These essays bring together ideas and modes of expression from Vico, Hegel, Cassirer, and James Joyce. This work approaches philosophy as a form of literature and approaches literature as containing insights and images that supply a basis for philosophical thought. Philosophy and literature are both products of the rational imagination. The rational imagination provides a guide to the conception of the good society. By looking back at Plato's Laws, it is possible to conceive society as based on friendship rather than ideology. Considering the interrelationships among philosophy, society, and literature offers a ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
След бестселъра SPQR, в който Мери Биърд разказва историята на Древен Рим, Императорът на Рим се фокусира върху владетелите, управлявали Римската империя: от предвестника на едноличната власт Юлий Цезар (убит през 44 г. пр. Хр.) до момчето император Александър Север (убит през 235 г.). За разлика от традиционния подход, който проследява хронологично живота и управлението на императорите, робувайки на клишета като побъркания Калигула, чудовището Нерон, философа Марк Аврелий..., Мери Биърд акцентира върху характера на властта и нейния публичен образ. Каква власт са имали императорите в действителност? Наистина ли в ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Пътеводителят е на английски език и съдържа информация за традициите, историята, природата, празниците и културата на България и нейната столица София. В него са включени: 70 карти - на центровете на най-големите градове, планински и морски курорти и някои селища; туристическа информация за 100 селища и курорта; 70 манастира; природни забележителности и феномени; културно-исторически забележителности; 100-те национални туристически обекта и карта с тяхното местоположение; туристически маршрути; 7 винени тура; полезна информация - транспорт (въздушен, автобусен, метро, таксиметров, рент-а-кар); настаняване ( ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Архитектурен пътеводител на град София. ... Sofia is one of the oldest cities in Europe, and it remains a relatively undiscovered melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures. Its urban fabric comprises a vast range of architectures, with structures by the ancient Thracians, the Romans, the Byzantines, as well as works from the Bulgarian medieval era, the Ottoman Empire, and the modern day, including the peculiar period of communist historicism and modernism. This book presents the city and its capacity to produce a singular architectural experience by tracing its geography and dissecting its historical layers. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
This study guide is intended to help students who are studying Macroeconomics at the introductory level at the University of National and World Economy, as well as other higher education institutions teaching similar programs. The contents of the study guide are in line with those of the world's leading textbooks in this field and can serve to test and deepen the acquired knowledge. It is fully consistent with the Macroeconomics syllabus at the University of National and World Economy. Although macroeconomics may sometimes be challenging, we hope to make it much easier to understand (and maybe even interesting) by ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
"The Rough Guide to Florida" is the essential handbook to the Sunshine State with full coverage of the best beaches, theme parks, cultural attractions, state parks and outdoor activities. There are detailed reviews of all the top hotels and restaurants to suit every budget, plus a new "Authors' Picks" feature to highlight the very best options. The guide includes descriptions of Walt Disney World and the other Orlando theme parks, complete with insider tips for making the most of your holiday. Whether it's hiking the Apalachicola Trail or snorkeling around the Florida Reef, there is a full ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
"The Rough Guide to Melbourne" is the most extensive guidebook available to Australia's second-largest city. The guide features lively accounts of the sights and discerning reviews of the best bars, hotels and restaurants. Now published as a larger B-format guide, the 16-page introduction includes full-colour photos of the authors selection of "Things Not to Miss" and large easy-to-read maps througout. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
To facilitate the study of 257 important homeopathic remedies ... Easy mastering of the Repertory Fast discovery of key symptoms Reliable confirmation of your prescription Handy help for teachers and students ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Explore Plovdiv's millennia-spanning history from its ancient ruins and 19th century houses to its Communist heritage and vibrant modern cityscape. Combining stunning photography and erudite text, this book unveils the city's gorgeous Roman mosaics, elegant neoclassical and modernist buildings, art and hidden gems, churches, mosques and synagogues created by generations of Plovdiv residents. With a special chapter on the must-see attractions around Plovdiv. By the authors of "A Guide to Jewish Bulgaria", "A Guide to Ottoman Bulgaria", "A Guide to Thracian Bulgaria", "A Guide ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Second, expanded & updated edition. ... This book is for everyone with an interest in Jewish history in Bulgaria and the Balkans, and in the general history of southeastern Europe. It is designed to be a journey through both territory and time, illuminating the sometimes very complex backgrounds while guiding through the topography. Many of the monuments described in it are hard to find and in various stages of disrepair: poignant reminders of a long-disappeared culture, but also pointers to the present and the future. Unless travellers know exactly where they are going and what they are seeking, these landmarks of ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
The Strandzha is Bulgaria's, and possibly Europe's, least known mountain range. It is a wild maze where you can easily get lost and a safe haven for species that survived the extinction of the last Ice Age. It is a mysterious place where century-old legends and stories cohabit with paganism, Christianity and modern mythology. It is dotted with ancient and latterday ruins. Yet, it is a lot more than that. Its pristine beaches at the Black Sea coast, its nature reserves, its rivers and its forests provide the intrepid traveller with countless opportunities to explore: from the perplexing ruins of Begliktash to the ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Преди 2000 години земите на днешна България станали част от една от най-великите империи в историята на света: Римската империя. Това съдбоносно събитие променило културата, пейзажа и населението на Балканите. Появили се нови градове, пътища и акведукти, работилници и пищни храмове, посветени на божества, пристигнали от близо и далеч. Улиците гъмжали от траки и от преселници от Гърция, Близкия Изток, Средна Европа и Апенините. Когато имало мир, провинциите процъфтявали под закрилата на войниците по дунавската граница на империята. Търговци правели бизнес с всички краища на империята, заможни граждани финансирали строежа ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |