An explosive story from the mad genius behind Chainsaw Man and Look Back! Young filmmaker Yuta contemplates suicide after the death of his mother, but a chance meeting with a mysterious girl will alter his life in an explosive way. From the mad genius behind Chainsaw Man and Look Back comes a new story about coping with loss. Yuta's moviemaking career started with a request from his mother to record her final moments. After her death, Yuta meets a mysterious girl named Eri, who takes his life in new directions. The two begin creating a movie together, but Eri is harboring an explosive secret. ... |
В "Rich Girl" планера са включени всички нужни страници за планиране на общо 12 месеца и 60 седмици (по 5 седмици за всеки месец). Ако го използваш всеки ден, ти гарантираме, че ще станеш: по-фокусирана; по-организирана; по-мотивирана; по-успешна; по-щастлива; ще живееш с много по-малко стрес и ще бъдеш уверена в себе си и в утрешния ден. Страниците за всеки месец включват: заглавна страница на месеца с мотивиращ цитат или крилата мисъл, които да зададат тона на месеца; вижън борд - за да визуализираш със снимки или описания какво искаш да постигнеш през месеца, как искаш да се чувстваш, каква ... |
A closed case. An A-grade student who won`t let it go... ... The case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth?"Dark, dangerous and intricately plotted - my heart literally ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Once again a New York Times bestseller! First the original edition, and now the new Final Edition. An essential new edition - revised and updated from cover to cover of one of the most important books of the last two decades, by Nobel Prize winner Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein. Since the original publication of Nudge more than a decade ago, the title has entered the vocabulary of businesspeople, policy makers, engaged citizens, and consumers everywhere. The book has given rise to more than 400 "nudge units" in governments around the world and countless groups of behavioral scientists in every part of ... |
The bestselling author of "The House with Chichen Legs". Illustrated by Kathrin Honesta. ... "They call me Yanka the Bear. Not because of where I was found - only a few people know about that. They call me Yanka the Bear because I am so big and strong." Found abandoned in a bear cave as a baby, Yanka has always wondered about where she is from. She tries to ignore the strange whispers and looks from the villagers, wishing she was as strong on the inside as she is on the outside. But, when she has to flee her house, looking for answers about who she really is, a journey far beyond one that she ever ... |
Bestselling author of "The Bear and the Nightingale". ... For a young woman in medieval Russia, the choices are stark: marriage or life in a convent. Vasya will choose a third way: magic. The court of the Grand Prince of Moscow is plagued by power struggles and rumours of unrest. Meanwhile bandits roam the countryside, burning the villages and kidnapping its daughters. Setting out to defeat the raiders, the Prince and his trusted companion come across a young man riding a magnificent horse. Only Sasha, a priest with a warrior's training, recognises this 'boy' as his younger sister, thought to be ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. For Grace, a ghost in a haunted house, the arrival of a young mother with a baby stirs memories of the man and the child she lost so many years before. But then danger threatens the baby girl and Grace must act decisively. ... |
You can find the bulgarian version of the book here. ... Elli is a little girl with big, unruly hair. She lives on a small island in a magical house. All the people of the island look after her - but why is that? A joyful and heart-warming debut book by the creative tandem Faro with the lovely illustrations by Kalina Muhova."Pack your bags for a delightful trip to Elli's magical island, and don't forget your combs." Book Wings ... |
"Докато ти спеше..." Когато брат ѝ Томас е ранен на бойното поле в Америка, осиротялата Сесилия Харкорт е изправена пред две непоносими възможности: да отиде да живее при леля си или да се омъжи за подлия си братовчед. Вместо това тя избира трети вариант и прекосява Атлантическия океан. Решена е да намери брат си и да се грижи за него, докато оздравее. Но след седмица на безрезултатно търсене Сесилия случайно се натъква на най-добрия приятел на брат ѝ, красивия офицер Едуард Роуксби, който е в безсъзнание и се нуждае от нейните грижи. Тогава младата дама се заклева да спаси живота му, дори и това да ... |
През XVII в. в Холандия цари строг ред: богати и бедни, католици и протестанти, господари и слуги. Когато Грийт става прислужница в дома на художника Йоханес Вермеер, тя знае ролята си - пране, чистене и грижа за шестте деца на господаря. Освен това смята, че ще се справи с пресметливата му тъща, с неспокойната му, вечно бременна жена и със завистливата им готвачка. Никой не очаква, че сдържаното ѝ поведение, схватливият ѝ ум и артистичният ѝ усет ще я въвлекат невъзвратимо в света на големия художник. Растящата им близост кара околните да шушукат, а когато той я рисува тайно с перлените обици на жена си, ... |
Това бе името, което италианката ми бе казала на излизане от гората през онзи ден, който сега ми изглеждаше толкова далечен. Беше като заклинание, подшушнато ми за по-нататъшна употреба. Чак сега езикът ми се развърза да го произнесе. Тя се приближи, седна в другия край на леглото и двамата останахме вторачени един в друг. Не си спомням някога да съм гледал друг човек по този начин - когато поглъщаш отсрещното лице с очи, то става част от твоето. Усещах я физически, но това не беше плътско желание, а по-скоро имаше нещо общо с времето, едно разтеглено до безкрайност усещане за настоящето. Не се усмихна, но строгата и ... |
From the winner of the Costa Children's Book Award. ... A welcome return to Ghastly-Gorm Hall and the irresisteble Ada Goth' Bookseller. Preparations are under way for the Full-Moon Fete and the Great Ghastly-Gorm Bake off. Celebrity cooks are arriving at the hall for the big event and, true to form, Maltravers, the indoor gamekeeper, is acting suspiciously. Elsewhere at Ghastly-Gorm Ada's wardrobe-dwelling lady's maid Marylebone has received a marriage proposal. Ada vows to aid the course of true love and find out what Maltravers is up to but, amidst all this activity, everyone, including her father, ... |