Learn Bulgarian the Easy Way is a complete language course. It will help you to understand, speak, read and write Bulgarian. ... Learn Bulgarian the Easy Way is effective and easy to use. With it, you will master the Cyrillic alphabet and the pronunciation of the living Bulgarian language gradually, and the transcription of all new words will help you throughout the course. Each unit consists of several dialogues, simple and clear explanations of all new grammar, and various exercises to practice what you have learned and test your knowledge. The course assumes no previous training in Bulgarian. It will give you a good ... |
Those who have it already speak Bulgarian! ... "Bulgarian for English Speakers" is a brand new self-study book specially designed to meet the needs of anybody intending to learn Bulgarian well in a short time. Whoever you are - a student, a businessperson or a visitor to the country, this book is for you. "Bulgarian for English Speakers" contains all the knowledge that you need, emphasizing on real-world tasks. The book includes many dialogues and other texts specially created to help you speak and be understood. It develops your vocabulary systematically and also covers all the required grammar skills. ... |
A comprehensive guide to Bulgarian grammar and usage. Clear explanations, real - life examples and varied exercises. ... The practical Bulgarian Grammar for English Speakers is a grammar book intended to serve as a textbook and reference manual for all learners of Bulgarian at all learning levels. If you are at the very start of a Bulgarian language course and you need more information about the basic grammar rules, or you already speak the language but you are baffled by construction that you hear in spoken Bulgarian and were not explained in your basic course, this book will give you more knowledge about how the ... |
The book contains: 29 incredible treasures; breathtaking photographs and re-constructive artworks; both a captivating read and a magnificent album for a wide variety of readers. Which one of us had not dreamt at least once in a lifetime of discovering a lost treasure? This abundantly illustrated book can make your dream come true! It will reveal to you the secrets of the most significant treasures, found not only on the present-day territory of Bulgaria, but also in the lands conquered centuries ago by the Bulgarian rulers. You will unravel the mystery of the world's oldest gold, the masterpieces of the ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. Книгата е част от поредицата "Съкровищата на България". ... Знаете ли, че нашите прадядовци и прабаби са вярвали в съществуването на змейове? От страниците на "Змейове и хали" ще разберете как са изглеждали според тях тези страховити същества. Ще научите, че те невинаги са били враждебни, а дори напротив - според легендите змейовете закриляли селата и си отмъщавали жестоко на тези, които ги ядосали. Разгръщайки настоящата книга от поредицата "Съкровищата на България", ще се върнете назад във времето. Ще научите любопитни факти от родния ... |
The Bulgarian oil-bearing rose may be this country's unofficial symbol, yet it grows in just a narrow patch of land squeezed between two mountain ranges. Known as the Valley of Roses, this region deserves to be explored and visited for more than its aromatic flowers. With its rich ancient heritage, stunning summits and peaks, traditional towns and villages, historical sites of national importance, remnants of Communist-era megalomaniacal projects in various stages of dilapidation, and a vibrant community preserving the traditions of yesteryear, the Valley of Roses is Bulgaria in a nutshell. With breathtaking ... |
Издание със статии на български, английски, руски и френски език. ... Този сборник с психолингвистични изследвания на 31 автори от целия свят е специално подготвен в чест на проф. д-р Татяна Слама-Казаку, една от създателките на психолингвистиката, учен и университетски професор със световна известност и значимост. Книгата е посветена и на Осмия международен конгрес на ISAPL (Международна асоциация по приложна психолингвистика). ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is a textbook designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of proficiency in English (according ... |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is the second book of a series of textbooks designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of ... |
A textbook of English tests for successful second language learning. ... Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests 3 is the third book of a series of textbooks designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language. It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Educational Studies and the Arts at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. However, it is appropriate for many other university students or high school leavers who have advanced sufficiently in their language knowledge. In fact, anyone who has reached a B2 level of proficiency ... |
В книгата се разглеждат стотици паметници, свързани с историята и с културата на България от различни сфери на изящните и приложните изкуства, на митологичните предания, на религиозно-ритуалната практика, на книжовната дейност и положителните духовни натрупвания на европейската цивилизация в течение на голям период: от хан Аспарух (VII в.) до Втората световна война. С тези паметници българинът утвърждава своята духовна легитимност и обезсмъртява българския национален гений. Съдържа 396 илюстрации. ... |
Как се чете с български букви? Формат: 11.7 x 16.4 cm. ... Английско-българският речник в това издание съдържа 3000 най-използвани английски думи. Те представляват 98% от ежедневната образована реч в нейния най-пълен обем. Ако сега започвате да изучавате езика или вече го знаете в някаква степен, прегледайте текста и отбележете думите, които не знаете. Може да ги научите направо от речника, като използвате една от двете транскрипции - с международни знаци или с български букви. Транскрипцията отразява британските норми, а в някои случаи, когато произношението се отличава значително, е посочен и американският вариант. ... |