Изданието е на британски английски (British English). ... По историите за Шерлок Холмс на Сър Артър Конан Дойл, преразказани от Ричард Макандрю. Книгата включва три от случаите на най-известния детектив в света: "Bruce Partington Plans" - някои строго секретни планове на правителството изчезват и Холмс знае, че разкриването на кражбата няма да е лесно; "Devil's Foot" - почивката на Холмс е прекъсната от събитие, което изглежда по-скоро свръхестествено, отколкото криминално; "The Copper Beeches" - Холмс е посетен от жена, получила предложение за добре платена работа с някои много ... |
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Illustrated by Roberto Tomei. ... "The rain was still falling against the windows and the wind was blowing strongly. Inside the library, there was silence. Dorothea sat down on a couch in the middle of the room. Will sat down beside her and help her hand. "Oh, it is impossible!" Will cried. "We love each other, but we can never be married!" From the Book "Middlemarch" is George Eliot 's classic story of the lives and loves of people living in a small English town. The idealistic Dorothea, unhappy and bored with her marriage, begins a sensitive friendship with her husband's ... |
Illustrated by Sharif Tarabay. ... "Macbeth: If I do it, then I must do it quickly. But will this murder be enough? will it bring success? Or will more problems follow? No man avoids the judgement that's to come and I'll be judged in this world too." From the Book Shakespeare's Scottish story of magic and murder is one of his darkest works. Macbeth's bloody rise to power is encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth. Their ambition leads them into a world of guilt and madness which destroys their marriage - and ends in tragedy. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and ... |
There are films of these stories. ... Can you solve these mysteries? Sherlock Holmes, and his assistant Dr. Watson, investigate the cases of "The Speckled Band", "The Dancing Men" and "The Red-Headed League". This book is in British English and here you can find a story and points for understanding and glossary. There are audio downloadable materials for this book, which are available to buy at www.macmillaneducationebooks.com. ... |
Illustrated by Julia Pearson. ... "Anna opened carriage door and stepped down onto the platform. The wind and snow swirled around her and she took a deep breath of the freezing air. The storm was very powerful now. She took another deep breath and turned to go back into the train. As she turned, she saw Vronsky standing on the platform before her. He bowed to her and said a few words which she could not hear. All the time, he looked at her with the same expression - one of complete love. She was overcome by a feeling of great joy. "I did not know that you were travelling. Why are you coming to Petersburg?" ... |
Illustrated by Kay Dixie. ... "Your mother, Esther, was your disgrace and you are hers." These words were Esther's earliest memory. But who was Esther's mother? What was the disgrace? And why did the ghost walk at Chesney Wold? This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; list of titles at upper level; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |
Illustrated by Fausto Bianchi and Martin Sanders. ... "Ahab looked over the side of the boat and stared into the water. At first he saw only a white spot under the sea, but it grew bigger as it grew nearer to the surface of the water. Suddenly, Ahab could see two long rows of sharp teeth. It was Moby Dick's open mouth!" From the Book When Ishmael and his friend join the crew of the whaling ship the Pequod, they are unaware that its captain, the mysterious Ahab, is out for revenge. His plan is to pursue and kill the vicious white whale, Moby Dick, and no one can stop him! This book is in American English. ... |
Illustrated by Matilda Harrison. ... Xuma is from the north. He comes to live in Malay Camp, a township near Johannesburg, so that he can work in the mine. The job is very hard but Xuma is strong and learns quickly. Xuma is lonely in Malay Camp. He desperately wants Eliza's love but she wants the comforts of a white man's life. Xuma cannot give her these things, for he is black. Maisy is a simple, happy girl. She loves Xuma very much. Will Xuma overcome his desire for Eliza and accept Maisy's love? This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; ... |
Illustrated by Fiona MacVicar. ... "Linda learn back in her chair and said calmly, "Colin, do you want to earn £10 000 for one evening's easy work?" He laughed. "I don't buy lottery tickets", he said. "I'm serious, Colin", Linda said. "And I'm not talking about £10 000 in cash. It's yours, if you want it."Colin sat up straight and removed Linda's hand from his own hand. "What's going on?" he said nervously. "What do you want from me?"Linda drove onto the car-park and switched off the car engine. "My husband is going ... |
Illustrated by Ruth Palmer. ... "Amelia's dowry of ten thousand pounds, her blue eyes and her pretty pink face will bring her a rich husband", Becky Sharp thought. "But I'm alone in the world and must look after myself. I'm must cleverer than her and I've a better figure. I must use my wits to find a husband and a house of my own. One day, I'll have a higher place in society than Amelia, and I'll have done it all myself!" From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of William Makepeace Thackeray; points for understanding ... |
За актуализирания изпит First Certificate in English от 2015 година. ... За подготовката на интересен и ефективен учебен час преподавателите могат да използват също разработения за обучение в клас DVD-ROM "Presentation Plus". Дискът се предлага отделно и дава възможност на учителите да съвместят по интерактивен начин материали от учебника, от учебната тетрадка и записите от двете CD-та за задачите за слушане. Софтуерът на диска може да се използва с всички видове интерактивни бели дъски или с компютър и проектор. С "Presentation plus" преподавателите могат: да показват материалите от учебника и ... |
Учебникът "Insight - Upper-Intermediate" на издателство "Oxford University Press" съдържа поредица от информационно наситени текстове, съпътствани от интересни дейности и задачи, които мотивират учащите да изразяват своето мнение и да мислят критично към света, в който живеят. "Insight" помага на учениците да усъвършенстват разбирането си за това как работи езикът. Материалите в урочните единици разглеждат не само речниковите значения на думите, но и граматичните правила, които определят тяхното използване. По този начин се предоставя възможност на учащите да използват езика с по-голяма ... |