Десет карти, разкриващи всичко, което трябва да знаете за световната политика. Ревизирано и допълнено издание. ... Всички лидери са ограничени от географията. Решенията им зависят от планини, реки, морета и бетон. За да следвате световните събития, наистина трябва да разбирате хората, идеите и движенията, но ако не познавате географията, никога няма да видите цялата картина. Ако сте се питали защо Путин е толкова обсебен от Крим, защо САЩ са били предопределени да станат световна свръхсила или защо китайската мощ продължава да се разраства, тук ще намерите отговорите на тези въпроси. Пленници на географията разглежда ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Pilot Don Radcliffe returns to Australia hoping to rescue a failed marriage and to spend more time with his daughter, Judy. But a routine cargo flight in an old DC4 airplane turns into tragedy when the plane crashes in the Australian Outback killing the co-pilot. Don and Judy's chances of survival seem slim as they struggle against sabotage, unscrupulous businessmen and the inhospitable landscape. ... |
There is a film of this story. ... "– This is wonderful, Professor Challenger! - I said. – You have found a place which no one knows about - a lost world. A world where creatures from the past still live. – But nobody in London believes my story - said the professor. – People say the drawing and the photograph are fakes - they aren't real. – I want to return to the Lost World. Other people must see the Lost World. Then everyone will know it is real!" From the book This book is in British English. Here you can find: a note about the author; a note about the story; the people in this story; points for ... |
An American Journalist's Inside Look at Cuba, 1959 - 1969. ... Between 1959 and 1969, photojournalist Lee Lockwood documented Cuba and its victorious revolutionary Fidel Castro with unprecedented freedom and access, including a marathon seven-day interview with Castro himself. This volume includes Lockwood's evocative photographs of Cuba and Castro, his many insightful observations, and extensive excerpts from the unprecedented Lockwood - Castro conversations. A unique and telling portrait of Cuba and its enigmatic leader. On December 31, 1958, Lee Lockwood, then a young photojournalist, went to Cuba to cover ... |
Defense attorney Mickey Haller - The Lincoln Lawyer - is inundated with pleas from prisoners protesting their innocence. With the help of ex-LAPD detective Harry Bosch, they find a needle in the haystack: a possible wrongful conviction. A woman imprisoned for murdering her husband, a sheriff's deputy. But the evidence doesn't add up, the department pushed for quick closure in the killing of one of its own. But is this rushed justice - or something more sinister? As they face a David versus Goliath court battle, the secrets which could set an innocent woman free could also be worth killing for... ... |
Kellen and Reichis have just finished fighting a duel in the desert when Kellen inadvertently smears blood on the Daroman flag - an act of treason for which the Marshals have no choice but to arrest him. Just before he's put before the Queen to be executed, Kellen is given a strange piece of advice from one of his fellow prisoners: kill the Queen and he'll be given clemency by those who take power. But when Kellen comes face-to-face with the eleven year-old monarch, he realises she's vastly smarter than he expected - and in a great deal more danger. The fifth book in the page-turning "Spellslinger" ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. A heart-rending story of strength in adversity, A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute is a celebration of the overwhelming power of love. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by bestselling novelist, Jenny Colgan. Jean Paget, a young English woman, is captured by the Japanese army in Malaya during World War Two. She is ... |
Discover how a cosmic perspective can change everything. Why are we here? What gives us hope? How do we know? 101 exchanges with the most influential scientist on the planet."The most popular scientist in the world". Sunday Times "Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all." Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life ... |