The book behind the second season of "Game of Thrones", an original series now on HBO. No. 1 "New York Times" bestselling author. ... In this eagerly awaited sequel to "A Game of Thrones", George R. R. Martin has created a work of unsurpassed vision, power, and imagination. "A Clash of Kings" transports us to a world of revelry and revenge, wizardry and warfare unlike any you have ever experienced. A comet the color of blood and flame cuts across the sky. And from the ancient citadel of Dragonstone to the forbidding shores of Winterfell, chaos reigns. Six factions struggle for ... |
For the first time ever, a very special edition of the classic masterpiece, illustrated throughout in colour by the author himself and with the complete text printed in two colours. Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy and epic adventure has touched the hearts of young and old alike. Over 150 million copies of its many editions have been sold around the world, and occasional collectors' editions become prized and valuable items of publishing. This one-volume hardback edition contains ... |
Научете за какво се използват CSS стиловете и как да ги прилагате правилно. Запознайте се със структурата им, начините за тяхното свързване с уеб страниците, задаването на приоритети, както и използването на селектори и коментари. За да усъвършенствате работата си с езика, книгата включва подробно описание на над 180 свойства, подредени по азбучен ред. Включено е предназначението на всяко свойство, описание на стойностите, които може да приема и пример за това как се прилага. Книгата включва и ценен справочник на свойствата по следните групи: преобразуване и оформление на текст, таблици и списъци; манипулиране на ... |
140 години педагогическо образование във Враца. ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... The art of telling a ghost story is a refined one, and Montague Rhodes James was a master of the genre. He draws the reader into a narrative that at first seems innocuous, but which becomes darker and darker by gentle turns until he transfixes you with his prose, creating the most unforgettable, alarming and frightening images. "Complete Ghost Stories" by M. R. James contains all his timeless masterpieces from the four collections of his eerie tales: "Ghost Stories of an Antiquary" (1904), "More Ghost Stories of an Antiquary" ... |
In this book illustrated by Alan Burton, there are two nineteenth-century ghost stories - "The House in the Picture" and "Abbot Thomas' Treasure". The House in the Picture Mr. Williams has an old picture of a house. It is not a very good picture. It is not a very good picture. It is not a very interesting picture. Then the picture tells Mr. Williams a terrible story. Abbot Thomas' Treasure An archaeologist finds some gold in an old church. It has been hidden for three hundred years. But the guardian of the gold returns, and the guardian of the treasure is angry. This book is in ... |
If the past is prologue, then George R. R. Martin’s masterwork - the most inventive and entertaining fantasy saga of our time - warrants one hell of an introduction. At long last, it has arrived with "The World of Ice & Fire". This lavishly illustrated volume is a comprehensive history of "The Seven Kingdoms", providing vividly constructed accounts of the epic battles, bitter rivalries, and daring rebellions that lead to the events of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and HBO’s "Game of Thrones". In a collaboration that’s been years in the making, George R. R. Martin has teamed with Elio ... |
Hacia una competencia comunicativa. Segunda edición. ... A la hora de hablar, uno quisiera decir muchas cosas y quedar siempre bien, ser ocurrente y divertido y deslumbrar a sus interlocutores, y decir la palabra justa en el momento oportuno. Y lo más importante, uno aspira a que le entiendan. Pero a la hora de la verdad, uno se queda cortado y con la mente en blanco, callado como una tumba, o termina metiendo la pata hasta el fondo. Entonces, si no puede viajar a España o a Hispanoamérica para ponerse al día, termina por acomplejarse y quedarse callado en un rincón, perdiendo la posibilidad ... |
Трагичен инцидент или ужасно престъпление? Когато Полет 189 потъва във водите на естуара на Севърн, съдебният лекар Джени Купър трябва да разследва смъртта на самотен моряк, чиято яхта, изглежда, е била ударена от падащия самолет. Както и загадъчната участ на десетгодишната Ейми Патерсън от Полет 189, чието непокътнато тяло е намерено изхвърлено на брега до това на моряка. Започва мащабна и много потайна операция за откриване на следи от останките, а Джени започва да задава въпроси, на които официалното разследване не иска да отговори. Как подобен високотехнологичен самолет, на практика неподатлив на човешка грешка, ... |
Sumptuous slipcased edition of Tolkien classic epic tale of adventure, fully illustrated in colour for the first time by the author himself. This deluxe volume is quarterbound in leather and includes many special features unique to this edition. Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy and epic adventure has touched the hearts of young and old alike. Over 100 million copies of its many editions have been sold around the world, and occasional collectors' editions become prized and valuable ... |
An immersive entertainment experience unlike any other, A Song of Ice and Fire has earned George R. R. Martin - dubbed the American Tolkien by Time magazine - international acclaim and millions of loyal readers. Now the monumental saga gets the royal treatment it deserves, with each book wrapped in bound leather-cloth covers and packaged together in an elegant display case. This one-of-a-kind boxed set includes: A Game of Thrones A Clash of Kings A Storm of Swords A Feast for Crows A Dance with Dragons The ultimate collector's item for fans of the epic fantasy series that inspired HBO's Game ... |
Vorbei ist es mit dem beschaulichen Leben von Bilbo Beutlin, seit er sich auf ein Abenteuer eingelassen hat, das Hobbitvorstellungen bei Weitem übersteigt. Nicht nur, dass er sich auf eine Reise von der Dauer eines Jahres begibt, die ihn quer durch Mittelerde führen wird, er lässt sich auch vom Zwergenkönig als Meisterdieb unter Vertrag nehmen und verpflichtet sich, den Zwergen bei der Rückgewinnung ihres geraubten Schatzes zu helfen. Auf seiner abenteuerlichen Reise gelangt Bilbo in den Besitz des Ringes, den er später an seinen Neffen Frodo weitergibt - die Grundlage für die legend ... |