Illustrations by Gay Glasworthy. ... The weather was terribly hot. Hot winds blew and the air was full of red dust. But everyone knew that the hottest weather came before the rain. In September the rain clouds would gather. But September came and there were no rain clouds in the sky. At the cattle posts, far out in the bush, the wells began to dry up and the cattle began to die... This book is in British English. Here you can find: points for understanding comprehension questions; glossary of difficult vocabulary; free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheet at ... |
Изданието е на английски език. ... Хитовият пътеводител на Иван Михалев и Елина Цанкова е вече и на английски език! За да могат нашите приятели и познати от други държави да обходят всичко - от най-високата планина до най-затънтеното кътче. Ако обичаш да пътуваш, ако си любопитен да откриваш нови места, ако често избираш страничните пътища, вместо да караш по магистралата, то тази книга е за теб. В нея ще намериш информация за 101 от най-колоритните места в България. За някои си чувал от приятели, други си виждал на снимки в интернет, а трети са ти напълно непознати. Местата в "101 отбивки" са от последния ... |
Комплектът Messer от inSPORTline се състои от 2 топчета за джага. Те са подходящи за замяна на изгубени топчета за джага. Изработени са от закален PVC материал, което ги прави устойчиви на силни удари. Дизайнът им е на класически футболни топки. Топчетата са с размер ∅ 3.67 cm, а обиколката им е 11.5 cm. ... |
Ролковите кънки "Nessie Star" на "Tempish" са подходящи за развлекателно и спортно каране. Изработени са от естествена кожа, а вътрешната конструкция на обувките е с кадифена подплата от пяна, която е подсилена в зоните на глезените за по-добър комфорт. Кънките са много удобни, при каране, поради мека облицовка в задната част на областта на ахилесовото сухожилие, което позволява на крака да се движи свободно в обувката. А подсиленият, ергономично оформен език на обувките се адаптира към формата на стъпалата и осигурява стабилна позиция на краката. Шасито е оборудвано с висококачествени PU колела, които ... |
Сезонът на зимните спортове, а по-конкретно фигурното пързаляне, е сред любимите занимания на много малки и големи. Ето защо от Tempish са изработили специално кънки за фигурно пързаляне Nessie Magma. Те са подходящи както за начинаещи, така и за по-опитни кънкьори за развлекателно каране. Кънките са с изчистен дизайн, който ще се хареса на дамите. Изработени са от естествена кожа, а подплатата е мека и изолираща. Формата на кънките е анатомична, благодарение на което движението по леда с тях е истинско удоволствие. Острието е изработено от подсилена въглеродна неръждаема стомана. Препоръчително: След употреба ... |
Inspired by deities, folklore and fairy tales from around the world. The path to enlightenment is unique for each of us, but many of the lessons we learn are shared stories passed among cultures and generations. "Tarot of Divine" brings traditional tarot archetypes to life with a lustrous series of fables, including the Little Mermaid, Aladdin, the Crane Wife, Sleeping Beauty, King Arthur, and the stories of many lesser-known legends and deities from all over the world. Just as the as the tarot provides ways to interpret the world around us, so too, do these illuminating folktales. ... |
Compiled by: Tig Thomas. ... "Illustrated Treasury of Animal Stories" is a wonderful hardback book for children aged 7+ to enjoy timeless tales by renowned storytellers such as Lewis Carroll. The book is a collection of captivating stories, brimming with crafty characters and amazing adventures. Favourite tales sit alongside lesser-known gems from renowned authors such as Kenneth Grahame, E. Nesbit and Rudyard Kipling. Animal antics abound in this classic selection of short stories and extracts, packed with endearing characters. "Illustrated Treasury of Animal Stories": Spectacular stories that you ... |
Take a journey through the makers and shapers of celluloid history. From horror to romance, noir to slapstick, adventure to tragedy, Western to new wave, this selection gathers the greats of 20th-century cinema into one indispensable guide to movie gold. The collection is arranged chronologically and in an extra-handy format. Film entries include a synopsis, cast/crew listings, technical information, actor/director bios, trivia, and lists of awards, as well as film stills, production photos, and the original poster for each film. From Metropolis to Modern Times, A Clockwork Orange to Bunuel's The Young and the ... |
A good logo can glamorize just about anything. Now available in our popular Klotz format, this sweeping compendium gathers diverse brand markers from around the world to explore the irrepressible power of graphic representation. Organized into chapters by theme, the catalogue explores how text, image, and ideas distil into a logo across events, fashion, media, music, and retailers. Featuring work from both star names and lesser-known mavericks, this is an excellent reference for students and professionals in design and marketing, as well as for anyone interested in the visuals and philosophy behind brand identity. " ... |
A 70-card oracle deck-featuring female icons and otherworldly symbols-that aims to add spiritual insight and feminist guidance to your personal divination practice. If you seek wisdom from strong, creative women, this oracle deck-which features 30 prominent female writers from literary history-will give you what you seek. The female visionaries in this deck will inform answers to questions about your creative life and spiritual journey. In addition to the portraits of literary heroes, such as Virginia Woolf and Toni Morrison, and lesser-known trailblazers, such as Yumiko Kurahashi and Mirabai, the deck features 40 symbol ... |
Some friendships need celebrating, some are hard to navigate, and some need a bit of tender love and care. Delve into this anthology for a tour of all aspects of friendship by your favourite classic authors. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is edited and introduced by Michèle Mendelssohn. "Why Friendship Matters" is an inspiring collection that spans three centuries of writing and includes many favourite ... |
Introduced by The Revd Richard Coles. Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Poetry is the perfect medium to capture the elusive nature of happiness and this beautiful anthology explores happiness in all its forms - whether it be a fleeting moment, the promise of freedom and adventure, surviving adversity or the comfort of nature. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by writer, ... |