Fluent from birth in French as well as his native Polish, Joseph Conrad (1857 - 1924) learned his third language, English, as an adult. And it was in English that he wrote his evocative stories and novels, drawing upon his experiences in the British and French navies to portray the struggles of humanity amid the world's vast indifference. This anthology offers readers the essential Joseph Conrad, including his debut novel, "Almayer's Folly". Other features include his political thriller, "The Secret Agent", along with his most famous novel, "Heart of Darkness", and a related account ... |
Influential and innovative, James Joyce (1882 - 1941) led the vanguard of 20th-century fiction. Sooner or later, most undergraduates encounter him, and many scholars devote their entire careers to his exuberantly eloquent prose. Joyce's experimental use of language and stream-of-consciousness techniques continues to captivate modern readers and writers, and this anthology offers a first-rate introduction to the Irish author's fiction and poetry. "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", Joyce's coming-of-age novel, appears here in its entirety. Readers will also find the complete texts of the ... |
Knighted for his service as a field doctor during the Boer War, Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) is best remembered as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. In addition to his ever-popular tales of the Baker Street sleuth, Conan Doyle wrote many works of history and science fiction, as well as plays, poetry, and stories that reflected his interest in the occult. This anthology offers an excellent selection of tales from throughout the Scottish author's career. Sherlock Holmes's adventures include the novels "The Hound of the Baskervilles" and "A Study in Scarlet", plus the stories "The Final ... |
The production of this Reader in the 20th century British literature is a result of years of lecturing on the subject of English literature to the English Students undergraduates at the South Western University, and the cooperation of my students and colleagues as well as the support of the faculty bodies and administration. ... |
Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology. ... Ford Madox Ford felt especially drawn to the novelistic series. This book sets out to introduce him and some of his most prominent works - his trilogy, tetralogy and set of two novels to the reader. ... |
The book is intended to give an introduction to the complicated topic of computer programming for complete beginners that is suitable for both university students in university programmes such as informatics, mathematics, applied mathematics, and engineers who would like to expand their knowledge in the field. Even though the reader is assumed to have no experience in computer programming, the book is not based on rudimentary examples. The text is written to correspond to and to be relatively synchronized with standard beginner courses in mathematics that are usually taught in the first semesters at a university programme ... |
The Tarot of Light and Shadow presents a new multi-layered way of working with the Tarot: using two decks to explore the Shadow and Light sides of any questions at once. Although some professional readers have used this idea with different packs, and to great effect, this is the first time two Tarot decks have been designed specifically to work together. In fact, they can be seen not as two separate decks but as one deck appearing in two dimensions. The principle of the two-deck system can be explained as follows: there are two sides to every question and two sides to every answer. Answers come both from within and ... |
Страниците и в тази книга са един дълъг разказ. Няколкото така наречени епизода привидно го повеждат в различни посоки. Всъщност единствената посока е навътре към преживяванията на полковник Христо Лазаров от военното разузнаване. Читателят разбира, че името е измислено, за да скрие една конкретна личност. Този жив все още човек обаче е литературно обременен с преживяванията и на други като него. Така той става обобщаващ образ. В самия заник на своя дълъг живот полковникът от резерва Христо Лазаров разбира стойностната страна на нещата. А така също порочността, престъпността и бездушието на политическата класа, която ни ... |
Книга 1 от поредицата "Bulgarian Academic Monographs". ... The book is a comprehensive crystallogenetic overview on the morphology of minerals based on the authors’ original ideas. Current theories of crystal growth are briefly dealt with, attention being paid to the classical layer-by-layer and dislocation mechanisms. The modification of crystal forms of the most important rock-forming and ore-forming minerals, presented by their principal crystal habits, is checked by both observation in their natural occurrences and laboratory experiments. Crystal growth by accretion of clusters and/or submicroscopic ... |
This beautifully illustrated book comprises 297 photos of living insects and spiders, demonstrating a little known aspect of entomology for there exists no popular literature treating the nocturnal activities of these fascinating creatures. Few have had the time - or courage - to carry a camera quietly through the jungle at night. The text and photos introduce the reader to the various types of tropical forest and their smaller inhabitants. A chapter illustrates the many ways in which one may observe noctural life in the jungle, and the special techniques necessary to photograph bugs and vegetation in these dripping ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... "Искрено завиждам на всеки, стъпил за пръв път на Антарктида. Най-студеният, най-ветровитият, най-високият и най-пустинният континент на Земята неудържимо привлича хората през последните два века от човешката история. Всеки, стъпил на суровите ледено-каменни брегове с мързеливо изтягащи се тюлени и тромаво поклащащи се пингвини, които ловко се гмуркат в леденостудените и кристалночисти води. Там властват космически студове и ураганни ветрове, феерия от цветове в играта на слънчевите лъчи, безкрайните снежни простори и ледени скулптури сякаш са изваяни от ръката на ... |
With the book of "The Grain of Wheat" we have made an inspired and loving effort to cast some light upon the great lifework of Beinsa Douno. Beinsa Douno (Beinsa Duno) is a name of Peter Deunov (Peter Dounov). This name is a spiritual projection of the connection with the followers of this Teaching. A spiritual bridge between Him, the Teaching-talks and lectures and the consciousness of his listeners and followers. By means talks and of selected thoughts based on themes from his lectures, resumes and essayes to act as a bridge between the various sections, the reader will be able to get some idea of the light ... |