Each Student's Book provides 14 topical units with familiar Headway structure and integrated skills methodology. New vibrant photography unit openers use questions to engage learners with the unit topic and video introductions provide overviews of the content included. New and updated reading texts focus on topics and themes that students can relate to and demonstrate a specific language point. Access codes in the front of the Student's Books provide learners with 30 hours of Online Practice per level here. Online Practice lets students look again at Student's Book language they want to revise or they missed ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. David lives in a house with lots of books and his cat, Socrates. But is he happy? Then he makes friends with Ella. 'You're a nice boy,' says Ella. 'But you don't know anything about me. You don't know me. I'm not a good person. ... |
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С активните карти "Уча английски език" от "Simetro books" вашето дете ще научи лесно основни думички на английски език, докато играе и се забавлява. Комплектът е подходящ за деца над 4-годишна възраст и се състои от 54 цветни карти с илюстрации и думички на български и английски включващи числата до 10, 10 цвята, 5 форми, 4 посоки, 10 животни, 10 плодове и зеленчуци, 4 предмета, 2 карти с отговори и упътвания за родители. Използвайте gi у дома или в движение, в парка или в училище. Чрез тях детето ви ще научи лесно основните форми, цветове, числа, животни, плодове и зеленчуци, както на български, така ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Alex is a soldier with a peace-keeping force in a poor country torn apart by fighting. He doesn't speak the language and is not sure why he is there. On patrol he comes face to face with the reality of what arms sales mean and pays the ultimate price. Why? ... |
Изданието е на американски английски (American English). За изданието на британски английски (British English) кликнете тук. ... Том има рожден ден, но родителите му и сестра му нямат време да излязат с него. Тогава той намира чанта, а в нея - камера. Започва да прави снимки, но когато ги трие, нещо много странно се случва. ... |
Изданието е на британски английски (British English). За изданието на американски английски (American English) кликнете тук. ... Том има рожден ден, но родителите му и сестра му нямат време да излязат с него. Тогава той намира чанта, а в нея - камера. Започва да прави снимки, но когато ги трие, нещо много странно се случва. Изданието се предлага и в комплект с аудио CD и CD-ROM, които съдържат игри, за усвояване на речника и пълен запис на романа. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Max Holland, an assassin for hire, receives a lucrative offer from a mysterious man. But the man's instructions are rather strange and Max isn't sure whether to believe him. It is the start of a job that leads Max to a very unusual place - a world where Max makes a life-changing decision. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A struggling writer and a computer with a mind of its own fight for control of the writer's story and destiny. When Frank Wormold buys a computer to help him with his writing, he gets a lot more help than he wants. The ensuing battle of wills between himself and the computer makes Frank realise what the important things in life really are. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Joe lives in Canada, in a beautiful, quiet place. His peace is interrupted one day by the noise of bulldozers excavating near his house. He is told that it's a diamond mine. Joe is a journalist for a local newspaper and his neighbours soon come to ask him to write about the awful noise and destruction. Joe becomes suspicious when his boss won't let him write about it. He starts to investigate the mine, but ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Arman, a teenage refugee, makes an epic journey across Europe, often in the hands of people smugglers. He lives and works as an illegal immigrant in the UK until one day love comes into his life. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CD of the complete text. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A missing woman and a dead body welcome Inspector Jenny Logan to her new job with the Edinburgh police. Logan questions the husband of the dead woman and a local doctor about the murder, but can she believe what they say? Then, a piece of jewellery leads Logan to the killer. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A man is found on the street, and taken to hospital. He appears unable to tell the doctor who he is, or where he comes from, but has he really lost his memory? The man is playing a dangerous game, and really knows a lot more than he is prepared to say. When he leaves the hospital, he goes to the house of the nurse who looked after him, and events take a very sinister turn. ... |