From the New York Times bestselling author of "Beach Read" comes a sparkling new novel that will leave you with the warm, hazy afterglow usually reserved for the best vacations. Two best friends. Ten summer trips. One last chance to fall in love. Poppy and Alex. Alex and Poppy. They have nothing in common. She's a wild child, he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust, he prefers to stay home with a book. And somehow, ever since a fateful car share home from college many years ago, they are the very best of friends. For most of the year they live far apart - she's in New York City, and he's in ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
A graphic exploration of how our brains work with other brains. Professors and husband-and-wife team Uta and Chris Frith have pioneered major studies of brain disorders throughout their nearly fifty-year career. Here, in this pleasing mix of wonder, genial humor, and humility, they tell the compelling story of the birth of neuroscience and their paradigm-shifting discoveries across areas as wide-ranging as autism and schizophrenia research, and new frontiers of social cognition including diversity, prejudice, confidence, collaboration, and empathy. Working with their son Alex Frith and artist Daniel Locke, the Friths ... |
Oliver Marks has just served ten years for the murder of one of his closest friends - a murder he may or may not have committed. On the day he's released, he's greeted by the detective who put him in prison. Detective Colborne is retiring, but before he does, he wants to know what really happened ten years ago. As a young actor studying Shakespeare at an elite arts conservatory, Oliver noticed that his talented classmates seem to play the same roles onstage and off - villain, hero, tyrant, temptress - though Oliver felt doomed to always be a secondary character in someone else's story. But when the teachers ... |
Until I met Juniper, nothing was ever the same again. The summer of 1955 has the makings of being the worst summer ever. My dad has packed me off to my aunt and uncle's place in small town Alabama. Why is this so terrible, you ask? Because my racist neighbors have made it crystal clear how unwelcome I am. Now for its only saving grace: enter Juniper Jones - kind, open, accepting and a complete enigma to me. Together, we might just be invincible. ... |
From the author of "Small Great Things" and "A Spark of Light" comes a "powerful" novel about the choices that alter the course of our lives. Everything changes in a single moment for Dawn Edelstein. She's on a plane when the flight attendant makes an announcement: Prepare for a crash landing. She braces herself as thoughts flash through her mind. The shocking thing is, the thoughts are not of her husband but of a man she last saw fifteen years ago: Wyatt Armstrong. Dawn, miraculously, survives the crash, but so do all the doubts that have suddenly been raised. She has led a good life. ... |
След като разгледахме най-общо добродетелите, пороците и останалите отнасящи се към нравствеността неща, сега е необходимо да се спрем на тях поотделно: тъй като, колкото постъпките ни са конкретни, общите морални наставления са по-малко полезни. Даден морален предмет може да бъде разглеждан обаче в неговата отделност по два начина: от една страна, с оглед самата му материя, както когато се разглежда например ето тази добродетел или ето този порок; от друга - с оглед отделните положения на людете, както когато става дума за подчинените и властвуващите, за водещите действен или съзерцателен живот и изобщо за всички такива ... |
A gorgeously atmospheric contemporary fantasy of two Long Island teens and fledgling mediums investigating a murder in their small town by the New York Times bestselling author of The Devouring Gray. Mina Zanetti is a fledgling medium, desperate to share in her mother's world and speak with the dead. But Sand Dollar Cove is a grieving town, still recovering from the unsolved murders of three teenagers six years ago, found with sand dollars on their eyes. And Evelyn Mackenzie has felt every day of it, as the town blames her father for the deaths. When Mina and Evelyn conduct a ritual to speak to the dead they ... |
Contains 25 stories. ... Set off on an outdoor adventure with this collection of 25 classic tales by the world's best-loved storyteller. The perfect holiday read for children. From stolen dogs and disappearing necklaces to journeys to faraway lands, these fun-filled stories are packed full of mystery and adventure. Ideal for newly confident readers, these entertaining tales are the ideal length for reading aloud at bedtime or in the classroom. ... |
Транскрипция за две китари - Милена Вълчева и Валентин Вълчев. ... Доменико Скарлати е италиански композитор, роден в Неапол през 1685 г., същата година като Йохан Себастиан Бах и Георг Фридрих Хендел. Хронологично той е класифициран предимно като бароков композитор, въпреки че музиката му оказва влияние върху развитието на класическия стил. Подобно на известния си баща Алесандро Скарлати, той композира в различни музикални форми, въпреки че днес е известен главно със своите 555 сонати за клавишни инструменти. Той прекарва голяма част от живота си в служба на португалското и испанското кралски семейства. Сонатите са ... |
A fantastic first book of feelings that introduces little ones to a wide range of emotions. Why are the animals happy? What has made them feel sad? What do you feel excited about? We feel happy when reading our favourite book. We feel calm when we have a bath. We feel excited when we go to a party. "We Feel Happy" is the perfect book for starting a conversation about feelings with children. The animals are experiencing lots of different emotions, from the hippos who are excited to visit their friends to the shark who is grumpy about brushing its teeth. Includes learning hooks such as counting, first words and ... |
Социалистическият женски активизъм и международната солидарност по време на Студената война. ... Жените от социалистическите страни в Източна Европа - навремето наричани "Втория свят" - някога са доминирали женския активизъм в ООН. Приносът им обаче е до голяма степен забравен или считан за незначителен в сравнение с този на западните феминистки. Във "Вторият свят, вторият пол" Кристен Годси проследява дейността на източноевропейските и африканските жени през 1975 г., в рамките на Международната година на жените на ООН и последвалото Десетилетие на жените (1976 - 1985) и възстановява част от тази ... |