Българска национална кухня на английски език. ... This seems to me to be the real deal and the very last word on genuine Bulgarian cuisine. Most of the recipes lean heavily toward meat ingredients except, of course, for the salads which are chiefly reminiscent of Greek-type salads (no lettuce.) There are also bounties of unique regional bread and dessert recipes which I doubt that you would find anywhere else. It's not really a down-side of the work to point out that this book design wreaks of a 1950s American cookbook in its actual presentation. The assembled food photos with the traditional chef standing behind ... |
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Забавен и лесен начин да се заиграем в пръстта! ... Създайте градината на мечтите си с подходящите растения и оборудване. Искате да имате зелени пръсти? Това полезно ръководство дава градинарски съвети за начинаещи, планове и вътрешно ноу-хау, така че да започнете с цветни лехи, бордюри, зеленчуци, дървета, храсти, морави и др. Пълно със съвети стъпка по стъпка, илюстрации, ресурси и идеи за засаждане, това полезно ръководство разглежда и всички инструменти, правещи градинарството в наши дни по-лесно от всякога! Открийте как да: подберете най-подходящите растения за вашия климат; планирате и подготвите градината си; ... |
Забавен и лесен начин да откриете къде се намирате в света. ... Включва ключови прозрения, лесни за разчитане карти и страхотни факти. Разширете вашето разбиране за географията и света днес. Объркани сте от Меркаторовите проекции? Бъркате символите по картите? Спокойно! Този забавен и лесен наръчник ще промени отношението ви към географската дължина и ширина. Професор Чарлс Хийтуол обяснява основите на географията и ви помага да разберете заобикалящия ви свят, от физическите форми на релефа, до политическите разделения, климата, населението, културите и икономиката. Д-р Чарлс А. Хийтуол е председател на Катедрата по ... |
Illustrated by Janos Jantner. ... William Shakespeare's romantic comedy about love and marriage. When four young lovers get lost in the forest, the fairies who live there play jokes on them - turning love into hate and hate into love. A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays and is still performed across the world. This Macmillan Reader is written as a playscript and includes original extracts from a Midsummer Night's Dream. This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of William Shakespeare; notes about the story; points for understanding ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "The Call of the Wild" tells the story of Buck, a domestic dog who is kidnapped from his home in California and forced to pull sleds in the Arctic wasteland. White Fang, by contrast, is the tale of a crossbreed who is three-quarters wolf and a quarter dog, and who must endure considerable suffering in the wilderness before being tamed by an American and taken to live in California. Extraordinary both for the vividness of their descriptions and the success with which they imagine life from a non-human perspective, Jack London's classics of ... |
A classic tarot that brings two fundamental spiritualities of Nature-Wicca and Druidry-together in the ancient art. Since it's original publication in 2005, The Druidcraft Tarot has been one of the most popular and most recommended tarots. Blending the ancient traditions of the tarot with the imagery and wisdom of Nature-based spiritualities, The Druidcraft Tarot is a beautifully illustrated deck with a book to guide both beginners and long-standing practioners to a deeper reading. Philip Carr-Gomm is one of the most prominent figures in the Mind, Body and Spirit (MBS) pagan movement, having been the leader of the ... |
Практически инструменти за повече личностна мощ и ефективност! Трансформирайте мисленето си за справяне с всяка ситуация - на работа, в училище, вътре във вас! Невролингвистично програмиране (НЛП) е система за всекидневна психология, която е променила живота на милиони. Като ви показва как да контролирате и адаптирате вашето мислене, НЛП може да ви помогне да се освободите от негативни мисли и да култивирате по-полезни убеждения за себе си и вашия свят. Невролингвистично програмиране For Dummies е най-лесният начин да усетите ползите от НЛП, като започнете от днес! Открийте как да: разпознаете начина, по който ... |
The best traditional recipes ... In the course of 35 years the author of this book has collected more than 4,500 cooking recipes from all over Bulgaria. They reflect the thousand-year old cultural traditions and relations, as well as part of the present-day life-style of the people who live in this country, famous for its extraordinary natural beauty. This book presents to the readers attention some of the most popular recipes of the culinary richness of the Bulgarian cuisine. ... |
Swiss artist HR Giger (1940 - 2014) is most famous for his creation of the space monster in Ridley Scott's 1979 horror sci-fi film Alien, which earned him an Oscar. In retrospect, this was just one of the most popular expressions of Giger's biomechanical arsenal of creatures, which consistently merged hybrids of human and machine into images of haunting power and dark psychedelia. The visions drew on demons of the past, harking back as far as Giger's earliest childhood fears as well as evoking mythologies for the future. Above all, they gave expression to the collective fears and fantasies of his age: fear of ... |
Fifth Edition. ... Would you like to get acquainted with the most important techniques every company manager should know? Quickly differentiate the fundamentals from the secondary, leading to the most accurate decisions? And do all of this for both everyday and extraordinary situations? If so, simply read this book. It presents an atypical look at the most successful techniques in business and draws on rich experience. Even within complex topics, easy-to-remember examples lead the reader step by step through the material clearly and methodically. The leading principles are highlighted, as are possible exceptions to them. ... |
Изследвайте живота, изкуството, изобретенията, откритията и мислите на Леонардо Да Винчи. Научете истината за Да Винчи и отсейте фактите от измислиците. Леонардо Да Винчи не само създава най-известната картина на света, Мона Лиза, но също е първооткривател - учен, изобретател и инженер, чийто принос продължава да оказва влияние върху ежедневието ни. Напоследък нараства и репутацията му на религиозен мислител. Но кой е всъщност този човек - квинтесенция на Ренесанса? "Леонардо Да Винчи For Dummies" предоставя директен обзор - от тайните му дневници и изобретения до подробните изследвания на човешката анатомия. ... |
Can a killer ever go free? When sixteen-year-old Drew Gamble shoots dead the cop who was abusing his family, he becomes the most hated person in Clanton, Mississippi. The townsfolk expect Drew to be convicted and go to the gas chamber. It falls to Jake Brigance, Clanton's most famous lawyer, to defend the kid. However reluctant he is to put himself in the firing line, Jake is determined to do his best to save Drew. And, as the folk in Clanton already know, when Jake Brigance takes on a case, even a cut and dried one like this, anything can happen. ... |