Has the proverbially "a(nti)-historical" analytic philosophy taken a "historical turn" as some analytic "insiders" have heralded recently? In this densely argued and extensively referenced book, Blagovest Mollov argues that it has not, mainly because the only relatively determinate meaning the term can be given derives from a dubious and equally vague "historicist" perspective. Outside, and even within, the latter, the author holds, what has come to be discussed as "the historical turn (of analytic philosophy)" is neither historical nor a turn, in the sense other " ... |
"The book is intended for use by Cl+ users of the English language and in this case University students. It may be assumed that the students will have the background knowledge of the subject Political Science before they use this book. The book is intended as a course book giving them, the students, practice in using all aspects of the English language, Speaking, Use of English, Reading, Listening and Writing. The purpose of the book from the student perspective should be a tool which they can use to enhance their learning experience. This I believe is something that the writer tried to do. Students need to have a ... |
Hristo Hristov is an investigative journalist, documentarist. His book "Kill the Wanderer" is authentic and detailed investigation for the murder of the writer Georgi Markov by the Bulgarian State Security Service in London in 1978. The work is based on documents from a large number of secret archives. The revelations in the book have been quoted by a wide range of authoritative media agencies such as "Reuters", "Associated Press", "The Sunday Times" and many others. ... |
The shocking confession of one of the most incendiary players in football history. The only one in the world who won the Ballon d'Or after the communist regime prohibited him from playing professionally. Hristo Stoichkov, the Gunman of legendary FC Barcelona Dream Team, brings us his authentic autobiography."For me, Bulgaria means Hristo Stoichkov. He’s the indisputable master of scoring beautiful goals, but I didn’t bring him to Barça because of that, but because of his character. Inspired, ambitious, hungry for victory! This was precisely the kind of player I needed to build a Dream Team the world might ... |
La impactante confesión de uno de los jugadores más incendiarios de la historia del fútbol. El único en el mundo que ganó el Balón de Oro después de que le prohibieran jugar profesionalmente. Hristo Stoichkov, El Pistolero del legendario Dream Team del FC Barcelona, nos trae su auténtica autobiografía."Para mí Bulgaria significa Hristo Stoichkov. Es un maestro goleador indiscutible, pero no fue por sus goles bonitos por lo que me lo traje al Barça, sino por su carácter. Competitivo, ambicioso, ávido de victorias. Era justo el jugador que necesitaba para ... |
Balkanlegenden, Anton Dontschews schwur unter dem halbmond und emilijan stanews der antichrist. Vorliegende Untersuchung stellt eine historisch-deskriptive Untersuchung dar, die Aspekten von Alterität am Beispiel gemeinschaftlicher Elemente der Korpus-Texte mit vergleichbarer Frequenz auf der Ebene des übersetzerischen Transfers (Realien, Vergleiche, Zeitwechsel) gilt. Hinsichtlich der historisch-deskriptiven Ermittlung von Alterität rückt in der Untersuchung ebenso die Frage in den Vordergrund, inwiefern die drei übersetzerischen Konzeptionen in Bezug zueinander gesetzt werden können. ... |
"The textbook The Lingua Franca of Diplomacy: English for International Relations’ is a result of a years-long quest of the author for compiling a teaching aid of English for specific purposes in the fields of IR and foreign policy. This effort was necessitated by a practical reason - the absence of a relevant handbook, which has presented a major setback in the process of language training of bachelor degree students in IR and European Studies. Therefore, they constitute the main target group of potential users. It can also be of interest for students, specialising in Political Science, International Security, and ... |
Учебният предмет биология и здравно образование в 9. клас (на немски език) включва овладяването на знания и умения, които са свързани със структурата на човешкия организъм, с жизнените процеси, извършващи се в него, с акцент върху опазване на здравето, с равнищата на организация на микросистемата (клетката) - единство в химичния състав на живата и неживата материя, структура и значение на надмолекулните комплекси, устройство, процеси и възпроизводство на клетката, приложение на знанията за клетката. Изданието е разработено в съответствие с одобрената от МОН учебна програма по биология и здравно образование за 9. клас и ... |
Autonomous and embedded systems are the infrastructural fabric of modern technological society and are present as an almost imperceptible environment to each of us. Very soon after the advent of the electronic computer in the middle of the last century, the possibilities of digital control were realized as a substitute for human control over various processes. Accordingly, their use also began - first of all in an industrial environment and in military technologies - a still relatively limited application due to the then high price of the devices themselves, and also due to the need for complex adaptation of the ... |
The primary purpose of Practical Pathophysiology: Topical Guideline is to provide students beginning their formal education in the health sciences with a resource they can use to begin to develop their pathophysiology knowledge together with clinical problem-solving and critical thinking skills. This guideline, which has to provide a strong link between theory and practice, was designed for use by medical, dental, pharmacy, nursing, and allied health students. The main concept of this guideline is based on the principle that clinical manifestations of an illness are directly associated with the pathophysiology of human ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Знаете ли защо из цяла България точно в 12 ч. на 2 юни звучат сирени? Тогава заставаме мирно и с наведени глави споменаваме Христо Ботев и всички, загинали за освобождението на родината. А чували ли сте за кораба Радецки? На него от различни румънски пристанища се качили над 170 души от четата на Христо Ботев. Те връчили ултиматум на капитана да спре край Козлодуй и така се озовали на българска земя, за да се борят за освобождението на българския народ. С тази книга от поредицата Съкровищата на България ще ви разкажем с думи и картини истории от живота на великия ... |
Двуезично издание - на български и английски език. ... В книгата си проф. Иван Христов акцентира върху важни детайли от античната история и археология на островите от Западното Черноморско крайбрежие - Св. Тома, Св. Иван, Св. Петър, Св. Кирик и Юлита, Св. Анастасия и Левка. Описани са някои по-малки острови в българските териториални води, които са слабо познати. Добавени са и бележки върху появата и изчезването на острови, от които днес няма видима следа. В заключение са разгледани примери за започналите необратими процеси, които биха довели до появата на нови острови в Черно море. Темата на книгата се вписва в ... |