This is a horror story about a scientist and his investigations into his own character, but soon he finds himself under the control of a darker, evil force. "– Mr. Hyde? - Utterson asked. The small man dis not look at Utterson. – That is my name - he said in a low voice. – What do you want? – I am a friend of Dr Henry Jekyll - said Utterson. – You won't find him here - said Mr. Hyde. – How do you know who I am? – Dr. Jekyll told me about you - said Utterson. – He never told you - said Mr. Hyde. – You're lying! Mr. Hyde opened the door quickly. He disappeared into the house and locked the door behind him. – I ... |
Based on the story of Robert Louis Stevenson. Retold by Rosemary Border. ... You are walking through the streets of London. It is getting dark and you want to get home quickly. You enter a narrow side-street. Everything is quiet, but as you pass the door of a large, windowless building, you hear a key turning in the lock. A man comes out and looks at you. You have never seen him before, but you realize immediately that he hates you. You are shocked to discover, also, that you hate him. Who is this man that everybody hates? And why is he coming out of the laboratory of the very respectable Dr Jekyll? Classics, modern ... |
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Der seltsame Fall des "Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde" ist eine der berühmtesten Kriminalgeschichten der Weltliteratur, eine spannende Doppelgänger-Erzählung, die bereits Oscar Wildes "Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray" und noch Bret Easton Ellis "American Psycho" inspirierte. Seit seiner Jugend weiß Doktor Jekyll um sein gespaltenes Ich, aber die dunkle Seite hat er zeitlebens verdrängt. Mit Hilfe eines geheimnisvollen Elixiers gelingt es ihm, seine Identität nach Belieben zu wechseln. Doch der mysteriöse Mr. Hyde wird immer mächtiger und droht das Gute zu ... |
Черната стрела се появява по време на Войната на Розите - време на смут и трагични сблъсъци. Подобно на Робин Худ, Черната стрела се бори със злодеите в Англия. Посветил лъка и храброто си сърце на тази борба, той брани кралството и защитава честта на своя приятел Хари Шелтън. Той е убит от човека, който се превръща във враг и мишена за Черната стрела. Книга шестнадесета от поредицата Златни детски книги на ИК Труд. Важно! Изданието е на много години и наличните бройки не са в перфектния вид, в който обичайно са книгите, които предлагаме. ... |
Човешката душа е изтъкана от диаметрални противоположности: любов и омраза, корист и себеотрицание, състрадание и жестокост, принизяващи инстинкти и извисяващи пориви на благородство. Да опознаеш себе си означава да се гмурнеш в дълбините на човешката психика и да надникнеш през ключалката на килията, в която всеки от нас е заключил своето животинско начало: кръвожадния звяр, от който сме произлезли и за който предпочитаме да не говорим. Малцина автори са дръзвали да надникнат през тази ключалка, а още по-малко да отворят вратата и да се изправят лице в лице със своята тъмна страна. Именно това прави Странният случай с ... |
Sniff out a big adventure with Mr. Dog and the Faraway Fox. ... A brand new young fiction series by TV broadcaster and intrepid explorer Ben Fogle, inspired by his real-life animal experiences... Co-written with best-selling children's author Steve Cole and illustrated throughout with beautiful black and white illustrations by Nikolas Ilic. You can always count on Mr Dog to help an animal in trouble... When Mr Dog takes a trip into town, he doesn't expect to stay for long. But then he meets a fox who needs his help - a fox who's very far from home... ... |
When Mr Dog meets a fawn whose forest home is in danger, he know he needs to help... quickly. As Mr Dog joins the search for the fawn's missing mother, trouble lies ahead for the whole herd. Mr Dog has a plan, though, that might just keep them all safe... ... |
According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Which - world's only totally reliable guide to the future, written in 1655, before she exposed - the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. Just after tea... People have been pretending the end of the world almost from its very beginning, so it's only natural to be sceptical when a new date is set for Judgement Day. This time, though, the armies of God and Evil realy do appear to be missing. The Four Bikers of the Apocalypse are hitting the road. But both angels and demons - well, one first-living demon and a samowhat fussy angel - ... |
"We have to keep in mind that physics, however complicated this science might appear, has been developed by human kind, that therein persons and their fascinating fates have been involved, who achieved advances only in scientific data and research reports, but also in the richness of its historical scientific, in photographic plates and in the scientist's biography. This historical documentation is certainly the basis to start form, but thereafter, the physicists will have to continue the job on their own, somehow they must accomplish the discoverer's achievements afresh and they have a duty to impart results ... |
Learn to say "Please" with Mr Panda in this charmingly funny picture book. Mr Panda has a tray of doughnuts. Patiently and politely, Mr Panda asks his friends if they would like one. Each animal says yes, but without the all-important "please"! Is anyone worthy of Mr Panda's doughnuts?"An ideal book for kids to learn about good manners." The Sun "Simple yet funny enough for multiple readings." Kirkus "Does the job beautifully." The Times ... |
A simple, positive, practical toolkit for better mental health, from clinical psychologist and TikTok star Dr Julie Smith. Drawing on her years of experience as a clinical psychologist, Dr Julie Smith's first book is a must-have handbook for instantly better mental health. Filled with secrets from the therapy room, "Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?" offers simple advice, effective strategies and powerful coping techniques to help readers stay positive and resilient no matter what life throws their way. Written in short, bite-sized entries, in Dr Julie's warm and informal style, a reader can turn ... |
Learn all about feelings with Mr Panda in this charmingly funny board book. Lemur is happy and Swan is scared. But how is Mr Panda is feeling? Find out and help your little bears express their emotions with this simple board book story. ... |