Q: What should we call this diet? A: Call it the Bulgarian diet, call it Ivan D.'s diet, call it whatever you want, I don't care. My point is that a truly efficient diet must encompass one's entire lifestyle, not just this or that input and its ratio to the output. I just claim that some of your individual lifestyle's patterns can be contributing much more to your being fit and well than what and how much you eat. Indeed, I do claim that observing my Ten Golden Rules as strictly as possible warrants good health and fit body, and alleviates - actually makes completely obsolete - the need of counting ... |
"For a person to write a book like this, he has to love art, passionately and selflessly, and to love, of course, the artist as well. The author possesses these qualities in full measure. But even with the love, enthusiasm, and admiration that permeate the entire book, it in no way amounts to a glorification, veneration, or canonization of Zlatyu Boyadzhiev’s image. Quite the opposite - the author has succeeded in keeping a necessary distance, allowing him the opportunity to combine an up-close and a distant view of the artist. He doesn’t carve a monument, he doesn’t paint an icon; rather, he presents a dynamic image, ... |
A revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book that provides a comprehensive view of bio-oxidative therapies in the context of holistic health. Includes the latest discoveries about oxygen healing therapies, how they work, and what they do to promote the healing process. Demystifies the terms antioxidants and free radicals, describes oxygen's role as a detoxifying agent, and outlines a holistic regimen to enhance results. Scientists recognize that most disease states are caused by oxygen starvation at a cellular level. We receive most of our oxygen from the air around us, but breathing isn't always ... |
Учебната система Insight - ниво A1 на издателство Oxford University Press е предназначена за изучаване на английски език в 8. клас, за неинтензивна форма на обучение. Учебната тетрадка допълва уроците от учебника с допълнителни упражнения към всеки урок. Учебната система по английски език за 8. клас се състои от: учебник за интензивно и разширено обучение учебна тетрадка за интензивно и разширено обучение учебник за неинтензивна форма на обучение учебна тетрадка за неинтензивна форма на обучение Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, ... |
Учебникът по английски език за 8. клас е подходящ за неинтензивна форма на обучение. ... Темите в учебната система Insight съдържат поредица от информационно наситени текстове, съпътствани от интересни дейности и задачи, които мотивират учащите да изразяват своето мнение и да мислят критично в света, в който живеят. Insight помага на учениците да усъвършенстват разбирането си за това, как работи езикът. Материалите в урочните единици разглеждат не само речниковите значения на думите, но и граматичните правила, които определят тяхното използване. По този начин се предоставя възможност на учащите да използват езика с по- ... |
The small town has witnessed some strange events and unusual visitor over the years, but there is one story that has never been told... until now. There are three ways up to Castle View from the town of Castle Rock: Route 117, Pleasant Road, and the Suicide Stairs. Everyday in the summer of 1974 twelve-year-old Gwendy Peterson takes the stairs, which are held by strong (if time-rusted) iron bolts and zig-zag up the cliff side. One day, while Gwendy catches her breath and listens to the shouts of the kids on the playground and the chink of an aluminium bat hitting a baseball, a stranger calls out to her. On a bench in ... |
Making right desicions when you don't have all the facts. ... Even the best decision doesn't yield the best outcome every time. There's always an element of luck that you can't control, and there's always information hidden from view. So the key to long-term success (and avoiding worrying yourself to death) is to think in bets: How sure am I? What are the possible ways things could turn out? What decision has the highest odds of success? Did I land in the unlucky 10% on the strategy that works 90% of the time? Or is my success attributable to dumb luck rather than great decision making? Annie Duke, a ... |
Aboard the USCSS Nostromo, Jonesy leads a simple life enjoying The Company cat food and chasing space rodents. Until one day, his cryostasis catnap is rudely interrupted. The humans have a new pet and it's definitely not house-trained. In space, no one can hear you meow. This full-color, illustrated book offers a cat's eye view of all the action from the movie "Alien". With new and original artwork by artist Rory Lucey, this is the perfect gift for all Alien fans (and cat lovers). ... |
Fifth Edition. ... Would you like to get acquainted with the most important techniques every company manager should know? Quickly differentiate the fundamentals from the secondary, leading to the most accurate decisions? And do all of this for both everyday and extraordinary situations? If so, simply read this book. It presents an atypical look at the most successful techniques in business and draws on rich experience. Even within complex topics, easy-to-remember examples lead the reader step by step through the material clearly and methodically. The leading principles are highlighted, as are possible exceptions to them. ... |
The purpose I pursue with this book is to compare the information that has come down to us from old writers and to draw some conclusions about the people who spread the Bulgarian state to the Balkans, without resorting to the numerous contemporary books that I have read and that fill my library. I do this not out of disrespect for the tremendous work of contemporary Bulgarian writers and historians, but out of a desire to make an independent assessment of events and to draw my own conclusions about the relationship and sequence of events and their consequences by reading only older authors. I hope the book will find a ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. Фотография: Антони Георгиев. Предговор: Георги Лозанов. ... Едно "антропологично пътешествие", по думите на своя автор, известния фотограф, писател и журналист Антони Георгиев, "Българите" е сбирка от предимно черно-бели фотографии от последните 10 години, която цели да обясни във визуални термини продължаващата криза на идентичността на тази малко позната балканска държава. Георгиев дава критична и все пак изпълнена със симпатия гледна точка към обикновени българи, заети с всекидневието си, зад които се долавят универсални, дори екзистенциални ... |
Academic Vocabulary in Use Second Edition is the perfect study aid for anyone using English for their academic work. Ideal for students of any discipline, this second edition has been updated to reflect changes in education, technology and communications, includes a selection of new reading passages, and is now in full colour. 50 easy-to-use, two-page units give clear explanations of new vocabulary, along with a variety of practice exercises. A comprehensive answer key, and phonemic transcriptions to help with pronunciation, make it perfect for self-study as well as for use in the classroom. This book is designed for ... |