Edited by David A. Jasen. ... Throughout history, few musical crazes have hit with such impact, had such a heyday and lingered so hauntingly as ragtime. Ragtime arrived on the upswing of Tin Pan Alley, when the popularity of pianos in the home was reaching its peak and an endless stream of sheet music flowed out to meet the demand. In the early 1900s, no name was more prominent on those sheet-music covers and no one wrote ragtime music more brilliantly than Scott Joplin. This wonderful book brings together in one superbly produced playing edition all thirty-eight of Scott Joplin's piano rags, including his six ... |
Êíèãàòà çà ó÷èòåëÿ ñúäúðæà ïðèìåðíè ðåøåíèÿ è ïîäðîáíè ïðåïîðúêè çà ïðåïîäàâàòåëñêàòà ïðàêòèêà, ñúîáðàçåíè ñ ó÷åáíèêà è ó÷åáíàòà òåòðàäêà. Ó÷åáíàòà ñèñòåìà "Mundliche Wissenschaftssprache - íèâî C1 è C2" èçäàòåëñòâî "Ernst Klett Sprachen" ñå ñúñòîè îò: ó÷åáíèê è ó÷åáíà òåòðàäêà + îíëàéí ìàòåðèàëè êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ Èçáðîåíèòå êîìïîíåíòè îò ó÷åáíàòà ñèñòåìà ñå ïðîäàâàò ïîîòäåëíî. Çà äà çàêóïèòå íÿêîé îò òÿõ, ïîñëåäâàéòå ñúîòâåòíèÿ ëèíê. ... |
"Mundliche Wissenschaftssprache - íèâî C1 è C2" å ó÷åáíèê è ó÷åáíà òåòðàäêà â åäíî íà èçäàòåëñòâî "Ernst Klett Sprachen". Ó÷åáíàòà ñèñòåìà "Mundliche Wissenschaftssprache - íèâî C1 è C2" èçäàòåëñòâî "Ernst Klett Sprachen" ñå ñúñòîè îò: ó÷åáíèê è ó÷åáíà òåòðàäêà + îíëàéí ìàòåðèàëè êíèãà çà ó÷èòåëÿ Èçáðîåíèòå êîìïîíåíòè îò ó÷åáíàòà ñèñòåìà ñå ïðîäàâàò ïîîòäåëíî. Çà äà çàêóïèòå íÿêîé îò òÿõ, ïîñëåäâàéòå ñúîòâåòíèÿ ëèíê. ... |
Madrid, 1957. Daniel, young, wealthy and unsure of his place in the world, views the city through the lens of his camera. Ana, a hotel maid whose family is suffering under the fascist dictatorship of General Franco. Lives and hearts collide as they unite to uncover the hidden darkness within the city. A darkness that could engulf them all..."Gripping. Ruta Sepetys is the finest writer of historical fiction working today." The Wall Street Journal "A master of historical fiction." Elizabeth Wein on "Salt to the Sea" "Spain under Francisco Franco is as dystopian a setting as Margaret ... |
Äåòåêòèâ Õåëìóò Ìþëåð è Áåà Áðàóí ñå ðàäâàò íà âåñåëè äíè â Êüîëí. Èìà êàðíàâàë è åäèí îò ïðèÿòåëèòå èì ïðàçíóâà ñâîÿ ïåòäåñåòè ðîæäåí äåí. Íî íà ïàðòèòî èç÷åçâàò Áåà Áðàóí, ïàðè è îùå ìíîãî äðóãè íåùà. Ìîæå ëè äåòåêòèâ Ìþëåð äà õâàíå êðàäåöà è òàêà äà ñïàñè ïàðòèòî? ... |
1951 ã. Ñåâåðíà Êàðîëèíà. Áëåêáúðí Ãàíò ñÿêàø å îñúäåí äà ïðåêàðà æèâîòà ñè ñðåä ìúðòâèòå êàòî ïàçà÷ íà ãðîáèùåòî â Áëîóèíã Ðîê. Õîðàòà â ãðàäà ãî îòáÿãâàò, çàùîòî ëèöåòî ìó å îáåçîáðàçåíî îò äåòñêè ïàðàëè÷. Åäèíñòâåíèÿò ìó ïðèÿòåë å äîáðîñúðäå÷íèÿò, íî èìïóëñèâåí Äæåéêúá Õàìïòúí, ñèí íà íàé-áîãàòèÿ ÷îâåê â ãðàäà. Êîãàòî Äæåéêúá å ìîáèëèçèðàí ïî âðåìå íà Êîðåéñêàòà âîéíà, òîé ìîëè Áëåêáúðí äà ñå ãðèæè çà áðåìåííàòà ìó ñúïðóãà Íàîìè. Áðàêúò íà Äæåéêúá å ñêàíäàëèçèðàë Áëîóèíã Ðîê è îñîáåíî ðîäèòåëèòå ìó, êîèòî ãî ëèøàâàò îò íàñëåäñòâî. Íî åäíà òåëåãðàìà îò Âîåííîòî ìèíèñòåðñòâî èì äàâà øàíñ äà îñèãóðÿò íà ñèíà ñè áúäåùåòî, ... |
"To all the readers who discovered "The Fountainhead" and asked me many questions about the wider application of its ideas, I want to say that I am answering these questions in the present novel and that "The Fountainhead" was only an overture to "Atlas Shrugged". I trust that no one will tell me that men such as I write about don't exist. That this has been written - and published - is my proof that they do." Ayn Rand ... |
Political turmoil, terrorist plots, and the relentless desire for personal revenge threaten to escalate the conflict between humans and vampires into a full-blown war. Special Ops Team AX will use every brutal weapon on hand--including a Crusnik, a vampire that preys upon other vampires--to save mankind. Packed with action, emotion, and artistry, this first volume of Rage Against the Moons contains tales of heroism, sacrifice, and retribution, as the AX agents strive to protect the innocent and keep the peace. ... |
For young learners and early teens. ... "Songs and Grammar Raps" âêëþ÷âà îñíîâíè ãðàìàòè÷íè ñòðóêòóðè çà íèâà À1 è À2. Êíèãàòà ïðåäëàãà 21 îðèãèíàëíè ïåñíè, ïî åäíà çà âñÿêà ãðàìàòè÷íà ñòðóêòóðà, çà ïðåäñòàâÿíå è óïðàæíåíèå íà êëþ÷îâè ãðàìàòè÷íè ïðàâèëà ïî çàáàâåí, äèíàìè÷åí è ìóëòèñåòèâåí íà÷èí ñ öåë äà ïîìîãíå íà ó÷àùèòå ïî-ëåñíî äà çàïîìíÿò ñòðóêòóðè è äà ãè çàïàçâàò â äúëãîñðî÷íàòà ñè ïàìåò. Èçäàíèåòî ñúäúðæà ìàòåðèàëè çà ôîòîêîïèðàíå è å äîïúëíåíî îò äâà àóäèîäèñêà ñ âñè÷êè ïåñíè. Êúì âñÿêà îò òÿõ èìà ïîäðîáíè íàñîêè çà ó÷èòåëÿ, çàäà÷è çà ñëóøàíå è äîïúëíèòåëíè èãðè. ... |
Ïðåäïàçíèòå ðúêàâèöè Arctic íà Bradas ñà ïîäõîäÿùè çà áåçîïàñíà ðàáîòà ñ ãðàäèíñêè èíñòðóìåíòè è ñòðîèòåëíè ìàòåðèàëè. Èçðàáîòåíè ñà îò ïëåòåíî, áåçøåâíî, ïîëèåñòåðíî òðèêî (êàëèáúð 13) è ñà òîïåíè â ëàòåêñ. Ðúêàâèöèòå èìàò ïîäñèëåíî ïîêðèòèå â îáëàñòòà íà ïðúñòèòå è ñà óñòîé÷èâè íà ñðÿçâàíå è ðàçêúñâàíå. ... |
360 meditations on wisdom. Perseverance and the art of living. The beloved classic daily devotional of Stoic meditations - the only authorized print edition in the US and complete with a ribbon marker - with more than two million copies sold! Why have history's greatest minds - from George Washington to Frederick the Great to Ralph Waldo Emerson, along with today's top performers from Super Bowl-winning football coaches to CEOs and celebrities - embraced the wisdom of the ancient Stoics? Because they realize that the most valuable wisdom is timeless and that philosophy is for living a better life, not a ... |
To walk among the age-old trees of the wildwood is to journey back in time, to a place of great simplicity and deep understanding. In this re-awakening of the original Greenwood Tarot, Mark Ryan and John Matthews introduce us to the classic forest archetypes of the Green Man and Woman, the Archer, the Hooded Man and the Blasted Oak. Will Worthington's rich and vivid images bring this ancient world to life and make it possible to feel the magic and power of the wildwood. The Wildwood Tarot draws inspiration from pre-Celtic mythology and a belief system steeped in shamanic wisdom and forest lore. Based on the seasonal ... |