Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world - Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes - has very strong causal links to deficient sleep. In this book, the first of its kind written by a scientific expert, Professor Matthew Walker explores twenty years of cutting-edge research to solve the mystery of why sleep matters. Looking at creatures from across the animal kingdom as well as major human studies, Why We Sleep delves into everything from ... |
Teen Zone е нова учебна система за неинтензивно и неразширено изучаване на английски език в четири нива - A1, A2.1, A2.2 и B1.1. Авторският екип е създал съвременни и увлекателни материали, които да мотивират учениците и да улеснят учителите. Включените в системата теми са съобразени с интересите и нивото на учениците. Оформлението е модерно и подпомага възприемането на изучавания материал. Учебникът съдържа: 10 урока с добре балансирано учебно съдържание, които осигуряват достатъчно упражнения за преговор и затвърдяване; урок Grammar check, който прави бърз преглед на основната граматика, изучена в нива A1 - A2; ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Допълнено издание. ... Науката на пазаруването. Пако Ъндърхил, гуруто революционер в ритейл сектора, се завръща с напълно преработено издание на класическия бестселър за непрекъснато развиващата се потребителска култура. Тук ще прочетете свежи наблюдения и важни уроци относно най-новите тенденции в търговията. Той разглежда моделите на Amazon и iTunes, а също и ефектите на глобализацията върху световните развиващи се пазари. Това преработено издание представя: последните тенденции в онлайн търговията - правилните, но и неправилните подходи на търговците и начините, по които почти всяка компания може да подобри ... |
Къде е коренът на повечето хронични болести и как да се борим с тях. Списъкът с болести в развитите страни е тягостно дълъг - сърдечни болести, диабет, Паркинсон и Алцхаймер... Знаем за тези болести повече отвсякога, но сякаш сме безсилни. Но има тайна, която обединява всички - завишеното равнище на инсулина. Той ли е движещата сила на всички тези страдания? В Защо се разболяваме Бенджамин Бикман разкрива коренната причина за съвременните заболявания и предоставя кратка и ясна пътна карта. Професор Бикман представя не само лесно разбираемо ръководство как и защо се развива инсулиновата резистентност, но и наръчник за ... |
Защо виждаме неща, които не съществуват? ... Не съществуват паранормални явления. Но защо толкова много хора твърдят, че са преживели нещо свръхестествено? В "Паранормалното", проф. Ричард Уайзман дава отговор на този въпрос, изследва необяснимото с научни средства, разкривайки удивителни истини за духове, ясновидци и преживявания извън тялото. Тези на пръв поглед ненаучни занимания водят до открития за дейността на човешкия мозък, за поведението и убежденията на хората. Предлагайки методи, които ви дават възможност сами да се докоснете до невероятното, "Паранормалното" ще ви поведе към едно ... |
How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. ... Simon Sinek's recent video on "The Millennial Question" went viral with over 150 million views. Start with Why is a global bestseller and the TED Talk based on it is the third most watched of all time. Why are some people and organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again? In business, it doesn't matter what you do, it matters why you do it. Start with Why analyses leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Steve Jobs and discovers that they all think in the same way - ... |
A fantastic first book of feelings that introduces little ones to a wide range of emotions. Why are the animals happy? What has made them feel sad? What do you feel excited about? We feel happy when reading our favourite book. We feel calm when we have a bath. We feel excited when we go to a party. "We Feel Happy" is the perfect book for starting a conversation about feelings with children. The animals are experiencing lots of different emotions, from the hippos who are excited to visit their friends to the shark who is grumpy about brushing its teeth. Includes learning hooks such as counting, first words and ... |
Is that a flamingo munching on a banana? What about that hippo flipping pancakes? And why is that llama dressed as a lemon? There's even a shark slurping a fruit smoothie. All the animals are eating their favorite foods in their own hilarious way. So whatever you're eating today... tell us how it should be done? We Eat Bananas invites children to choose their favorite foods and how they like to eat them across 12 spreads, packed with animals eating bananas, soup, sandwiches, sausages, ice cream, vegetables, spaghetti and more. With interactive speech bubbles and hilarious shout outs. Gobble up this book! For any ... |
From the discovery of entirely new kinds of galaxies to a window into cosmic "prehistory", Bothwell shows us the Universe as we've never seen it before - literally. Since the dawn of our species, people all over the world have gazed in awe at the night sky. But for all the beauty and wonder of the stars, when we look with just our eyes we are seeing and appreciating only a tiny fraction of the Universe. What does the cosmos have in store for us beyond the phenomena we can see, from black holes to supernovas? How different does the invisible Universe look from the home we thought we knew? Dr Matt Bothwell ... |
Why do we love something or someone is not a question we often ask ourselves. It is difficult to answer. Perhaps this is because love is a feeling that is not easy to catch in words. And that is why the book in front of you, that asks the question - Why do I love Bulgaria, makes you curious and especially because a foreigner has made the effort to answer this question. Hans Wissema is not a stranger to Bulgaria and Bulgaria is not a stranger to him, for several reasons. Some of the reasons you will understand when you read the book or perhaps you have already read his book (in Bulgarian translation) "Siberian ... |
What would you give for the chance to live again? ... Who am I? What am I? When am I? Laura can't remember who she is. But the rest of the world knows. Because Laura is famous - a dying girl who was frozen until she could be cured. A real-life Sleeping Beauty. But what happens when you wake up one day and the world has moved on forty years? Could you build a new life - while solving the mystery of what happened to the old one? A darkly twisted thriller plunging a pre-tech girl into a futuristic world. ... |
The #1 New York Times and international bestseller. If you're listening, you're too late. ... You can't stop the future. You can't rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret.. is to press play. Clay Jensen doesn't want anything to do with the tapes Hannah Baker made. Hannah died two weeks ago. Her secrets should be buried with her. The Hannah's voice explains that there are thirteen reasons why she died - and Clay is one of them. If he listens he'll learn that he is, in some way, responsible for her death. All through the night, Clay keeps listening. He follows Hannah's recorded ... |