An explosive story from the mad genius behind Chainsaw Man and Look Back! Young filmmaker Yuta contemplates suicide after the death of his mother, but a chance meeting with a mysterious girl will alter his life in an explosive way. From the mad genius behind Chainsaw Man and Look Back comes a new story about coping with loss. Yuta's moviemaking career started with a request from his mother to record her final moments. After her death, Yuta meets a mysterious girl named Eri, who takes his life in new directions. The two begin creating a movie together, but Eri is harboring an explosive secret. ... |
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Hollywood - nine big white letters against the Hollywood Hills. Every year millions of people come from all over the world and look up at this famous sign. Why do they come? They come to see the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and to see the hand and foot prints outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. They come ... |
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With 100 flaps to lift. ... The book contains: What does your brain do? How do muscles work? What are your lungs for? Why do you need bones? From bones to blood and brains to brawn, there`s much to explore inside your body. lift the flaps to find out how all these parts join together to make one amazing person and you. Illustrated by Kate Leake. Designed by Helen Lee. ... |
Три жени преследват мечтите си. Коя от тях ще успее? Мегън е сервитьорка в долнопробен ресторант. Ръкописът на първия ѝ роман е отхвърлен от няколко издателства. Но един ден се събужда със страхотна идея за филмов сценарий. Роксана Феликс е супермодел. Изящна красавица с ледено сърце, остър ум и яростна амбиция. Има всичко, но то не ѝ е достатъчно. Тя иска да превземе киното и няма да позволи някой да застане на пътя ѝ... Елинор Маршал е сред малкото жени, стигнали до поста вицепрезидент на киностудия. Тя има сериозна връзка, но не е влюбена. Защото сърцето ѝ тайно принадлежи на неин стар приятел ... |
Tom and Holly are at the zoo with Mum and Dad. First, Tom looks through a telescope and sees lots of interesting things. Then they all go to the zoo gift shop. "The Explorers Phonics" bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. They focus on how reading works, so children are able to read new texts and pronounce new words more easily. "The Explorers Phonics" complement the "Macmillan English Explorers" and can also be used alongside any other reading program. "Macmillan Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for ... |
"Ръкописът печели със своята яснота и стройност на изложението. Авторът последователно разглежда и анализира отделните елементи на документалния филм" драматургията, монтажа - като основен елемент на филмовия образ, възприятието на документалния филм. Емил Павлов демонстрира не само добро познаване на специфичната материя, но и способността да поднася всичко това достъпно, съобразено с равнището на подготовка на студентите. Структурата на ръкописа следва логиката на авторовата мисъл - да се върви по общите постановки към частния случай, да се започва от по-елементарното и да се търсят сложните проекции на ... |
Какви рискове си готов да поемеш, ако всяка твоя стъпка може да се окаже погрешна... и смъртоносна? След като прибира от училище двете си деца, Грейс Лосън преглежда току-що взетите от фотоателието снимки и открива сред тях стара снимка, на която се виждат петима мъже, четирима от които напълно непознати. Петото лице обаче ѝ е добре известно - това е нейният съпруг от времето, когато тя още не го познава. Когато същата вечер показва снимката на мъжа си, той просто излиза от дома им и потегля в неизвестна посока. Без да си дава сметка колко опасно ще се окаже за семейството ѝ неговото издирване, изпълнената с ... |
Illustrated by Peter Richardson. ... Private detective, Lenny Samuel, is hired by a Hollywood film studio. Someone has been making death threats against Gail Lane, a beautiful young film actress, and the studio boss asks Lenny to protect her. Lenny joins the film crew on location in Hollywood, Buenos Aires and Istanbul as he tries to stay out of trouble and solve the case. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including exercises and points for understanding answer ... |
Official sponsor - London Fashion Week. ... "Artelier" takes its name from the French word for "artist's studio". "Artelier" is an eclectic mix of inspirations from the "Toni & Guy" International Artistic Team, who created ten definitive cut and eight colour techniques for 2012/2013. Transforming ready-to-wear shapes into a couture cut – classic ideals are transformed with internal disconnection that loosens and releases hair to create interesting texture and ultimate versatility – for multiple ways-to-wear style. Shattered perimeters, cross-reference strength and femininity, ... |
Official sponsor - London Fashion Week. ... Echoing the "Toni & Guy" philosophy of functionality and individuality, cut and colour work in alignment to enhance texture, shape and personal expression. A collection of ten cut and colour techniques for man and woman. A raw, yet highly editorial collection with inspirations derived from fashion, music, street culture, art and architecture. Influences are gathered from decades gone by and futuristic ideas to give an "old meets new" approach and an ecclectic high-fashion feel in multiple lengths and textures. From strong statement cuts to uncomplicated ... |
Taking inspiration from high fashion, couture and street style, integrated for an ultimately wearable collection encompassing a multitude of lengths and shapes. Classic cuts are wig-like qualities with expanded width, whilst vigorous texture created by elaborate layering techniques achieves a rebelilious, DIY (Do it yourself) finish to the hair. Colour highlights catwalk inspired trends and palettes, reminiscent of the 90's "grunge generation". Simple techniques make strong statements in a variety of vintage hues clever futuristic undertones. An innovative collection of strong cut and colour choicesm ... |
Official sponsor - London Fashion Week. ... "50/50 Collection" is a truly iconic celebration of "Toni & Guy" past 50 years of inspirational, trend-defining, fashion-led hairdressing that has changed the face of the industry forever, while the collection also looks firmly into the future with an eclectic mix of inspirations from the Toni & Guy International Artistic Team, who worked to create 10 definitive cut and colour techniques for 2013/2014. "50/50 Collection" pays homage to "Toni & Guy" illustrious legacy of creating beautiful hair, that has seen the brand being awarded both a & ... |