Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... E. M. Delafield's largely autobiographical novel takes the form of a journal written by an upper-middle-class lady living in a Devonshire village. Written with humour, this charming novel is full of the peculiarities of daily life. The Provincial Lady of the title attempts to avoid disaster and prevent chaos from descending upon her household. But with a husband reluctant to do anything but doze behind The Times, mischievous children and trying servants, it's a challenge keeping up appearances on an inadequate income, particularly in front of the ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
6-дисков бокс сет, съдържащ всички студийни албуми, записани от групата между 1969 и 1977 г. ... "Bread" бяха един от водещите гласове в софт-рок ерата, завладял радио вълните в Америка през 70 -те години. През 8 -те години съвместна работа с "Elektra Records", калифорнийският квартет създава незабравими хитове като "If", "Baby I'm-a Want You", както и парчето, оглавило класациите през 1970 г. "Make It With You". Сетът включва: Bread (1969) On The Waters (1970) Manna (1971) Baby I'm-a Want You (1972) Guitar Man (1972) Lost Without Your Love (1977) ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
It's summer vacation, the weather's great, and all the kids are having fun outside. So where's Greg Heffley? Inside his house, playing video games with the shades drawn. Greg, a self-confessed "indoor person", is living out his ultimate summer fantasy: no responsibilities and no rules. But Greg's mom has a different vision for an ideal summer... one packed with outdoor activities and "family togetherness". Whose vision will win out? Or will a new addition to the Heffley family change everything? This is the fourth book in Jeff Kinney 's phenomenally successful "Diary of a ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
International Bestseller. Zoo-Wee Mama! Mini Board Game Inside! ... Life was better in the old days. Or was it? That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world. With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going "old school" just too hard for a kid like Greg? This is the tenth book in Jeff Kinney 's phenomenally successful "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he's innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he's going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays? ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
International Bestseller. ... Let's face it: Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways. Somebody just needs to explain that to Greg's father. You see, Frank Heffley actually thinks he can get his son to toughen up, and he enlists Greg in organized sports and other "manly" endeavors. Of course, Greg is able to easily sidestep his father's efforts to change him. But when Greg's dad threatens to send him to military academy, Greg realizes he has to shape up... or get shipped out. This is the third book in Jeff Kinney 's phenomenally successful "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Widely accepted as Henry James great masterpiece, "The Portrait of a Lady" is a poignant and intense exploration of freedom and identity. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an introduction by Costa Award-winning author Colm Toibin. Intelligent, beautiful and vivacious, Isabel Archer fascinates and ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Книгата е двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... В този дневник от стихове, поетът Антон Баев споделя с нас 63 меланхолии. Тези меланхолии са далеч от отчаянието. Тия зрели стихотворения, изпълнени с опита и радостта от живота, ни увличат в едно пътуване, в което отново ще открием човечността, поезията и, разбира се, себе си. "Има родство по кръв и родство по избор, както знаем от Гьоте, но има и друго родство, родство по тъга. Четейки поезията на Антон Баев, споделям такова родство, усещам близък този юг на тъгите ни, тяхната митология и биография. Да, тъгите ни имат особена география и биография. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Каквото и да сте намислили, само не питайте Грег Хефли как е прекарал лятната си ваканция, защото на него изобщо не му се говори за това. Със започването на новата учебна година Грег няма търпение да забрави последните три месеца... и най-вече една определена случка. За беда Родрик, баткото на Грег, знае абсолютно всичко за инцидента, който дръндьото се опитва да потули. Но тайните все намират начин да излязат наяве... особено когато е намесен един дневник. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Бестселър № 1 на Ню Йорк Таймс. ... Грег Хефли винаги е бил нетърпелив да порасне. А всъщност, наистина ли израстването и осъзнаването вървят ръка за ръка? Изневиделица Грег се оказва притиснат от ходенето по купони с момичета, нарасналите отговорности и трудните промени, от които няма измъкване, когато порастваш - и всичко това без неговия най-добър приятел, Раули. Ще успее ли Грег да се справи сам? Или е време да се сблъска с грозната истина? Читателите обожават поредицата "Дневникът на един дръндьо" - бестселър на "Ю Ес Ей Тъдей", "Паблишърс Уикли", "Уол Стрийт Джърнъл" и " ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Video Game Compendium. Based on a series of Polish novels extremely popular in Eastern Europe, The Witcher games have sold more then 5.5 million copies and collectively won over 250 awards worldwide. There are currently two games available across multiple platforms, and a third is slated for release in 2014. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be released in 2014 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Dark Horse is introducing a new series of graphic novels chronicling the adventures of Geralt, a witcher, one of the few remaining monster hunters. Dive deep into the world of monster hunters, as the prominent characters from the universe ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Now a major motion picture. ... Charlie's not the biggest geek in high school. Shy, introspective, intelligent, yet socially awkward, Charlie is a wallflower, standing on the threshold of his life whilst watching everyone else live theirs. As Charlie tries to navigate his way through uncharted territory - the world of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends - he realises that he can't stay on the sidelines forever. There comes a time when you have to see what life looks like from the dance floor. A modern classic and now a major motion picture, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" is a ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |