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V. S. Naipaul's Booker Prize winning novel about displacement, the yearning for the good place in someone else's land and the attendant heartache. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is introduced by acclaimed author, Robert McCrum. In a Free State tells the story first of an Indian servant in Washington, who becomes an American citizen but feels displaced. Then of a disturbed Asian West Indian in London who, in ... |
Complete and unabridged. Three Men in a Boat remains one of the best-loved and most entertaining comic novels. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, unabridged, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features illustrations by A. Frederics and an afterword by David Stuart Davies. Join our young heroes J., George and Harris (not forgetting Montmorency, the mischievous, irascible fox terrier) as they take a boating holiday along the Thames. Their aim is to escape the ... |
Mit der German Grammar in a Nutshell A1 - B2 von Langenscheidt lernen Sie deutsche Grammatik mit Spas in kurzen Einheiten. Die Grammatik hat das Ziel, Ihnen das notwendige Rustzeug fur aktive und gelungene Kommunikation auf Deutsch zu vermitteln. Die deutsche Grammatik - kurz und schmerzlos von Langenscheidt hilft Ihnen, leicht und mit dem nötigen Spas das grammatische Rustzeug fur Unterhaltungen auf Deutsch zu erlernen. Denn hier geht es nicht darum, stur Regeln zu pauken und Formen auswendig zu lernen. Stattdessen sind die einzelnen Portionen kurz und ubersichtlich gehalten, sodass die Inhalte gut zu bewaltigen ... |
A psycholinguistic analysis of editorials concerning 9/11. ... "Life and Death in a Time of Terror" is a psycholinguistic study of how 270 editorials from five different newspapers sought to make sense of an initially incomprehensible set of events: the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, DC and a United Airlines jet flying over a field somewhere in rural Pennsylvania. What made this a pressing task in 2001 was that not only did these attacks produce some 3000 deaths (many as horrible as can possibly be imagined), the destruction of two of America's largest ... |
Based on the story of Jerome K. Jerome. Retold by Diane Mowat. ... "I like work. I find it interesting... I can sit and look at it for hours." By the book With ideas like this, perhaps it is not a good idea to spend a holiday taking a boat trip up the River Thames. But this is what the three friends - and Montmorency the dog - decide to do. It is the sort of holiday that is fun to remember afterwards, but not so much fun to wake up too early on a cold, wet morning. This famous book has made people laugh all over the world for a hundred years... and they are still laughing. Classics, modern fiction, non- ... |
Книгата е двуезична като представените стихове в нея са на български и английски език. ... "Повдигам се на пръсти да целуна челото на настъпващата нощ, косата ми да стане нежно черна, луната да покаже своя брод." Бояна Николова "Още преди десетилетие се срещнах със стиховете на младата поетеса Бояна Николова. Тогава началото ме впечатли със своята свежа оригиналност и близост до естествените звезди. Днес литературата ни, жадна за нови пътища, ще открие в тази "Кутия" нови съкровени съкровища от думи. Вярвам, че бялата птица на Бояна ще покаже пролетта дори на моята есен." Любомир Левчев ... |
Транскрипция за китара на творбите за лютня на Йохан Себастиан Бах. ... "Като китарист човек има щастието днес, към момента на създаването на това издание, да разполага с лесен достъп до всички критични материали и други източници, които се отнасят до творбите за лютня на Бах. Използването за сравнение на пълните издания на композициите за лютня, например на тези под редакцията на Паоло Керичи (изд. Сувини Цербони) или на Тилман Хопщок (изд. Прим), се приема понастоящем от китаристите като разбиращо се от само себе си. Затова нови отделни или пълни издания на произведенията на Бах за лютня трябва да се отличават с ... |
Люелин беше колекционер. Той събираше неща в буркани - обикновени неща, като лютичета, перца и камъчета във формата на сърца. Така срещна Евелин и двамата започнаха заедно да събират необикновени неща, като дъгата, звука на океана и вятъра, образувал се точно преди снеговалеж. Но най-хубавото от всичко е, че когато държаха бурканите и поглеждаха в тях, си спомняха за всички невероятни неща, които бяха правили. Един ден обаче Евелин имаше лоши новини. Нейното семейство трябваше да се премести в друг град. Как сега двамата щяха да продължат да събират тази магическа колекция и какво щеше да стане с тяхното специално ... |
Three Men in a Boat is a comic classic. When it first appeared in 1889 it became a best seller, and has remained popular ever since. This motley novel has not only been translated into many languages but has also been staged, filmed, televised and imitated. The adventures and misfortunes on the Thames of the three English friends and their pugnacious dog, Montmorency, provide rich humour, shrewd observations, lyrical reflections, and, predominantly, genially ironic perceptions of human fallibility. The sequel, Three Men on the Bummel, reunites the three friends for their "Bummel" ("roaming or wandering& ... |
Jump in!: Communicative approach gets students speaking; Teaches social and emotional skills alongside language; Catchy songs and enchanting stories make classes fun; Easy-to-teach, supportive methodology; Get the most out of your course with puppets, flashcards, story cards, posters and worksheets; Lingokids home learning app extends students' contact with English beyond the classroom through colourful and interactive games, videos, and songs. Учебната система по английски език Jump in! - ниво A се състои от: учебник книга за учителя CD с аудиоматериали материали за учителя за всички нива ... |
In the first story, Teddy looks in his bag and in the second story, he draws some pictures for his friends. "The Explorers Phonics" bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. They focus on how reading works, so children are able to read new texts and pronounce new words more easily. "The Explorers Phonics" complement the "Macmillan English Explorers" and can also be used alongside any other reading program. "Macmillan Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. Informed by the National ... |