Двуезично издание на немски и френски език. ... Ein Kinderkrimi in der Sprachkombi Franzosisch und Deutsch aus der Reihe "Krimis fur Kids". Ein deutsch-franzosischer Krimi: In der Bretagne ist Nachsaison, viele Ferienhauser stehen leer. Ideal fur Einbrecher! Als auch im Ferienhaus von Henris Eltern eingebrochen wird, versuchen Henri und seine deutschen Freunde, den Tater zu fassen - mithilfe Henris dressierter Ratte. Hier geht es um Spannung und knifflige Falle! Das buch beinhaltet: spannende Storys von Jugendbuchautoren geschrieben; auf Deutsch erzahlte Geschichten mit franzosischen Dialogen; kurze ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Marina Sarah Preston. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "The Elves and the Shoemaker" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always remember, these classic fairy tales and sharing them together is an experience to treasure. "Ladybird books& ... |
Let the rich world of Tamriel guide your tarot practice with this sumptuous, illustrated deck inspired by the massively popular Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Featuring deluxe custom artwork of iconic figures in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, this deck is a great way to enjoy the characters and lore of this popular game. Containing both major and minor arcana, the set also comes with a comprehensive guidebook explaining each card's meaning, as well as simple spreads for easy readings. Packed in a sturdy, decorative gift box, this compelling tarot deck is perfect for Elder Scrolls fans and tarot enthusiasts alike. The card size ... |
Retold by Sue Arengo. ... Read the famous tale of the old shoemaker. How do the elves help him? Children love stories. Bring the magic of good storytelling into your classroom with Classic Tales, and they'll love their English lessons too. This edition of the award-winning series uses traditional tales to bring English to life through more than 30 beautifully illustrated stories. Word Count: 527. ... |
This beautiful gift book presents a host of classic tales, carefully retold to appeal to young readers. Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail to capture the imaginations of younger children. Stories include Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Elves and the Shoemaker and many more. The cover has been designed using a wealth of special effects. ... |
The Ultimate battle begins on Ravnica. ... Teyo Verada wants nothing more than to be a shieldmage, wielding arcane energies to protect his people from his world's vicious diamondstorms. When he's buried alive in the aftermath of his first real tempest, the young mage's life is about to end before it can truly begin-until it doesn't. In a flash, a power he didn't know he had whisks him away from his home, to a world of stone, glass, and wonder: Ravnica. Teyo is a Planeswalker, one of many to be called to the world-spanning city-all lured by Nicol Bolas, the Elder Dragon. Bolas lays siege to the city of ... |
Второ преработено и допълнено издание. ... Съвременна класификация и клинична характеристика. Пародонталните заболявания са сред най-широко разпространените в денталната медицина, поради което интересът към тях, както на денталните лекари, така и на обществото, е особено голям. Могат да се наблюдават както при възрастни, така и при подрастващи индивиди. Нехирургичната и хирургична терапия и профилактиката на тези заболявания е съществена част от дейността и задълженията на всеки практикуващ пародонтолог. Този монографичен труд цели да обобщи основните клинични характеристики и подходи в диагностиката и превенцията на ... |
Most commonly associated with the birth of the Impressionist movement in mid-19th-century Paris, Edgar Degas (1834 - 1917) in fact defied easy categorization and instead developed a unique style, strongly influenced by Old Masters, the body in motion, and everyday urban life. The elder scion of a wealthy family, Degas cofounded a series of exhibitions of "Impressionist" art, but soon disassociated himself from the group in pursuit of a more realist approach. His subjects centered on the teeming, noisy streets of Paris, as well as its leisure entertainments, such as horse racing, cabarets, and, most particularly, ... |
The Brothers Grimm rediscovered a host of fairy tales, telling of princes and princesses in their castles, witches in their towers and forests, of giants and dwarfs, of fabulous animals and dark deeds. This selection of their folk tales was made and translated by Lucy Crane, and includes firm favourites such as "Cinderella", "Rapunzel", "The Goose Girl", "Sleeping Beauty", "Hansel and Gretel", and "Snow White". It is illustrated throughout by Walter Crane's charming line drawings. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... For the past two centuries these delightful stories, gathered together and written down by brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, have entertained and frightened children and adults alike. The lives of "Tom Thumb", "Cinderella", "Rumplestiltskin" and "The Frog Prince" form part of our common heritage: they stimulate the imagination and the heart, and linger at the back of our minds for a lifetime. They are funny, disturbing, wise and compassionate. They speak of joy and terror, happiness and revenge, love and violence. ... |
Открий достъпна и ефективна грижа за кожата в гамата Revolution Skincare. Тя предлага целенасочени решения с любими и изпитани съставки, които осигуряват реални резултати. ... Серумът за лице от Revolution осигурява нежна грижа за вашата кожа и възвръща нейната влажност. Той съдържа фини блестящи частици, които правят лицето сияйно. Формулата е обогатена с екстракт от боровинка, който притежава антиоксидантни, подхранващи, противовъзпалителни и хидратиращи свойства. Той предпазва кожата от вредното действие на свободните радикали и стяга разширените пори. Серумът Revolution Skincare може да се използва и като основа ... |
Original Buff е мултифункционален шал-кърпа за защита на лицето, врата или главата от слънце, вятър и прах по време на активни дейности. Шалът-кърпа е с безшевна цилиндрична конструкция и има над 9 приложения: като двойна шапка, шлем, пиратска кърпа, пустинна кърпа, лента за коса, лента за уши, за попиване на потта на челото или на китката, за връзване на косата, дори и облечен, като потник. Изработен е от микрофибър - материя, която е лека, дишаща и разтеглива. Материята на шала държи влагата далеч от кожата, съхне изключително бързо и е ветроустойчива. Полиестерният микрофибър не губи еластичността си и цветовете му ще ... |