Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10.5 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the most celebrated works of classic literature for children, "The Wind in the Willows" follows Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger from one adventure to the next - in gipsy caravans and stolen cars, to prison and back to the Wild Wood. A story of animal cunning and human camaraderie, this remains a timeless tale more than 100 years after its publication. This edition contains all of the sixteen colour illustrations that Arthur Rackham produced for this book; most editions contain only twelve. In addition to this, Rackham's beautiful pen-and- ... |
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Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. Heartstopper is the bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel: this new edition - with a cover including Alice Oseman's artwork and photographs showing characters from the Netflix show - also contains exclusive pages from Alice's original TV scripts. Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met... until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than ... |
Book 1 of the "Malice" Duology. ... The princess isn't supposed to fall for an evil sorceress. But in this darkly magical retelling of "Sleeping Beauty", true love is more complicated than a simple fairy tale. Perfect for fans of Naomi Novik and Holly Black. Once upon a time, there was a wicked fairy who, in an act of vengeance, cursed a line of princesses to die. A curse that could only be broken by true love's kiss. Utter nonsense. Let me tell you, no one in Briar cares what happens to our princess. I thought I didn't care, either. Until I met her. Princess Aurora, last heir to the ... |
Mup's dad has been kidnapped by witches, and Mup - along with her mam, brother and dog - must journey to an enchanted world to rescue him. Danger awaits them. Witches Borough is a beguiling place of rhyming crows, talking cats and forbidden magic, ruled by tyrannical queen and her band of raggedy witches. And Mam seems strange on this side of the border - striding, powerful and increasingly distant. Even if they can save her father, Mup knows that nothing will ever be the same again. "Ireland's answer to J. K. Rowling." Sunday Independent ... |
"Not all love stories are written the same way. Ours had torn chapters, missing paragraphs, and a bittersweet ending."Luna Rexroth is everyone’s favorite wallflower. Sweet. Caring. Charitable. Quiet. Fake. Underneath the meek, tomboy exterior everyone loves (yet pities) is a girl who knows exactly what, and who, she wants - namely, the boy from the treehouse who taught her how to curse in sign language. Who taught her how to laugh. To live. To love. Knight Cole is everyone’s favorite football hero. Gorgeous. Athletic. Rugged. Popular. Liar. This daredevil hell-raiser could knock you up with his gaze alone, but ... |
From the author of "How to break up with your phone". If you're not having fun, you're not fully living. The author of "How to Break Up with Your Phone" makes the case that, far from being frivolous, fun is actually critical to our well-being and shows us how to have more of it. Journalist and screen-life balance expert Catherine Price argues persuasively that our always-on, tech-addicted lifestyles have led us to obsess over intangible concepts such as happiness while obscuring the fact that real happiness lies in the everyday experience of fun. We often think of fun as indulgent, even ... |
"1+1=1. Успели българи в тандем" е книга за партньорството между талантливи, ярки, силни и вдъхновяващи личности, които не се страхуват нито от своето его, нито от егото на другия. Такъв е неписаният закон на успеха във всяко партньорство, независимо между какви хора и в каква сфера е то - двамата в тандема да имат и чувстват пълната свобода да бъдат себе си. Веселина Паскова е завършила българска филология в СУ "Св. Климент Охридски". Била е програмен редактор в Националния дворец на културата - София. Съставител е на три сборника "Зелени разкази", в които са събрани творбите на ... |
Oliver Marks has just served ten years for the murder of one of his closest friends - a murder he may or may not have committed. On the day he's released, he's greeted by the detective who put him in prison. Detective Colborne is retiring, but before he does, he wants to know what really happened ten years ago. As a young actor studying Shakespeare at an elite arts conservatory, Oliver noticed that his talented classmates seem to play the same roles onstage and off - villain, hero, tyrant, temptress - though Oliver felt doomed to always be a secondary character in someone else's story. But when the teachers ... |
Corpus of Ancient and Medieval Settlements in Modern Bulgaria. ... In the first volume "The Roman Cities in Bulgaria", of "Corpus of the Ancient and the Medieval Settlements in Modern Bulgaria" unique archaeological and historical facts are considered. A mosaic, representing the famous anchient Greek dramatic Menander's work "Achaeans" (previously unknown), has been discovered at Ulpia Oescus. It was here that Constantine the Great himself opened a bridge over the Danube on July 5, 328. Flavius Aetius, who defeated Attila on the Catalauninan Plains in Gallia, was born in Durostorum. The ... |
"Точната книжка" за дете на възраст 1 - 1.5 години е с кратки, прости изречения. Свързана е с ежедневния живот, разказва истории, близки до живота на детето. На картинките се появяват детайли. Илюстрациите представят събития, а не само предмети. Тази книжка се базира на постиженията на световната наука в областта на психологията на развитието, създадена е специално за деца на възраст 12 - 18 месеца, имайки предвид специфичните им потребности."Тази серия може да бъде ценен материал, подпомагащ развитието на познавателните способности на детето - забелязване, говорене и мислене. При избора на илюстрации и ... |
Характеристики на карта "България според Санстефанския мирен договор - 3 март 1878 г.": географска мрежа; територия на Княжество България според Санстефанския прелиминарен договор и съседни държави, представени чрез фоново оцветяване върху сенкорелеф; държавни граници и граница на автономно княжество според договора; столици и градове; хидрография и надписи на хидрография, държави, историко-географски области; легенда. Характеристики на карта "България според Берлинския договор - 1 - 13 юли 1878 г.": географска мрежа; територия на Княжество България, Източна Румелия и съседни държави, ... |
Характеристики: географска мрежа; хидрография; територията на България в края на VIII век и нейните разширения при хановете Крум, Омуртаг, Маламир и Пресиан, представени чрез фоново оцветяване и щриховка върху сенкорелеф; военни походи на кан Крум, хан Омуртаг, хан Маламир, хан Пресиан, Никофор I Геник и спечелени битки от българите, години; столици и градове; крепости; проходи; надписи на хидрография, държави, племена, историко-географски области и други; легенда. Картата е двустранно ламинирана. Изработена е от винил с пластмасови лайсни в долния и горния край и шнур на горната лайсна за окачване на картата. ... |