Авторите предлагат разнообразие от теми, близки до света на съвременните ученици, които провокират интереса им и ги мотивират да развиват и задълбочават познанията си. Учениците са предразположени да изразяват личното си мнение, да участват в последващи дискусии и да надграждат знанията и уменията си. Голяма част от съдържанието е конкретно насочено към разширяване на общата култура, обогатяване на знанията за света и културните различия в отделните негови части, както и към развиване на чувството за толерантност към различията. Като част от съдържанието на учебника са и текстове, представящи информация за традициите, ... |
Скръбът за тяло от Ziaja помага за премахването на мъртвите клетки, тонизира кожата и я прави мека на допир. Той притежава свеж аромат на манго, който докосва сетивата. Формулата е веган и съдържа 90% съставки с естествен произход*. Съставът на скраба Ziaja Baltic Home SPA е обогатен с глицерин, който интензивно хидратира и омекотява кожата. Силициевият диоксид действа почистващо и изглаждащо. Във формулата е включен още кофеин, който има силни антиоксидантни свойства. Той стимулира кръвообращението и спомага за намаляване на целулита. Добавено е и масло от смокиня, което стяга и овлажнява кожата. Микрогранулите в ... |
Програмната система "Play and Talk with Echo" е предназначена за ранно чуждоезиково обучение на деца от предучилищна възраст. При разпределение на учебното съдържание се спазват принципите за цикличност и спираловидно разработване на тематичните области, които във всеки следващ модул се затвърдяват, разширяват и задълбочават, следвайки закона за многократно увеличен учебен материал. Системата дава свобода на учителя да упражни своята лична преценка и да взима решения така, че да приспособи материала към особеностите на всяка група. Съдържа примерно годишно разпределение на темите и подтемите за всеки месец. ... |
The Primary i-Dictionary Level 2 Workbook and DVD-ROM pack is ideal for general English classes as well as exam preparation. The Workbook contains all the words from the DVD-ROM plus activities. Young learners will enjoy labelling the pictures, then checking with the DVD-ROM, as well as doing crosswords, word searches, gap fills and colouring activities. The DVD-ROM contains pictures and pronunciation for the featured words in British and American English, the dictionary makes learning new vocabulary memorable and fun. The DVD-ROM is for home use. You will need: Windows7, XP or Vista and MAC OS X 10.3 500 MB free ... |
Packed with fun activities, this workbook is the perfect accompaniment to the Primari i-Dictionary 1 DVD-ROM. All the vocabulary from the DVD-ROM is practised with picture labelling and matching exercises at the start of each unit. Varied activities in the book include: Word searches Crosswords Colouring and drawing Anagrams Self assessment True or false questions... and much more The DVD-ROM is for home use. You will need: Windows7, XP or Vista and MAC OS X 10.3 500 MB free disc space 512 MB ram for Windows XP, 1 GB for Vista Adobe Reader 8.2 or higher Sound card and speakers for listening and/or ... |
The Pupil's Book is the core component of the series. It features nine units, plus an introductory unit. Every unit divides into twelve lessons filled with opportunities for learning and play either through songs, chants, adventures of Pippa and Pop, original children's literature, or arts and crafts and fun stickers. Inside the front cover, learners will find a unique access code to the Digital Pack with all the songs, chants adventures and stories. There are also printable worksheets and mini flashcards for games at home. It's the perfect resource for parents to support their child's learning at home. ... |
Към учебника за включени онлайн упражнения и забавна книжка. ... Забавни и приятни занимания за актуализирания формат на изпита Cambridge English Young Learners - YLE, в сила от Януари 2018г. Книжка 2 от поредицата Storyfun предлага пълноцветен материал за подготовка за ниво Cambridge English: Starters. Книжката съдържа 8 истории в илюстрации, придружени от забавни дейности. Включени са песни и въпроси по формата на изпита, които упражняват граматиката, лексиката и уменията, необходими за съответното ниво. Допълнителни проекти и упражнения за говорене осигуряват възможност за разширена подготовка. Home Fun Booklet - ... |
They say that the eyes feed first, then the body follows."The idea behind this book started in the land of smiles - Thailand. The specific aroma of Asian cuisine embraces everyone who sets foot in this land. This fragrance lingers in the mind, enriching the memories associated with the exotic. One of the festivals celebrated there, which is deeply connected to the story of this book, is the festival of the floating lanterns. Its preparation begins with the crafting of small boats made out of banana leaves in the shape of lotus flowers, lavishly adorned with petals and candles, before being set afloat in flowing water ... |
A dead body is dredged from the Thames, presumed to be the son of wealthy miser John Harmon, in Charles Dickens final novel, "Our Mutual Friend". Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library - a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition has an introduction by Lucinda Dickens Hawksley and original illustrations by Marcus Stone. John Harmon made his fortune collecting "dust", and on his death his estranged son is due to inherit his wealth on the condition that ... |
The body of Mr. Robert Stevens was found in his home at 24 Devonshire Road, Bristol last night. There must have been a fight because a lot of the furniture was broken. Nothing was stolen. The police are looking for Mr. Stevens' nephew, John Stevens, aged 16, who lived with him. This book is in British English. Here you can find: extra grammar and vocabulary exercises; points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at www.macmillanreaders.com. There are audio downloadable materials for this book, which are ... |
The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Alex Forley had everything: good looks, money, a beautiful house in London, an attractive girlfriend and a close group of friends. But now he is dead - an apparent case of suicide. Detective Inspector Rod Eliot isn't sure Alex killed himself and he wants the answers to two simple questions.Was it murder? And if so, who did it? ... |