This is a book that traces the boundaries of home. Twenty-two stories dedicated to the road. Twenty-two essays about life on the verge of languages and worlds. "My Brother's Suitcase" is an anthology of twenty-two stories about the evasive nature of the modern concept of ‘e/im/migration.’ A book about the language we feel at home with. About the suitcases that we carry around the world-suitcases full of memories, old photos, and dreams of home."The reflective, funny and bittersweet stories in My Brother's Suitcase made me rummage through my own baggage, accumulated over twenty years of expat life ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
The book contains: 29 incredible treasures; breathtaking photographs and re-constructive artworks; both a captivating read and a magnificent album for a wide variety of readers. Which one of us had not dreamt at least once in a lifetime of discovering a lost treasure? This abundantly illustrated book can make your dream come true! It will reveal to you the secrets of the most significant treasures, found not only on the present-day territory of Bulgaria, but also in the lands conquered centuries ago by the Bulgarian rulers. You will unravel the mystery of the world's oldest gold, the masterpieces of the ... |
"Bulgaria of the Religions" is a high-quality volume written to the highest standards of producing a guide book, with positive attitude towards the different religions, knowledge of history and love for culture and its religious background. The book perfectly serves the purpose of introducing Bulgaria's religious heritage to the outsider. The rich and creative illustrative material, the high standard of research, the range of topics and the interdisciplinary approach makes the volume both informative and entertaining. It coves subjects as varied as archaeology, architecture and the art of Christianity, Islam, ... |
And the Europeanisation of Bulgaria. Presented in selected areas of state administration and society (1861 - 1887 - 1912). The book is a thorough narrative of the modernization of Bulgaria from 1887 to 1912. One period of 25 years of Bulgaria's peaceful existence, apart from the social turmoil. In these years Bulgaria went from being an Ottoman Asian province to a European state. This was, of course, the consequence of a great popular, especially elitist, push towards Europe, led by the Bulgarian ruler - Prince, later Tsar, Ferdinand I. His participation in this great upsurge is the subject of this book. It is the ... |
"A yet too rare example of a balanced approach towards the Bulgarian past is what you will come upon in this book... You might not share the opinion of what has been laid out here; you might find the events and their explanation well-known or queer - anyway, it is worth reading it." Andrey Pantev, Professor of history ... |
The Enriched Collection. ... Myths & Legends from Bulgaria. The Enriched Collection е книга, която ви кани да се гмурнете надълбоко в далечни незапомнени времена и в истории, които са пропътували огромно разстояние през вековете, за да достигнат до нас. Сборникът съдържа седемдесет и шест митове и легенди от всички кътчета на страната, обхващайки период от неясната античност до обичаите и поверията, оцелели до наши дни. Историите в книгата са подбрани от разнообразни източници, както български, така и чужди. Авторката се е опитала да ги раздели на четири части - Митове от древния свят, Легенди за създаването на света, ... |
Petar Beron worked at the Institute of Zoology and the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a biologist from 1963 to 2010. Specializating in acarology and biospeleology, he began exploring caves and cave fauna since 1955. He went on expeditions in New Guinea, Indonesia, Mexico, Cuba, China, Vietnam, on the Balkan Peninsula, in Corsica and South America. In his journeys, he discovered many new species of caves and animals. Author and co-author of many books and articles on speleology, zoogeography and acarology. The present publication contains data on 153 species not recorded so ... |
Bulgaria made its first steps as an independent state in the distant 681. It is one of the centuries. Its geographical position on the Balkans, the crossing of roads from and to Europe, Africa and Asia, determined the difficult historical destiny of the Bulgarian, state. The hardest ordeal for the Bulgarians was the annihilation of their state by the Ottoman Empire during the 14 th century. For nearly five centuries Bulgaria did not exist, but the Bulgarians manager to preserve their national identity. During the second half of the 19 th century the Bulgarian state once again appeared on the map of Europe and tried to ... |
Това луксозно, богато илюстровано енциклопедично издание е за всяко българско дете, за всеки български дом, за българите и за тези, които искат да ги опознаят. Предназначена е да съхрани и покаже ценностите и привлекателността на българската земя и българския род. Исторически са се утвърдили три държавни символа - герб, знаме и химн. Заедно с това всеки българин, където и да се намира по света, носи в сърцето си още много български символи. Някои са общовалидни, други са въпрос на вътрешно усещане, но всеки от тях със свое свято място в святата памет на несломимия български дух. Тази книга е опит на 400 богато ... |
Историята на проучванията в старата столица. Изданието е на английски език. ... |
Тайните на изоставени села зад огражденията по границите и под водите на язовирите; сюрреалната аура на монумента на Бузлуджа и пъстротата на графитите на София; магията на гайдарския събор в Гела и екстаза на автентичните нестинари; странните бели лица на булките от Рибново и дискретният чар на българския бряг на Дунав: луксозният пътеводител "Hidden Treasures of Bulgaria 2" събира някои от най-непознатите и екзотични късчета от живота и миналото на България. На неговите страници ще "чуете" народна песен, създадена за българските жертви на "Титаник", ще разберете защо квартал Бъкстон се ... |
Well-informed and richly illustrated, this book is the third volume of the popular Hidden Treasures of Bulgaria series. It takes the reader to lesser or completely unknown places in Bulgaria that fully live up to the promise of being "hidden treasures". Often located off (or off-off) the beaten track, they are integral part of what makes today's Bulgaria such a fascinating travel destination. Many of the forts, urbex sites, waterfalls and traditional villages are not to be found in any guidebook, and neither are some of the events and festivals described and photographed in detail here. This book provides ... |