Keep this gorgeous journal alongside your collection of tarot and oracle card decks to unlock the secrets of your readings and awaken your psychic abilities. The Ultimate Tarot & Oracle Journal is more than just a diary, it's a tool to jog your memory and give you greater insight into your subconscious mind. Using this journal will assist you in remembering and interpreting your readings with more accuracy and detail, and help you realize the messages being communicated to you. A stunningly beautiful book with exquisite finishes, this product is designed specifically for the reader to easily keep a record of their ... |
To explore the Tarot is to explore ourselves, to be reminded of the universality of our longing for meaning, for purpose and for a connection to the divine. This 600-year-old tradition reflects not only a history of seekers, but our journey of artistic expression and the ways we communicate our collective human story. For many in the West, Tarot exists in the shadow place of our cultural consciousness, a metaphysical tradition assigned to the dusty glass cabinets of the arcane. Its history, long and obscure, has been passed down through secret writing, oral tradition, and the scholarly tomes of philosophers and sages. ... |
The first Tarot deck inspired by Madame Lenormand, the most famous fortune teller in history. The images originate from Etteilla's Livre de Thoth and from the oracle cards of Lenormand herself. Thanks to the simplicity of these Tarot cards and to one's intuition, one finds the key to reading the present, the past and the future. Art by Ernest Fitzpatrick, 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
Faithful reproduction of the Great Game of the Oracle of the Ladies. Surely one of the most fascinating and mysterious esoteric decks: the author, Etteilla (Jean-Baptiste Alliette) published it between 1783 and 1787, in Paris and Amsterdam. The author stated that the game of Tarot derived directly from the legendary "Book of Thoth", a magical text of ancient Egypt to be rediscovered through these cards. Reproduction of the Great Game of the Oracle of Dames, printed in Paris in 1870. 78 cards with dimensions 6.6 x 12 cm and instruction booklet included. ... |
След успеха на Tarot of Sexual Magic, същите автори - Laura Tuan и Mauro De Luca - създават много специален оракул около същата концепция. Картите предлагат гадателска яснота и всяка от тях е едновременно ритуал и практическо заклинание за водене на здравословен сексуален живот и пълноценна връзка с вашия партньор. Броя на картите е 36. Размерите на една карта са 8.8 x 12.5 cm. Към тях има и книжка с инструкции на английски, италиански, испански и португалски език. Книжката е със 128 страници и мека корица. ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
"Nella storia delle civilta, come anche nella storia delle persone, l'infanzia ha un ruolo decisivo" ha scritto lo storico francese Jacque le Goff. "L'infanzia dell'aristocrazia" di Europa ha le sue radici anche sui balcani ed i monumenti traci illustrano una parte dei suoi stadi iniziali. ... |
"En la historia de las civilizationes, lo mismo que en la historia de los individuos, la infancia es decisiva..." segun el historico Frances Jacques Le Goff. La "infancia de la aristocracia Europea" tiene sus raices en los Balcanes. Los monumentos de la cultura Tracia son una ilustracion de sus etapas iniciales. ... |
Тъй като любовта е сред най-великите сили, да бъдеш романтичен е пътуване, гледна точка и обещание да гледаш на света с очите на сърцето. Тези карти Таро ще ви помогнат да се докоснете до чувствата си и да ги разберете по-добре. Броя на картите е 78. Размерите на една карта са 6.6 x 12 cm. В комплекта има и книжка с инструкции на английски, испански, италиански, френски и немски език, размерите ѝ са 6.2 х 11.3 cm. ... |
Старите европейски карти имат една важна, все още недооценена подобаващо стойност - чрез тях може да се долови логиката в хилядолетното развитие на европейските представи за България. Тези представи са многопластови, често са нееднозначни и повдигат спорни въпроси. И в тях като всичко, що е продукт на човешкия разум, има неразумности, а и грешките не са рядкост. Над всичко обаче надделява един факт - в тези карти, макар и с различни граници, се изписва и изчертава България, дори и за периоди, в които е загубила своята политическа самостоятелност. Настоящето издание има за цел да публикува подбрани картографски образци, ... |
From the same author of the Thelema Tarot, a new masterpiece. A timeless art that traces an intuitive journey into an enchanted world where fantastic and modern meet. A dimension of dreams and magic, a symbolic panorama formed by the archetypes of the Arcana. The deck will be released in a boxed edition similar to that of the Thelema Tarot. Art by Renata Lechner, 78 full color cards whit dimensions 7 x 12 cm and instruction booklet. ... |
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter: the seasons are the first measure of time and the cyclical nature of things. All are interconnected and they transmit the sense of continuity as well as change in the world. The Manga tarot shows a universe of connections and references constructed around the fantastic epic of the Orient. Artwork by Anna Lazzarini, 78 full colour cards, dimensions: 7 / 3 / 12 cm and multilingual instruction booklet. ... |
Discover the modern magic of tarot and embark on a journey of self-care, healing and empowerment. ... "A powerful, straight-shooting writer and one of the most compelling new voices to emerge in the self-care and spirituality space." Sophia Amoruso, New York Times best-selling author of Girlboss The tarot is an empowering tool that has been used for divination over the centuries. But in Neo Tarot, tarot reader, writer and all-round witch, Jerico Mandybur, offers a refreshing and intelligent look at the ancient cards and practices, showing you that they should be used as healing tool first and foremost. With a ... |