"We have to keep in mind that physics, however complicated this science might appear, has been developed by human kind, that therein persons and their fascinating fates have been involved, who achieved advances only in scientific data and research reports, but also in the richness of its historical scientific, in photographic plates and in the scientist's biography. This historical documentation is certainly the basis to start form, but thereafter, the physicists will have to continue the job on their own, somehow they must accomplish the discoverer's achievements afresh and they have a duty to impart results ... |
Посмъртно издаденият сборник За математиката на дъха и пътя (2015) съдържа непубликувани по-рано разкази. С неповторима прямота, виртуозност на перото и страховит хумор той мощно говори за бруталност и секс, за лудост и отхвърленост, за поривите, провалите и отчаянието. ... |
Математиката, Кабалата и търсенето на безкрайността ... Между V и VI век пр. Хр. гърците стигат до идеята за безкрайността. Цялата концепция за нея е толкова поразителна и фантастична, че смущава философите и математиците, които я откриват, причинявайки болка, лудост и поне едно убийство. Кабалистите - еврейските мистици, стъпват здраво на концепцията за безкрайността, почти както гръцките философи и математици преди тях. Те са били наясно, че безкрайността съществува както като безкрайна колекция от несвързани обекти, така и като континуум. Но математическото разбиране и развиване на различните видове безкрайност е ... |
Сара Илиева е най-младият ни автор. На 12 години създава две книги "Математически трикове. Как да решаваме задачите бързо и хитро - Ниво 1" и "Математически трикове. Как да решаваме задачите бързо и хитро - Ниво 2". На финала на "Asia International Mathematical Olympiad" (Тайланд, 2018 г.) тя печели златен медал и купа "Международна звезда" с най-висок резултат на български участник. Сара е световен шампион (2019 г.) във възрастова група 5. клас на финала на "Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad". На финала на състезанието "Математика без граници" ( ... |
"В тази книга е систематизиран опитът на автора от участието му в международни и национални оценъчно-диагностични изследвания в образованието. Тя представя задълбочен преглед на международен и български опит в подготовката и провеждането на широкомащабни изследвания, както и на методите за обработка и анализ на резултатите от тях. Книгата е ценен литературен източник за изследователи и практици. Може да се използва и като учебник за курсове по оценяване в образованието в бакалавърски, магистърски или докторантски програми. В този смисъл книгата е предназначена за всички, които се интересуват от въпросите на тестовото ... |
The main purpose of the book Mathematical Handbook is to present school Students, applying to Mathematical Colleges and Universities, candidates for SAT I and SAT II, Students of Mathematics, Computer sciences, Economics, Engineering, Physics and other sciences full information on mathematics concepts, formulas, graphs, axioms, theorems and tables. Moreover, this book is helpful to those Students who go to mathematics exams and competitions, where they can easily express their own ideas and thoughts by solving mathematical problems. Mathematical handbook is written according to the newest educational programs and ... |
The only numbers in this book are the page numbers. The three main branches of abstract math - topology, analysis, and algebra - turn out to be surprisingly easy to grasp. Or at least, they are when our guide is a math prodigy. With forthright wit and warm charm, Milo Beckman upends the conventional approach to mathematics, inviting us to think creatively about shape and dimension, the infinite and the infinitesimal, symmetries, proofs, and all how all these concepts fit together. Why is there a million dollar prize for counting shapes? Is anything bigger than infinity? And how is the "truth" of mathematics ... |
The book is intended to give an introduction to the complicated topic of computer programming for complete beginners that is suitable for both university students in university programmes such as informatics, mathematics, applied mathematics, and engineers who would like to expand their knowledge in the field. Even though the reader is assumed to have no experience in computer programming, the book is not based on rudimentary examples. The text is written to correspond to and to be relatively synchronized with standard beginner courses in mathematics that are usually taught in the first semesters at a university programme ... |
The present book is devoted to students of the last school grades, university students, teachers, lectures and all lovers of mathematics who want to enrich their knowledge and skills in complex numbers and their numerous applications in Euclidean Geometry. Few countries in the world include complex numbers in their secondary school curriculum but even if included the volume of the corresponding content is quite insufficient consisting of elementary operations and geometric representation at most. Mainly, the book will be useful for outstanding students with high potentialities in mathematics preparing themselves for ... |
Двуезично издание на английски и на немски език. In honour of the 100 th anniversary of the birth of Academician Ljubomir Iliev. ... Most of the works of Academician Ljubomir Iliev, included in this volume, are in the regions of the classical Complex Analysis intensively investigated during the last century and being still actual. The concern the zero-distribution of entire functions defined by means of Fourier transforms, singular points and analytical non-continuous ability of Taylor and Dirichlet series, and the theory of univalent functions. They are remarkable for the originality of author's ideas and their ... |
A brief history of all things: Mathematical. ... In this book, Johnny Ball tells one of the most important stories in world history - the story of mathematics. By introducing us to the major characters and leading us through many historical twists and turns, Johnny slowly unravels the tale of how humanity built up a knowledge and understanding of shapes, numbers and patterns from ancient times, a story that leads directly to the technological wonderland we live in today. As Galileo said, 'Everything in the universe is written in the language of mathematics', and Wonders Beyond Numbers is your guide to this ... |
Ivo Damyanov has a MSc in Mathematics (1995) and holds a PhD in Computer science (2012). He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics, at the South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. His professional and scientific research interests are in the fields of Discrete Functions, Tree Automata, Universal Algebra, Metaprogramming, Domain-Specific Languages, Code Generation and Static Code Analysis, etc. Slavcho Shtrakov has a PhD degree in Discrete Mathematics and has a DSc degree in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics at the South-West University, ... |