The book addresses the business and economic issues related to the deployment of freight exchange platforms. Freight exchange platforms' developments are of crucial importance for the fulfilment of the European Transport Policy Goals, as well as for sustainable transport development. Besides, the necessity of setting up appropriate institutional and financial framework, as well as business models for their deployment, are the most important issues when assessing the existing platforms and their viability. Moreover, the potential stakeholders should be identified and their interests in transport business should be ... |
Избери грим, прически и бижута за любимите си супермодели! В книгата ще откриете 8 напълно завършени модела за грим и прическа на 8 манекена. След всеки вариант има 4 незавършени лица, които сами да "гримирате" и "фризирате" като ги дорисувате. Следвайте стъпка по стъпка напътствията в книжката, за да се научите да рисувате прически и грим. Над 60 стикера ще ви помогнат да завършите своите произведения с модни аксесоари. С помощта на няколко цветни молива, стикери и въображение ще създадете нови модни тенденции, а супермоделите ви ще са като излезли от салон за красота! За да оцветите тази книжка ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Книгата е първото по рода си издание, което събира на едно място добрите практики на водещи български фирми. Книгата е структурирана в два раздела: транспорт, складиране, класации; бизнес модели, мениджъри, екипи. Статистическите данни и анализите сочат, че в България отделните видове транспорт и логистиката имат висока степен на ориентация към клиента и че секторът може да бъде определен като силно конкурентен въпреки изявените няколко лидери. Освен бизнес модели в книгата са публикувани и интервюта с изявени мениджъри, представени са екипи, които споделят общи ... |
The book featured 3D models of historical monuments. ... A legend has it that in Roman times there were strongholds here that guarded the way to the magnificent Nicopolis ad Istrum. When the barbarians invaded, they besieged and destroyed the great city. Then the Romans settled in the fortresses. Under the fortresses, there were large tunnel-connected dungeons. The Romans carried the treasures of Nicopolis to the galleries. They fortified and managed to hold the fortresses for some time. When they had to retreat, they made lethal mechanisms in the galleries and smeared them with poison. Then they masked the secret ... |
Подарете на вашият малчуган вълнуващо приключение с комплекта "Машини с електомотор - 90 в 1" на "Engino". Той е част от серията Creative Builder и се състои от 217 пластмасови елемента, с които детето да сглобите над 90 уникални модела на различни тематики. Това интересно предизвикателство е наистина забавно и удовлетворяващо, тъй като малкият "строител" ще може да сглоби хеликоптери, мотори, мотокари, джип и какви ли не други интересни машини, които не само че са изключително детайлни, но и функционални. Заедно с елементите в комплекта пристига и електромоторче, което да задвижва ... |
In the book, the basic results, related to the theoretical aspect of the GMM, are collected. Some of the GMM applications are described in a simpler form as illustrations. In future, a part of hem will be extended to real models. For example, a series of models have been already prepared, for forest fires, taking into consideration the strength and direction of wind, characteristics of terrain, speed of wood burning and speed of fire spread, as well as other factors. In these models, the grids are 3-dimensional spaces. These models provoked some new ideas for extension of the theoretical research and possibilities for new ... |
The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling foundational business training manual for ambitious readers, featuring new concepts and mental models: updated, expanded, and revised. Many people assume they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance in their career. That's not true. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles. "The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition" provides a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: ... |
Box: 270 x 280 x 30 mm. Illustrator: Sarah Jennings. ... "Read and Play Princess" is the ultimate kids' activity pack - containing a story book, a puzzle book, board games and a puzzle - to keep boredom at bay for hours! "Read and Play Princess" includes everything your child might need inside a colourful play box – perfect for taking with you in the car, on holiday, or anywhere kids might need occupying. The beautiful 24-page picture book follows the story of an unconventional princess, providing a positive message for young readers. The Puzzle and Colour book includes activities such as spot the ... |
Modern companies face a number of challenges in performing their activities. The business environment in which they operate is characterized by dynamics, intense competition and a high degree of uncertainty and risk. Fluctuations in market demand are becoming larger and more unpredictable, and competition between goods and services offered in these markets is intensifying. All these factors require companies to take the necessary action to adapt to new conditions. The production of goods and the provision of services that customers want requires companies to pay increasing attention to their resource availability - in ... |
English for Peacekeeping - учебник по английски език за подобряване на практическите умения на военнослужещи, които участват в миротворчески операции. Съдържанието е разработено по проекта Lingupeace след широки консултации с миротворческите сили в Европа. At Ease in English е разработен от експерти, които работят в областта на подготовката на кадри по военен английски език. Разпространява се в 11 страни и отразява езиковите компетенции на Nato Stanag. Предимства: откликва на потребностите на военните специалисти и може да бъде въведен като учебник в съответните курсове и школи за обучение; изключително комуникативно ... |
Книга 4 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... The book presents in general development of Bulgarian Church woodcarving from the earliest preserved models until the end of the 19th century. The presentation follows the main routes of development of this original art, with emphasis laid upon the symbolism of the included patterns. During the Revival period this symbolism is a synthesis between Christian and Pre-Christian patterns, preserved in the folklore thinking. The book presents the Revival period not only as an ascending period but also as a period of recesses and returns kept up by the folklore. ... |
The results of discrete optimization structures developed for decision-making with consideration of emerging risks in various decisions are presented in this work. For each of the models discussed in this book, a numerical example is presented to illustrate some of the model's capabilities. The computational procedures used to solve the optimization problems are of polynomial computational complexity. The numbering of the formulae, figures, and tables is for convenience, compiled separately for each of the seven chapters, and consists of two elements - the chapter number and the sequential number of the relevant table, ... |