Програмната система "Play and Talk with Echo" е предназначена за ранно чуждоезиково обучение на деца от предучилищна възраст. При разпределение на учебното съдържание се спазват принципите за цикличност и спираловидно разработване на тематичните области, които във всеки следващ модул се затвърдяват, разширяват и задълбочават, следвайки закона за многократно увеличен учебен материал. Системата дава свобода на учителя да упражни своята лична преценка и да взима решения така, че да приспособи материала към особеностите на всяка група. Съдържа примерно годишно разпределение на темите и подтемите за всеки месец. ... |
Hello! New Edition е нова система по английски, която ползва доказано успешни модели на обучение от предишното си издание. Тя има изцяло ново съдържание и илюстрации, олекотени са текстовете за четене и слушане, граматиката е по-малко, както предвижда новата програма. Работна тетрадка № 2 е неразделна част от работата в час и вкъщи. Тя съдържа упражнения за затвърдяване на лексиката и граматиката и за разширяване на отделни аспекти от изучавания материал. Всеки урок от тетрадката съдържа пет постоянни рубрики: Words in Action, Grammar spot, Vocabulary, Mind the Prepositions!, Reading. Учениците изпълняват задачи за ... |
The production of this Reader in the 20th century British literature is a result of years of lecturing on the subject of English literature to the English Students undergraduates at the South Western University, and the cooperation of my students and colleagues as well as the support of the faculty bodies and administration. ... |
Building the next business generation. The Business 2.0 provides university students who are preparing for future employment with the language and business skills they need to succeed in a competitive international environment. Based on extensive user feedback, research into Business English studies and the evolving needs of employers, the course builds on the success of the original edition and offers students the confidence, language and skills to thrive in an international work environment. There is a strong focus on the "intangible" business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So ... |
Building the next business generation. The Business 2.0 provides university students who are preparing for future employment with the language and business skills they need to succeed in a competitive international environment. Based on extensive user feedback, research into Business English studies and the evolving needs of employers, the course builds on the success of the original edition and offers students the confidence, language and skills to thrive in an international work environment. There is a strong focus on the "intangible" business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So ... |
Building the next business generation. The Business 2.0 provides university students who are preparing for future employment with the language and business skills they need to succeed in a competitive international environment. Based on extensive user feedback, research into Business English studies and the evolving needs of employers, the course builds on the success of the original edition and offers students the confidence, language and skills to thrive in an international work environment. There is a strong focus on the "intangible" business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So ... |
Building the next business generation. The Business 2.0 provides university students who are preparing for future employment with the language and business skills they need to succeed in a competitive international environment. Based on extensive user feedback, research into Business English studies and the evolving needs of employers, the course builds on the success of the original edition and offers students the confidence, language and skills to thrive in an international work environment. There is a strong focus on the "intangible" business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So ... |
Classic Scottish Poems. A glorious anthology of poetry and verse by the greatest classic Scottish poets, introduced by acclaimed poet John Glenday. With poems from famous Scottish writers such as Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Mary Queen of Scots herself, there is plenty here to enjoy and inspire. The collection roams across so many aspects of Scottish life and culture - its landscape and history, its people and celebrations. It is a country that has always inspired poets to write about love, nature and heritage, and to reflect on the important things of life. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a ... |
The UK and US No. 1 bestseller. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. ... From the creator of the wildly popular xkcd.com, hilarious and informative answers to important questions you probably never thought to ask. Millions visit xkcd.com each week to read Randall Munroe's iconic webcomic. Fans ask him a lot of strange questions: How fast can you hit a speed bump, driving, and live? When (if ever) did the sun go down on the British Empire? When will Facebook contain more profiles of dead people than living? How many humans would a T Rex rampaging through New York need to eat a day? In pursuit ... |
Албумът "Unzipped" е фокусиран върху акустични версии на произведенията, вдъхновени от албума "Starkers In Tokyo" от 1997. ... |
"Slide It In: The Ultimate Special Edition" съдържа нови ремастерирани версии (излезнали във Великобритания и в Съединените щати), неизлъчвани досега лайф и студио записи, музикални видеоклипове и ново интервю със създателя и вокалист на бандата Дейвид Ковърдейл. Към музикалното удоволствие е добавена книга от 60 страници, която е с твърди корици. В нея феновете на Уайтснейк ще намерят редки снимки и спомени, съпровождащи бандата през годините. "Slide It In: The Ultimate Special Edition" включва неиздавани версии на всяка песен от албума и съдържа ремиксите по случай 35-тата годишнина на "Slide It ... |