The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood). Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get your back up? You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was 'surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with ... |
A powerful argument for how to succeed in any field: develop broad interests and skills while everyone around you is rushing to specialize. From the "10,000 hours rule" to the power of Tiger parenting, we have been taught that success in any field requires early specialization and many hours of deliberate practice. And, worse, that if you dabble or delay, you'll never catch up with those who got a head start. This is completely wrong. In this landmark book, David Epstein shows you that the way to succeed is by sampling widely, gaining a breadth of experiences, taking detours, experimenting relentlessly, ... |
Making right desicions when you don't have all the facts. ... Even the best decision doesn't yield the best outcome every time. There's always an element of luck that you can't control, and there's always information hidden from view. So the key to long-term success (and avoiding worrying yourself to death) is to think in bets: How sure am I? What are the possible ways things could turn out? What decision has the highest odds of success? Did I land in the unlucky 10% on the strategy that works 90% of the time? Or is my success attributable to dumb luck rather than great decision making? Annie Duke, a ... |
The "New York Times" bestseller. ... "Google" executive chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of products Jonathan Rosenberg came to "Google" over a decade ago as proven technology executives. At the time, the company was already well-known for doing things differently, reflecting the visionary and frequently contrarian principles of founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. If Eric and Jonathan were going to succeed, they realized they would have to relearn everything they thought they knew about management and business. Today, "Google" is a global icon that regularly pushes ... |
How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. ... Simon Sinek's recent video on "The Millennial Question" went viral with over 150 million views. Start with Why is a global bestseller and the TED Talk based on it is the third most watched of all time. Why are some people and organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again? In business, it doesn't matter what you do, it matters why you do it. Start with Why analyses leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Steve Jobs and discovers that they all think in the same way - ... |
Decoding how people think, lead and get things done across cultures. ... Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to your own. Renowned expert Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain where people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together. Even with English as a global language, it's easy to fall into cultural traps that endanger careers and sink deals. "In The Culture Map", Erin Meyer ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Как ще изглежда светът през 2050 година? Какво влияние ще окажат на нашето глобално общество сложните сили на промяната - демография, околна среда, финанси, технологии и идеи за управление? Един от водещите анализатори на глобалните тенденции в икономиката, бизнеса и обществото, Хеймиш Макрей, ни води на вълнуващо пътешествие през следващите 30 години. Като се основава на десетилетни изследвания и съчетава икономическата преценка с историческата перспектива, той претегля възможностите и опасностите, пред които сме изправени, анализирайки икономическите тектонски плочи на миналото и настоящето, за да може по този начин да ... |
Препоръчваме критичен поглед към съдържанието на тази книга, предвид възможността част от него да е създадено с политически и пропагандни цели. ... Как КГБ си върна Русия и след това се изправи срещу запада? Война в Украйна. Намеса в американските избори. Спонсориране на крайни политически движения в Европа. Изкупуване на безброй луксозни имоти по света и особено в британската столица, заслужила неласкавото прозвище Лондонград. Корумпиране на демокрацията навсякъде, където е възможно. В последните години управлението на Владимир Путин фокусирано се опитва да създаде нова история и различна реалност за руския народ и да ... |
Fifth Edition. ... Would you like to get acquainted with the most important techniques every company manager should know? Quickly differentiate the fundamentals from the secondary, leading to the most accurate decisions? And do all of this for both everyday and extraordinary situations? If so, simply read this book. It presents an atypical look at the most successful techniques in business and draws on rich experience. Even within complex topics, easy-to-remember examples lead the reader step by step through the material clearly and methodically. The leading principles are highlighted, as are possible exceptions to them. ... |
The purpose I pursue with this book is to compare the information that has come down to us from old writers and to draw some conclusions about the people who spread the Bulgarian state to the Balkans, without resorting to the numerous contemporary books that I have read and that fill my library. I do this not out of disrespect for the tremendous work of contemporary Bulgarian writers and historians, but out of a desire to make an independent assessment of events and to draw my own conclusions about the relationship and sequence of events and their consequences by reading only older authors. I hope the book will find a ... |
"Принизяването на целия мъжки мозък единствено до "мозъкът под кръста" е добра основа за шегички, но по никакъв начин не представя мъжкия мозък в неговата цялостност. Той също така е търсещият и изследващ бебешки мозък, и мозъкът на прохождащото момченце, водено от мотото "не мога да живея, без да се движа"; недоспалият, дълбоко отегчен, готов на рискове мозък на тийнейджъра; страстно отдаденият на любовни похождения мозък на мъжа в разцвета на силите си; замъгленият мозък на таткото; обсебеният от йерархията и конкуренцията агресивен мозък и прибързаният емоционален мозък. Мъжкият мозък освен ... |
Учебникът е предназначен за ученици от 8. клас и ученици от 9. клас с разширено изучаване на английски език. ... Think for Bulgaria е учебна система, която осигурява познавателен и ефикасен начин на обучение. Учебникът покрива ниво A2 от Общоевропейската езикова рамка. Брой на учебните часове: в интензивната подготовка за 8.клас - 648 часа разширената подготовка за 8. клас - 432 часа разширената подготовка за 9.клас - 216 часа В основата на системата е идеята да изведе учащите извън стандартните граници на учене, да ги научи не само да общуват на английски език, но и да разшири мирогледа им и да въздейства върху ... |