As variegated as the American experience itself, this original treasury reflects the vibrant role of the short story in our national literature. Fourteen outstanding tales by famous American authors unfold in settings ranging from the decaying family mansion of Edgar Allan Poe's dark psychological thriller, "The Fall of the House of Usher", to the bustling modern apartment building of John Cheever's domestic drama, "The Enormous Radio". Moods and attitudes shift from the simmering menace of a lynch mob in William Faulkner's "Dry September" to the gentle optimism of an elderly ... |
Изданието е триезично - на английски, немски и френски език. ... In pursuit of both knowledge and delight, the craft of botanical illustration has always required not only meticulous draftsmanship but also a rigorous scientific understanding. This new edition of a Taschen classic celebrates the botanical tradition and talents with a selection of outstanding works from the National Library of Vienna, including many new images. From Byzantine manuscripts right through to 19th-century masterpieces, through peonies, callas, and chrysanthemums, these exquisite reproductions dazzle in their accuracy and their aesthetics. ... |
This will be your third descent into the world of the Unexpected. The surprises awaiting you here, are penned again by classical and modern authors. Again, you will try to guess the ending and again will fail, and to those of you who do succeed in this, we offer an apology on behalf of the Masters of the Genre. What happens when: Two spouses hate each other and go to the mountain? A princess is attacked by a mountain lion? A high life girl meets a low-class boy? Three messengers make haste with contradictory orders for the execution of a death sentence? What do two archeologists search for in an ancient catacomb? ... |
В англискйта версия на сборника, разказите на всички класици са запазени. За тези от вас, които са чели българските версии, ще забележете, че няколко разказа липсват, но пък са добвени няколко нови. В книгата са включени разкази на: Edgar Allan Poe Alexander Pushkin Mikhail Lermontov Guy de Maupassant O. Henry Edith Wharton Kate Chopin Ambrose Bierce Hector Hugh Munro Rabindranath Tagore Stewart Edward White Herbert G. Wells Virginia Woolf W.W. Jacobs ... |
В англискйта версия на сборника, разказите на всички класици са запазени. За тези от вас, които са чели българските версии, ще забележете, че няколко разказа липсват, но пък са добавени няколко нови. В книгата са включени разкази на: O. Henry Katherine Mansfield Jack London Hector Hugh Munro Ambrose Bierce Frank R. Stockton Arthur Conan Doyle Oscar Wilde F. Scott Fitzgerald Anton Chekhov Kate Chopin W. W. Jacobs Rabindranath Tagore Guy de Maupassant Joseph Hall Henry Cuyler Bunner ... |
Khachaturian, Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Prokofiev, Borodin, Rimsky - Korsakov, Kavalevski. ... Докато през ХІХ век в западноевропейската музикална култура се налагат различни стилове и направления, то руските композитори не подлежат на такава периодизация. В Русия това е време на истински национален подем и на утвърждаване на руската нация. Затова и руските композитори се обръщат към традиционния селски фолклор, считайки го за основа на бъдещото развитие на руската музикалната култура. ... |
Italian-born Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475 - 1564) was a tormented, prodigiously talented, and God-fearing Renaissance man. His manifold achievements in painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, and engineering combined body, spirit, and God into visionary masterpieces that changed art history forever. Famed biographer Giorgio Vasari considered him the pinnacle of Renaissance achievement. His peers called him simply Il Divino (the divine one). This book provides the essential introduction to Michelangelo with all the awe-inspiring masterpieces and none of the queues and crowds. With vivid illustration ... |
Шаблонът с мотиви от серията KLIMT на Stamperia може да ви бъде изключително полезен, ако желаете да добавите триизмерни мотиви към вашите творби. Той е изработен от изключително тънък и гъвкав, но същевременно здрав материал, който го прави удобен за употреба върху различни по форма и релеф предмети и повърхности. Освен това шаблонът е прозрачен, благодарение на което поставянето и фиксирането му върху точно определено място става лесно. Подходящ е за всякакви арт и крафт проекти като рисуване по платно, правене на картички, албуми, покани и други скрапбукинг неща. Използвайте и за декориране на различни материали - ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Tales of the Jazz Age" features some of F. Scott's Fitzgerald's best-loved short stories and "novelettes" including "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz". Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald's own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along with fantasy of extraordinary invention. These stories illuminate the unique talent who went ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Tales of the Jazz Age" features eleven of F. Scott Fitzgerald's best-loved short stories and "novelettes" including "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz". Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald's own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along with fantasy of extraordinary invention. These stories illuminate the unique talent who went on to ... |
Abridged, introduced and annotated by Tim Mackintosh-Smith. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Ibn Battutah - ethnographer, biographer, anecdotal historian and occasional botanist - was just twenty-one when he set out in 1325 from his native Tangier on a pilgrimage to Mecca. He did not return to Morocco for another twenty-nine years, travelling instead through more than forty countries on the modern map, covering seventy-five thousand miles and getting as far north as the Volga, as far east as China and as far south as Tanzania. He wrote of his travels, and comes across as a superb ethnographer, biographer, ... |
A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Hans Christian Andersen was the profoundly imaginative writer and storyteller who revolutionized literature for children. He gave us the now standard versions of some traditional fairy tales - with an anarchic twist - but many of his most famous tales sprang directly from his imagination. The stories here range from exuberant early works such as "The Tinderbox" and "The Emperor's New Clothes" through poignant masterpieces such as "The Little Mermaid", "The Little Match Girl" and "The Ugly Duckling", to more subversive later ... |