"Поезията на Ивона Иванова е писък. Сваля маската от красивото лице на света и крещи в него. Разрушава стереотипите на заобикалящото ни ежедневие и го оголва до абсолютна празнота. В книгата оставаме сами със сетивата си, готови да попиват образите на собственото ни съществуване, от което изходът е само мираж. Светът е с нарушен ритъм и пулс и ние не сме готови да го спасим. Или пък сме?" Александър Иванов Силвия Плат под стъкления похлупак слънце плочки кучета усещам че ще свърша с глава пъхната във фурната или ще скоча в реката щом напълня джобовете си с камъни Ивона Иванова ... |
They Wish They Were Us meets The Queen's Gambit in the world of competitive Scrabble when a teen girl is forced to investigate the mysterious death of her best friend a year after the fact when her Instagram comes back to life with cryptic posts and messages. Catalyst 13 points noun: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change When Najwa Bakri walks into her first Scrabble competition since her best friend's death, it's with the intention to heal and move on with her life. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to choose the very same competition where said best friend, Trina Low, died. It might be ... |
Chief Inspector Morse and Sergeant Lewis went into the house. Inside the sitting-room, the light was still switched on and a gas fire was burning. The dead body of a young man was lying on the carpet, in front of the fire. Near the body, on a small table, stood a bottle of sherry and a wine glass. The bottle almost full, the glass was almost empty. Morse smelt the sherry which was left in the glass. "This smells like cyanide, Lewis", he said. "This man was probably poisoned." From the Book This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about this story; points for understanding ... |
The complete stories with original illustrations from the Strand Magazine. ... It is more than a century since the ascetic, gaunt and enigmatic detective, Sherlock Holmes, made his first appearance in A Study in Scarlet. From 1891, beginning with The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the now legendary and pioneering Strand Magazine began serializing Arthur Conan Doyle's matchless tales of detection, featuring the incomparable sleuth patiently assisted by his doggedly loyal and lovably pedantic friend and companion, Dr Watson. The stories are illustrated by the remarkable Sydney Paget from whom our images of Sherlock ... |
Compiled by: Tig Thomas. ... "Illustrated Treasury of Bedtime Stories" is a beautiful hardback book for children aged 7+ to enjoy timeless short stories by renowned storytellers such as Rudyard Kipling. Each story has been chosen as perfect for bedtime reading, to allow your child to enter an exciting dream world while they are calm and open to storytelling. Take a trip to a magical land, where bold boys and brave girls join a host of curious creatures, and where dreams really do come true. "Illustrated Treasury of Bedtime Stories": Enchanting stories you and your child to read and enjoy together; ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Соня Курц - бивш войник и оттеглил се наемник, е във Виетнам, посветена на плана си за лично отмъщение, когато получава сигнал за помощ от дъщеря си. Ема е студентка по археология и в момента присъства на разкопки по периферията на Национален парк Етоша в Намибия. Там тя открива останките на човешки труп, който датира от времето на войната за свобода на страната през 1980 г. Тялото, идентифицирано като Хъдсън Бранд, се оказва ключов елемент от пъзел, обещаващ да разкрие местонахождението на заровено съкровище от модерната епоха. За такава находка някои хора са готови да стигнат до убийство. Соня се завръща в родината си, ... |
"This book isn’t only about sugar-free, allergen-free cooking and baking. It’s about sharing the recipes that I love and use all the time. Recipes that can be more flexible, to incorporate local produce or adapt to different dietary needs. Some of these recipes are family traditions or meant for special occasions, and some are much newer, but they are recipes that I come back to time after time. This is our story told from a place we all love at home - the kitchen. My advice is to not be afraid experimenting. Once in a while, you may have to start over, but more likely you’ll come up with something different and ... |
В стенния календар World Wonders 2025 всеки месец е представен под формата на лента, намираща се под голямо изображение на различни забележителности. Календарът е хоризонтално ориентиран и се отваря посредством спирала, на която е нанизана метална лента, служеща за лесно закачане. Размери на календара: 45 x 31.5 cm. Етикетът FSC е най-довереният знак в света за устойчиво горско стопанство. Когато купувате продукти с етикет FSC, вие помагате на горите. Суровините, използвани за производството на продукти с лого FSC 100%, са добити от устойчиво управлявани гори и територии, които са инспектирани и сертифицирани в ... |
Стенният календар Wonder world за 2025 г. е покана да поглезите очите си, да се насладите на малките неща и да откриете спокойствието на сърцето си в красотата на цветовете. Майсторските произведения на Август Маке, Густав Климт, Ван Гог, Клод Моне, Паул Клее и Василий Кандински, ще ви отведат в уникалния свят на изкуството. Размерите на календара са: 36 x 44 cm. Етикетът FSC е най-довереният знак в света за устойчиво горско стопанство. Когато купувате продукти с етикет FSC, вие помагате на горите. Суровините, използвани за производството на продукти с лого FSC 100%, са добити от устойчиво управлявани гори и ... |
Video Game Compendium. Based on a series of Polish novels extremely popular in Eastern Europe, The Witcher games have sold more then 5.5 million copies and collectively won over 250 awards worldwide. There are currently two games available across multiple platforms, and a third is slated for release in 2014. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be released in 2014 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Dark Horse is introducing a new series of graphic novels chronicling the adventures of Geralt, a witcher, one of the few remaining monster hunters. Dive deep into the world of monster hunters, as the prominent characters from the universe ... |
Making stops in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, this edition rounds up some of today’s most exceptional and inspiring interiors across six continents. From rustic minimalism to urbane eclecticism, the selection celebrates a global spectrum of styles, united by authenticity, a love of detail, and a zest for individual expression that will never go out of fashion. Includes interiors in Argentina, Brasil, China, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and many more countries. With pictures by ... |
There is a film of this story. ... "– This is wonderful, Professor Challenger! - I said. – You have found a place which no one knows about - a lost world. A world where creatures from the past still live. – But nobody in London believes my story - said the professor. – People say the drawing and the photograph are fakes - they aren't real. – I want to return to the Lost World. Other people must see the Lost World. Then everyone will know it is real!" From the book This book is in British English. Here you can find: a note about the author; a note about the story; the people in this story; points for ... |