Нобеловият сексскандал, започнал през 2017 г. ... Журналистическото разследване, което разтърси целия свят. През бурната есен на движението #MeToo, шведската журналистка Матилда Вос Густавсон написва разследващ репортаж за сексуални злоупотреби в културните среди. Репортажът получава международен отзвук и разтърсва една от най-престижните културни институции, Шведската академия, която излъчва лауреата на Нобеловата награда за литература. В репортажа, публикуван в ежедневника "Дагенс Нюхетер", осемнайсет (колкото са членовете на Академията) жени свидетелстват за сексуални посегателства срещу тях, извършени от ... |
One sunny day, Alice follows a White Rabbit down a rabbit hole... and into Wonderland! Wonderland is a very strange place and lots of very strange people live there. Alice has some wonderful adventures with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Cheshire Cat. And she even plays a game of croquet with the frightening Queen of Hearts! "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for ... |
Retold by Joan Collins, illustrated by Ester Garcia-Cortes. ... When Alice follows a White Rabbit in a waistcoat down a hole, she finds herself in a mixed-up world where nothing is as she expected it to be! Alice meets a pipe-smoking caterpillar, a grinnig cat, a Mad Hatter and the Formidable Queen of Hearts. This beautiful hardback "Ladybird Classic" edition of "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll is a perfect first illustrated introduction to the classic story for younger readers. It has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children, whilst retaining ... |
Специалистите от Catrice ви предлагат червилото Shine Bomb, което дарява устните с неустоим цвят и сияен завършек. Копринено меката текстура се плъзга с лекота, оставяйки устните визуално по-плътни и с комфортно усещане. Формулата е обогатена с хиалуронова киселина, която притежава овлажняващи и подхранващи свойства. Червилото Catrice Shine Bomb е с веган формула, без съдържание на алкохол, глутен, парабени и микропластмаса. ... |
Classic Scottish Poems. A glorious anthology of poetry and verse by the greatest classic Scottish poets, introduced by acclaimed poet John Glenday. With poems from famous Scottish writers such as Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Mary Queen of Scots herself, there is plenty here to enjoy and inspire. The collection roams across so many aspects of Scottish life and culture - its landscape and history, its people and celebrations. It is a country that has always inspired poets to write about love, nature and heritage, and to reflect on the important things of life. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
They Wish They Were Us meets The Queen's Gambit in the world of competitive Scrabble when a teen girl is forced to investigate the mysterious death of her best friend a year after the fact when her Instagram comes back to life with cryptic posts and messages. Catalyst 13 points noun: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change When Najwa Bakri walks into her first Scrabble competition since her best friend's death, it's with the intention to heal and move on with her life. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to choose the very same competition where said best friend, Trina Low, died. It might be ... |
Hatushaly and his young wife Hava are living a good life, working to reopen the burned-out Inn of the Three Stars in the prosperous trading town of Beran's Hill. But there is a great deal more to this bucolic scene than meets the eye. Both Hatu and Hava were raised on the secret island of Coaltachin, and though they may appear to be no more than a young couple in love, preparing for the midsummer festival where their friends Declan and Gwen will be wed, they are in fact assassins on a mission, waiting instructions from their masters in the Kingdom of Night. Moreover, Hatu is the last remaining member of the ruling ... |
Хатушали и младата му жена Хава са пристигнали в процъфтяващото търговско градче Хълма на Беран, за да възстановят и отново да отворят пострадалия от пожар хан "Трите звезди". Подготвят се също така за всенародния празник на Средилетието, на който ще се оженят приятелите им Деклан и Гвен. Но Хату и Хава не са обичайната любяща двойка, каквито изглеждат на пръв поглед. Те са професионални убийци от загадъчната островна страна Коалтачин, отечество на могъщите и смъртоносни Нокусара, страховитите Скрити воини. Докато играят ролята на ханджии, двамата очакват указания от своите учители и господари в Кралството на ... |
The intoxicating and bloodthirsty finale to the New York Times bestselling "The Cruel Prince", nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019, and New York Times bestseller "The Wicked King". After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie. When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, ... |
Power is a Dangerous Game. Number I New York Times Bestseller. ... This is a world divided by blood - red or silver. The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change. That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power. Fearful of Mare's potential, the Silvers ... |
Тази книга е опит да надникнем в потайните кътчета от житейските истории на едни от най-великите жени, които света познава. Те са обожавани заради изключителните качества, физическата красота и незабравимите им характери. Възхитителни, умни, прагматични и уникални - всяка по своему. Кралица Виктория, Анджелина Джоли, Мая Плисецкая, Маргарет Тачър, Файна Раневская, Коко Шанел и още редица представителки на по-красивата половина от човечеството стават известни с изявите си в различни етапи от живота си, но общото за всички е, че го правят по ярък и незабравим начин. Житейското и творческо амплоа на всяка една е различно и ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Central Africa, 1914; Rose Sayer, a thirty-three year-old English woman, is left alone when her missionary brother dies. Her only route out is aboard "The African Queen", a steam-powered launch captained by Cockney mechanic, Charlie Alnutt. Determined to do her bit for the war effort and to avenge her brother, Rose persuades Charlie that they should attack the German gunboat, the Konigin Luise. And so begins a most unlikely alliance and love affair, as Charlie and Rose venture down the treacherous Ulanga river encountering danger and adventure at ... |