Цялото разнообразие на медицинската лексика е представено в 62 урока. Книгата включва теми като симптоми, болести, изследване и лечение, проучване и превантивни мерки и представя основната медицинска лексика, свързана с частите и функционирането на тялото, медицински персонал, образование и тренинг, проучване и презентации. Към изданието е включен ключ с верните отговори към упражненията от уроците. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За ... |
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ... |
"Magnificent icons in Bulgaria" is a project of "Metodivs books" publishing house, representing one hundred Orthodox Christian icons, created in the span of a millennium - from X to XIX century, currently part of the collections of the National Archaeological Institute with a museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Gallery / Museum of Christian Art, National Museum of Ecclesiastical History and Archaeology, National History Museum and Rozhen Monastery "Holy Nativity of the Mother of God". This priceless heritage of centuries-old icons, certifying the indisputable Bulgarian ... |
"History of medieval Sofia IV - XIV century" is a monograph dedicated to the eleventh-century-long existence of one of the most remarkable Balkan cities during the middle ages - The present day capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. It was situated along the Via Diagonalis through the Peninsula and was mentioned in the Annals from this age under the names Serdica, Sredets, Triaditza. Early Byzantine Serdica was a "Marvellous Metropolis" - the main city in the Province of Midland Dacia. A city favoured by Emperor Constantine The Great, in which he constructed a magnificent architectural ensemble.The council of ... |
An Explorer's Guide to Heavens, Hells and Afterworlds. Edward Brooke-Hitching, author of the international bestseller The Phantom Atlas delivers an atlas unlike any other. The Devil's Atlas is an illustrated guide to the heavens, hells and lands of the dead as imagined throughout history by cultures and religions around the world. Packed with colourful maps, paintings and captivating stories, the reader is taken on a compelling tour of the geography, history and supernatural populations of the afterworlds of cultures around the globe. Whether it's the thirteen heavens of the Aztecs, the Chinese Taoist ... |
"It is well know to all how much daily problems the Bulgarian people has in these days. However, more dangerous than anything is the tendency to loose identity and national selfconfidence. This is a clearly visible tendency in the inscriptions of foreign languages, mass emigration and the wish for imitation of foreign culture. At other side, the answer to the question, "Why are you ashamed to call youself Bulgarian?" is more than obvious: there is in the present time to be proud of. The above-described situation makes preservation and popularization of Bulgarian History extraordinarily important. If it ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. What do you find in these two countries at the end of the world? One is an enormous island, where only twenty million people live - and the other is two long, narrow islands, with ten sheep for every person. One country has the biggest rock in all the world, and a town where everybody lives under the ... |
The beginnings of Sofia University may be traced back to the year 1888, ten years after the end of the Russian-Turkish War, which had begun in 1877, and which resulted in a recreated Bulgarian state re-emerging on the map of Europe. The state was small in territory, as well as in population. The capital, Sofia, numbered not more than 20,000 inhabitants. However, in this semi-oriental city, a Higher Pedagogical Course was started in 1888, and it was this that later grew into a modern higher education institution. The subsequent founding of the University was a single act, but behind it stood ages of history. ... |
Part 1: Fro the Beginings to 1700 Part 2: 1700-1832 ... В настоящата книга се проследява развоят на английската литература от времето на първите литературни паметници (VII в.) докъм 1830 г., когато завършва периодът на романтизма. На фона на историческото, общественото, културното и техническото развитие на Англия от онова време авторът представя английската литература като постоянно развиващ се процес, очертава новите тенденции в съответните епохи, новите идеи и разкрива пътя, който поезията, драмата и прозата са изминали за десет века: през старо- и средноанглийския период, през епохата на ренесанса, барока и ... |
The Juvenilia and shorter works of Jane Austen with an afterword by Kathryn White. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... This rare collection is a must for all Jane-ites, representing what Richard Church regarded as Jane Austen's literary work-basket. It contains not only her hilarious History of England, illustrated by her favourite sister Cassandra, but the unfinished Sanditon, the novel of her maturity on which she was working at her death, aged 42. Also included are the two epistolary novels, "Lady Susan" and "Love and Friendship" [sic], and other, shorter works: "The Watsons", & ... |
11 изтъкнати учени ни въвеждат в миналото на Япония ... Книгата е написана от единадесет бележити японисти (сред тях са Камерън Хърст III, автор на издадената на български език "Японските бойни изкуства"; Мартин Колкът, Джон Хол, Шинода Минору) под общата редакция на известния специалист Коно Ясуко. Една от знаменитите книги на "Коданша Интърнашънъл", по същество тя е англоезичен вариант на история на Япония. Преводът е направен по подготвяното десет години допълнено второ издание. Екипът от девет западни и двама японски специалисти по история и култура на Япония е съумял блестящо да се справи с ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Единствената разлика между успеха и провала. От автора на бестселъра на "Ню Йорк Таймс" - "Ако не си първи, си последен". ... Ако преследвате големи цели, не трябва да се задоволявате с обикновености. За да постигнете следващото ниво, трябва да разберете желаното 4-то ниво на действие. Това 4-то ниво, също познато като "Правилото 10X", е нивото на действие, което ще гарантира на компаниите и отделните индивиди постигане на техните цели и стремежи. Научете се да определяте количеството усилия, необходими, за да си гарантирате успех и да сте сигурни, че ще продължите да оперирате при тези ... |