"The English Neighbour" is a resourceful, vivid, and tirelessly funny story about the clash and fusion of cultures in today{{~}}s age of globalization. Bulgaria. Middle of Nowhere. The fictional village of Plodorodno (meaning "fertile") is in dire straits. As Bulgaria is gradually opening to the outside world, many of its residents have emigrated in pursuit of a different life, while others cast their hopes on winning the lottery instead of on working the fertile land nearby. One fine day, a true Englishman named John buys a hose in the village and settles there. He is retired chemical engineer ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Fairy tales are written both to entertain and to educate. Published in the shadow of the First World War, F. A. Steel's retellings of forty-one English fairy tales form a classic collection of stories, ranging from the familiar - "Jack and the Beanstalk", "Little Red Riding-Hood" and "The Three Little Pigs" - to the perhaps less well known - "The Black Bull of Norroway", "Nix Nought Nothing" and "The Red Ettin". Originally published in 1918, it reflects the nationalistic concerns of the period. ... |
Business English Frameworks is a photocopiable resource book for teachers of Business English to use with in-service learners of English for business and professional purposes. The book covers a huge variety of business topics and contains 60 photocopiable frameworks, which encourage learners to talk about their own work situation in a structured way. The frameworks can be used in groups, pairs or in one-to-one teaching situations. To help you deliver your blended and online courses, this resource is now available on English 360, our web-based platform. ... |
Под формата на игра, "I Learn English" ще помогне на децата бързо да усвоят над 500 думи и изрази на английски! Съвременните деца са запленени от електронните устройства като таблети и смартфони и все по-трудно посягат към книжките. Иновативната поредица "iBright.Books" съчетава любимия интерфейс на таблет с предимствата на класическата книга. Под формата на игра и с много илюстрации децата усвояват: 500 думи и изрази - чрез постепенно подаване на езиков материал: звук, дума, словосъчетание, изречение, текст; правилно произношение - чрез аудиофайлове, които се свалят безплатно онлайн; основна ... |
The Cambridge Business English Dictionary is ideal for business English students, business studies students and anyone using English in their work. Informed by the unique Cambridge English Corpus, the dictionary has over 35,000 words, phrases, and meanings, and includes business-specific vocabulary such as 'quantitative easing', 'crowdsourcing' and 'black knight'. It also includes help with how to use English naturally in business situations like meetings, conference calls, and emails. ... |
The delighted wonder surrounding a cat that has learned to talk quickly turns to dismay when the feline's conversation involves the scandalous remarks he's overheard. "Tobermory" abounds in the irony for which its author, Saki, is well known and admired. Along with the other short stories in this first-rate anthology, it showcases the talents of a renowned British writer. Other stories include Anthony Trollope's "The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne," a subtle study of the psychological cost of maintaining self-esteem; Thomas Hardy's "The Fiddler of the Reels", in which a ... |
Двустранно табло. ... Учебното табло съдържа информация за неправилните глаголи в английския език с техните три форми и превод на български. То включва и схематично представяне на глаголните времена с примери на български и английски език. Помагалото представлява двустранно ламинирано табло, формат А4. Настоящото издание е съвместимо с учебната програма за 2024/2025 г. Ако имате нужда от подвързия за различни формати учебници, тетрадки и учебни помагала, посетете нашата специална секция Подвързии. ... |
Учебното табло "English Tenses" е ламинирано, с лайсни и въже за закачане. Таблото е с размери 70 x 100 cm и е двустранно. ... |
This book surveys the major linguistic and social changes which shaped the English language. It begins with the Proto-Indo-European common ancestor, goes through Old English and Middle English providing illustrations of the changes with authentic texts, and finishes with Early Modern English. The text is written for advanced non-native students of English who are curious to find out how from some obscure Germanic dialects spoken in an abandoned Roman colony on the edge of Europe a new global language evolved. ... |
Основната задача на учебника е да създаде у студентите умения и навици за четене с разбиране, за разкриване на логическите връзки в текста, да им даде основните насоки при самостоятелната работа с оригинален научно-технически текст. Езиковият материал е поднесен на базата на функционално-семантичния принцип, като се използва комуникативният подход при разработване на учебните единици. Важно! Изданието е на много години и наличните бройки не са в перфектния вид, в който обичайно са книгите, които предлагаме. ... |
Part of the hugely popular "Professional English in Use" series, this book offers management vocabulary reference and practice for learners of intermediate level and above (B1-C1). Key MBA topics, covered in 40 independent units, including Leadership, Change Management and Finance are presented through real business case studies. The course has been informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that the language taught is up-to-date and frequently used. Primarily designed as a self-study book, it can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons. This book is a must for both students of MBA ... |
100 strong and weak irregular verbs in English. Irregular verbs have remained in modern English from the Old English conjugation system. They are called irregular because they form their forms for The Past Indefinite Tense и Participle II. ... |