in combat characterizes armed conflict since the end of the 19th Century, and especially since the start of the 20th Century. Today the significance of airborne weaponry has grown to the point where it plays a decisive role in the outcome of armed and political crises. This book is dedicated to 100-anniversary from the first control humans` flight, aims to clarify the genesis of air power, uncover its essence, and trace the evolution in this term during certain stages of its currency.Official historiography, memoirs,and scientific papers form the base for research. Subject of the study is air ... |
Sean "Diddy" Combs, по-известен като Puff Daddy и "Bad Boy Entertainment" празнуват повече от 20 години статута си на водеща сила в хип хоп и R&B индустрията с издаването на "Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition". Нужен на всеки колекционер и любител на тази музика боксетът включва бонус книжка със 64 страници предговор и записки, писани от журналиста Мишел Гонзалес, колекцията ще разказва историята на "Bad Boy Entertainment", припомняйки на феновете за лейбъла и важното място, което той заема в бранша. С помощта на всички, взели участие в създаването на бокс сета, слушателите ... |
Книга от поредицата "Войни и власт". ... "48-те закона на властта" представлява наръчник за изкуството на манипулациите и измамите. Описаните закони са извлечени въз основа на съчиненията на десетки видни исторически деятели, всеки от които по своето време е бил добре запознат с правилата на играта с властта и е умеел майсторски да ги прилага. Тези писания обхващат внушителен период, превишаващ три хиляди години, като са били създавани през най-различни епохи - от Древния Китай през Италия по времето на Ренесанса, та чак до края на XX век. Въпреки различните епохи обаче навсякъде се прокрадват общи ... |