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Търсене на: dispossessed

/ общо 1 продукта /
Sebastiao Salgado. Africa
Mia Couto
Цена:  199.90 лв.
Продукти отговарящи на търсене: dispossessed
Sebastiao Salgado. Africa -

Sebastiao Salgado. Africa

Mia Couto

Цена:  199.90 лв.
This stunning book is not only a sweeping document of Africa but an homage to the continent's history, people, and natural phenomena. ... Sebastiao Salgado is one the most respected photojournalists working today, his reputation forged by decades of dedication and powerful black-and-white images of dispossessed and distressed people taken in places where most wouldn't dare to go. Although he has photographed throughout South America and around the globe, his work most heavily concentrates on Africa, where he has shot more than 40 reportage works over a period of 30 years. From the Dinka tribes in Sudan and the ...
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