A former FBI hostage negotiator's fiel-tested tools for talking anyone into (or out of) just about anything. A former FBI hostage negotiator offers a new, field-tested approach to negotiating - effective in any situation. After a stint policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, Chris Voss joined the FBI, where his career as a kidnapping negotiator brought him face-to-face with bank robbers, gang leaders and terrorists. Never Split the Difference takes you inside his world of high-stakes negotiations, revealing the nine key principles that helped Voss and his colleagues succeed when it mattered the most - ... |
Преговаряй така, сякаш животът ти зависи от това. Бивш федерален агент предлага изпитан подход за преговаряне в ситуации с висок залог, независимо дали преговорите се водят в заседателната зала, или в собствения ви дом. Крис Вос започва полицейската си кариера като улично ченге в размирния Канзас, след което постъпва във ФБР, където ролята му на преговарящ го среща лице в лице с всевъзможни престъпници - от банкови обирджии до терористи. Достигайки върховете на своята професия, той става главен преговарящ в случаите на заложнически кризи. Книгата ни въвежда в света на преговорите с висок залог и разкрива начина на ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Fifteen-year-old Sam is not a famous vlogger, he's never gone viral, and he doesn't want to be the Next Big Thing. In fact he's ordinary and proud of it. None of which was a problem until Dad got rich and Mum made the whole family move to London. Now Sam's off to the North London Academy for the Gifted and Talented, where everyone's busy planning Hollywood domination or starting alt-metal psychedelica crossover bands. Sam knows he'll never belong, even if he wanted to. And that's before he ends up on stage wearing nothing but a fur onesie. A brilliantly funny look at fitting in, falling out ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10.5 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the most celebrated works of classic literature for children, "The Wind in the Willows" follows Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger from one adventure to the next - in gipsy caravans and stolen cars, to prison and back to the Wild Wood. A story of animal cunning and human camaraderie, this remains a timeless tale more than 100 years after its publication. This edition contains all of the sixteen colour illustrations that Arthur Rackham produced for this book; most editions contain only twelve. In addition to this, Rackham's beautiful pen-and- ... |
That night, neither Louise or Julien could sleep. Louise thought about Julien's kisses and she was frightened. She knew that it was wrong to betray her husband. But she was in love with Julien Sorel. She had never felt love like this before! Julien thought about Louise's husband. The mayor was an important and powerful man. If Julien seduced Rênal's beautiful wife, he would be in danger. He was sure that he would lose his job. Perhaps Rênal would kill him! This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of Stendhal; points for understanding comprehension questions; ... |
Да забравиш е страшно. Но да си спомниш може да е ужасяващо... Един ден Чарли Уинуд губи всичките си спомени - тя не помни името си, къде живее, на колко години е... Изглежда, че единственият, който може да ѝ помогне да разкрие какво се е случило, е Сайлъс Наш, който също като нея е забравил всичко. Докато двамата бавно сглобяват парченцата от пъзела на общото им минало, откриват, че са били влюбени един в друг. Но колкото повече неща научават, толкова по-загадъчно става всичко... Авторките на бестселъри Колийн Хувър и Тарин Фишър обединяват сили, за да създадат роман, какъвто не сте чели досега - заплетена ... |
Незаменим наръчник за разбиране на другия пол - веднъж и завинаги. ... Мъжете и жените са различни... но научавайки научните причини за тези разлики и стратегиите, с които да се справим с отколешния спор между половете, ще можем да тушираме различията помежду ни. Защо той не иска да пита, когато не знае пътя? Защо тя все иска да обсъжда връзката? Защо той не разбира, че нещо я безпокои? В тази книга ще намерите отговори на тези, а и на много други въпроси. Но може би най-важните от тях са: Защо на мъжете и жените им е толкова трудно да се разбират? Как да се разбираме по-добре? Според д-р Мариан Легато - една от ... |
"It is well know to all how much daily problems the Bulgarian people has in these days. However, more dangerous than anything is the tendency to loose identity and national selfconfidence. This is a clearly visible tendency in the inscriptions of foreign languages, mass emigration and the wish for imitation of foreign culture. At other side, the answer to the question, "Why are you ashamed to call youself Bulgarian?" is more than obvious: there is in the present time to be proud of. The above-described situation makes preservation and popularization of Bulgarian History extraordinarily important. If it ... |
This gorgeous boxed set of all of her classic romantic novels includes "Pride and Prejudice", "Emma", "Sense and Sensibility", "Mansfield Park", "Persuasion" and "Northanger Abbey", and each individual volume is beautifully designed and features a bespoke jacket, introduction or afterword, and Hugh Thomson's timeless, evocative illustrations. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Whether in the electrically charged chemistry of Elizabeth Bennett and ... |
"The Unfathomable Chasm is Pre-Eternal - unstirred by time, not bothered by Eternity. The Deep Calm of the Unfathomable Chasm never speaks. This Calm has turned into Silence. Within the Unfathomable Chasm, there is no footing, no support, no reliance, no resurrection, no revelation. In the Unfathomable Chasm, in Infinity, there is only a majestic Plentitude. The veritable Pathway represents vanishing into the Nothnik, into Infinity. If you knew Me, you would forskae even the Sun." Eleazar Harash ... |
Compiler: Nevena Dishlieva-Krasteva. ... This is a collection of stories about our fathers who, although physically gone, are nevertheless always present. These poetic essays deliver a book about life, death, and loss; about happiness, which is always intimately personal; about life's fundamental lessons and the communication between generations. Besides drawing a dispersed but convincing portrait of life from the years of World War II through the Cold War era to the beginning of the twenty-first century, the stories included in the anthology are also of great literary quality and artistic value. And though they offer ... |
Number 1 New York Times bestselling author. They can only hurt you if you try to teach them. ... The Unteachables are a notorious class of misfits, delinquents, and academic train wrecks. They're so bad they've been removed from the student body and isolated in room 117. Their teacher is Mr. Zachary Kermit, the most burned-out teacher in all of Greenwich. He's living for retirement, but the superintendent has his own plans to torpedo that idea - and it involves assigning him to the Unteachables... The Unteachables never thought they'd find a teacher who had a worse attitude than they did. And Mr. Kermit ... |