From "New York Times" bestselling author - Christie Golden. ... Now, on the legendary continent of Pandaria, he will stand trial for his transgressions. Renowned leaders from across the world have gathered to witness this historic event. As the trial unfolds, agents of the bronze dragonflight present shocking visions of Garrosh's atrocities. For many of those in attendance, these glimpses into history force them to relive painful memories and even question their own innocence or guilt. For others, the chilling details stoke the flames of their hatred. Unbeknownst to anyone, shadowy forces are at work on ... |
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Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Shooting stars tear across the night sky, then a gigantic artificial cylinder descends from Mars to land near London. Inquisitive locals gather round, only to be struck down by a murderous Heat-Ray. Giant destructive machines disgorge from the cylinder, destroying everything in their path on a merciless march towards the capital. Can humanity survive this Martian onslaught? A gripping adventure written in semi-documentary style, "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells is the seminal man versus machine adventure which has inspired countless ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... This is a fresh, contemporary translation of Sun Tzu 's "The Art of War" for the 21st century. As well as its historical importance, it is one of the most influential political and business books of our era. This edition rediscovers the essential clarity of the ancient masterpiece, cited by generals from a dozen Chinese dynasties, international business leaders, and modern military field manuals. It also contains a full commentary on Sun Tzu, the man and his ideas, contemporary of Confucius and Buddha; and a critical guide to further reading. ... |
The official prequel to the eagerly anticipated video game Gears 5. ... Following Reyna Diaz's death at the hands of the Swarm, Kait seals her mother's tomb, swearing revenge. With her allies, including JD Fenix and Del Walker, she returns to New Ephyra to warn the Coalition of Ordered Governments: "The Swarm is coming". However, First Minister Jinn requires proof of the threat. She also demands their utter loyalty, driving a wedge between the allies. Joined by Marcus Fenix, Kait strikes out on her own while JD and Del embark on a sanctioned mission to prove that the threat is real. With the fate of ... |
"Blizzard Entertainment" and "Dark Horse Books" are proud to present the third installment of their bestselling "World of Warcraft Chronicle" series! Like its predecessors, Volume 3 features beautiful full-color artwork by Peter Lee, Emily Chen, Stanton Feng, and other fan-favorite artists, as well as intricately detailed maps and spot art by Joseph Lacroix. Bolster your knowledge of "Warcraft" lore with this striking third volume! "World of Warcraft - vol. 3: Chronicle" resumes the epic multipart saga of Azeroth as agents of the Burning Legion unleash a mysterious plague ... |
Illustrated by Peter C. Lee. ... "World of Warcraft - vol. 1: Chronicle" is a journey through an age of myth and legend, a time long before the Horde and the Alliance came to be. This definitive tome of Warcraft history reveals untold stories about the birth of the cosmos, the rise of ancient empires, and the forces that shaped the world of Azeroth and its people. Featuring beautifully illustrated original art and detailed maps, "World of Warcraft" is the first in a multipart series exploring the rich lore of Warcraft universe, from the distant past to the modern era. ... |
Illustrated by Emily Chen, Stanton Feng, Alex Horley, Peter C. Lee, Sean Sevestre, Abe Taraky and Wei Wang. ... Blizzard Entertainment and Dark Horse Books are thrilled to present the next installment of the wildly popular World of Warcraft Chronicle series. Volume 2 will reveal more sought-after details about the game universe's history and mythology. Showcasing lush, all-new artwork from fan favorites such as Peter Lee, Joseph Lacroix, and Alex Horley, this tome is sure to please all fans--casual and collector alike. ... |
"World of Warcraft: Comic Collection - volume 1" brings together eleven digital World of Warcraft comic books for the first time ever in print! Featuring all-new stories from the eras of Warlords of Draenor, Legion and Battle for Azeroth, go deeper into the lore of "World of Warcraft" with fan favorites such as Jaina Proudmoore, Magni Bronzebeard, Gul'dan and many more! Includes never seen concept art and sketches from Alex Horley, Nesskain and more acclaimed artists! ... |
The Ultimate battle begins on Ravnica. ... Teyo Verada wants nothing more than to be a shieldmage, wielding arcane energies to protect his people from his world's vicious diamondstorms. When he's buried alive in the aftermath of his first real tempest, the young mage's life is about to end before it can truly begin-until it doesn't. In a flash, a power he didn't know he had whisks him away from his home, to a world of stone, glass, and wonder: Ravnica. Teyo is a Planeswalker, one of many to be called to the world-spanning city-all lured by Nicol Bolas, the Elder Dragon. Bolas lays siege to the city of ... |
Книгата е част от поредицата "Войни и власт" от издателство "Сиела". ... "33-те стратегии за войната" е книга за същината на проверена от времето мъдрост, съдържаща се в уроците и принципите на военното дело. Книгата е предназначена да ви въоръжи с практически знания, които ще ви предоставят безкрайни възможности и предимства при срещата ви с неуловимите воини, атакуващи ви във всекидневните битки. Всяка глава е стратегически прицелена в решаването на отделен проблем, с който ще се срещате често. Включени са проблеми като битка с немотивирана армия пред вас, загуба на енергия чрез боеве на ... |
"New York Times" bestseller. ... His evil is legend. Lord of the undead Scourge, wielder of the runeblade Frostmourne, and enemy of the free peoples of Azeroth. The Lich King is an entity of incalculable power and unparalleled malice his icy soul utterly consumed by his plans to destroy all life on the World of WarCraft. But it was not always so. Long before his soul was fused with that of the orc shaman Ner'zhul, the Lich King was Arthas Menethil, crown prince of Lordaeron and faithful paladin of the Silver Hand. When a plague of undeath threatened all that he loved, Arthas was driven to pursue an ill- ... |
Edited by Marcus Clapham. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... The First World War was one of the deadliest conflicts in modern history and produced horrors undreamed of by the young men who cheerfully volunteered for a war that was supposed to be over by Christmas. Whether in the patriotic enthusiasm of Rupert Brooke, the disillusionment of Charles Hamilton Sorley, or the bitter denunciations of Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, the war produced an astonishing outpouring of powerful poetry. The major poets are all represented in this beautiful Macmillan Collector’s Library anthology, "Poetry of the First ... |