Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts here. Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing. But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Except for one: Calvin Evans, the lonely, brilliant, Nobel-prize nominated grudge-holder who falls in love with - of all things - her mind. True chemistry results. Like science, life is unpredictable. Which is why a few years later, Elizabeth Zott finds herself not only a single mother, but the ... |
Based on the story of William Shakespeare. Text adaptation by Alistair McCallum. ... A dark, rainy day in Scotland, long ago. Returning from battle, Macbeth and his friend Banquo meet three witches. 'Macbeth, the king!' they say, but Macbeth is not a king, he is just a simple soldier. Macbeth and Banquo cannot forget the witches' words. Soon Macbeth is king, but his wife walks in her sleep at night, and dreams of blood. What lies in the future for Banquo? And how many people must die before Scotland finds peace once more? CD containing a complete dramatized audio recording of the story plus interactive ... |
Based on the story of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text adaptation by Jeremy Page. ... Miss Mary Morstan has a strange story to tell. Since her father disappeared, she has received a large pearl through the post on the same day, every year, for six years. Who is sending them? And what about her father's paper with the words 'The Sign of Four' written on it? Sherlock Holmes alone can solve these mysteries. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of ... |
King Shahriyar cannot trust women. Every afternoon he marries a wife, but the next morning he always kills her. One day, the Vizier cannot find any more wives for the King. What can he do? "I can be Shahriyar's new wife!" says Sheherazade, his older daughter. "God willing I can stay alive, and help the women of our country." But how can Sheherezade stay alive for a thousand and one nights? And does Shahriyar learn to trust women again in the end? This famous story of stories has the answers. Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience ... |
Retold by Janet Hardy-Gould. ... Hercules is the strongest man in the world, but one day he does something very bad. The priestess at Delphi tells him: "The gods are angry with you. For twelve years you must work for King Eurystheus, and do twelve tasks for him. When you finish, the gods can forgive your crime." Some tasks are easier, and some tasks are more difficult. Can Hercules finish all twelve of them? And what happens when he does? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on- ... |
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Картичката с дизайн тип консерва на "Gespansterwald" е изработена от алуминий и хартия. Тя е с изключително елегантен дизайн - надпис "Queen for a day". Подходяща е за рожден ден, имен ден, сватба, годишнина или друг повод на който искате дамата на живота ви да се почуства като кралица. Също така, самата картичка може да бъде подарък с послание, или да бъде добавена към по-голям такъв, за да бъде постигнат ефекта на "подарък в подаръка". Подобно на "писмо в бутилка" това е различен и уникален начин да изразите внимание и любов като изпратите послание, малък подарък или комбинация ... |
Keep track of your daily one-card readings for a rich tarot experience in just minutes a day. One of the best - and most common - ways to engage with tarot is to pull one card each morning and let its meaning set your intentions for the day. This practice is used by beginners and experts alike to incorporate tarot into their daily lives, without a major time investment. This journal acts as your daily companion - it offers space to jot down which card you pulled, what it represents, and how it might relate to your day, along a space at the bottom for an optional evening reflection. As the days pass, you can look back to ... |
Тефтерчето от серията Vintage gifts на Simetro books освен, че е с уникален и закачлив дизайн, има и удобен размер за носене в чанта или раница. Така той ще може да е винаги на ваше разположение за всякакъв вид записки или скици. Характеристики: корица: мека; брой страници: 32; размери: 11 x 16 cm; тип: без спирала и редове; ъгли: заострени. ... |
Картонената табелка от "Simetro" е прекрасен начин да се мотивирате всеки ден - подходяща е за дома, офиса или любимото заведение; за вас, за подарък или просто така. На гърба на табелката има специално място за надписване, което я превръща в оригинална поздравителна картичка. Към нея е прикрепена и връвчица, с която може да се закача на най-различни места. Табелката е с размери 22 x 12 cm. ... |
Картоненото флагче - картичка Today is a good day for a good day от Simetro books е прекрасен начин да зарадвате любим човек. С чудесните цветни дизайни и послания, ще донесе поводи за усмивки на всеки. Флагчето се предлага в комплект с цветен плик, а на гърба може да бъде надписано, което го прави чудесно допълнение към вашия подарък. Флагчето е с размери 15 x 15 cm. ... |
Join Holly and Tom on a family day out - with them you can enjoy funfair rides, games and a meal in a restaurant. In all the excitement, Holly and Tom remember to be kind to their baby brother. "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported by an understanding of the needs of young learners and teachers ... |
Compiled by: Tig Thomas. ... "Illustrated Treasury of Classic Stories" is a remarkable large format storybook that children aged 7+ will cherish and love forever. It is packed with captivating stories and extracts of magic, adventure and charm from renowned authors such as E. Nesbit, Louisa May Alcott, Frances Hodgson Burnett, L. Frank Baum, and many more. Each story is accompanied by beautiful artwork and page decoration, designed to accentuate a format that will capture the imaginations of children everywhere. Meet much-loved characters from famous stories, and join them on thrilling adventures in this ... |