Книгата за учителя съдържа около 100 страници с бележки за учителя, подпомагащи всеки урок. Страниците, репрезентиращи страниците на всеки урок от учебника, спомагат за по-лесното планиране на учебния процес, а многото допълнителните упражнения позволяват гъвкавост в преподаването. Дискът към книгата за учителя предоставя още допълнителни материали, които ще спомогнат за по-лесното адаптиране към различните класове. Съдържа тестове с вариант "A" и вариант "B", за по-лесно и сигурно оценяване. Допълнителните материали към всеки урок подпомагат граматичните, лексикални и комуникативни умения на ... |
Книгата за учителя съдържа около 100 страници с бележки за учителя, подпомагащи всеки урок. Страниците, репрезентиращи страниците на всеки урок от учебника, спомагат за по-лесното планиране на учебния процес, а многото допълнителните упражнения позволяват гъвкавост в преподаването. Дискът към книгата за учителя предоставя още допълнителни материали, които ще спомогнат за по-лесното адаптиране към различните класове. Съдържа тестове с вариант "A" и вариант "B", за по-лесно и сигурно оценяване. Допълнителните материали към всеки урок подпомагат граматичните, лексикални и комуникативни умения на ... |
Книгата за учителя съдържа около 100 страници с бележки за учителя, подпомагащи всеки урок. Страниците, репрезентиращи страниците на всеки урок от учебника, спомагат за по-лесното планиране на учебния процес, а многото допълнителните упражнения позволяват гъвкавост в преподаването. Дискът към книгата за учителя предоставя още допълнителни материали, които ще спомогнат за по-лесното адаптиране към различните класове. Съдържа тестове с вариант "A" и вариант "B", за по-лесно и сигурно оценяване. Допълнителните материали към всеки урок подпомагат граматичните, лексикални и комуникативни умения на ... |
Life Vision helps students gain the language and skills they need to work out where they want to go next, and how exam success will help them take advantage of the global opportunities that proficiency in English brings. Life Vision: rich video features including vlogs, documentaries and grammar animations are ideally suited to meeting today's digital natives on their level; vision 360° lessons transport students to real-world environments to develop digital literacy skills and learning autonomy through research and collaborative project work; syllabus based on the Oxford English Learning Framework, a set of ... |
Life Vision helps students gain the language and skills they need to work out where they want to go next, and how exam success will help them take advantage of the global opportunities that proficiency in English brings. Life Vision: rich video features including vlogs, documentaries and grammar animations are ideally suited to meeting today's digital natives on their level; vision 360° lessons transport students to real-world environments to develop digital literacy skills and learning autonomy through research and collaborative project work; syllabus based on the Oxford English Learning Framework, a set of ... |
"Aim High" is a six-level course that develops language learning through carefully chosen vocabulary (including words from the Oxford 3000), texts which are interesting, and essential study skills. The iTools digital material adds variety to class teaching and the Student CD-ROM is great for home study. Online Practice provides extra homework activities that can be automatically marked and that teachers can track. Revision and self-assessment sections help learners towards exam success and there is extensive testing material too. Key features: develops language learning and presents vocabulary through rich ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize: collaborate - transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment; create - spark students' creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects; learn - bring learning in sync with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks, and videos; for the teacher - Harmonize gives you everything you need to support your students, in one place. Harmonize makes English immediately useful and ... |
Bright Ideas Starter provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities. The Teacher's Pack: includes Teacher's Guide, Classroom Presentation Tool and Teacher's Resource Centre; teacher's Guide provides step-by-step guidance on all content in the Class Book, including an introductory description of methodology and concept behind the course; classroom Presentation Tool allows you to run smooth heads-up lessons by projecting the Class Book with embedded audio and video; classroom Presentation Tool can be ... |
Bright Ideas Level 6 provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities. The Teacher's Pack: includes Teacher's Guide, Classroom Presentation Tool and Teacher's Resource Centre; teacher's Guide provides step-by-step guidance on all content in the Class Book, including an introductory description of methodology and concept behind the course; classroom Presentation Tool allows you to run smooth heads-up lessons by projecting the Class Book with embedded audio and video; classroom Presentation Tool can be ... |
Bright Ideas Level 5 provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities. The Teacher's Pack: includes Teacher's Guide, Classroom Presentation Tool and Teacher's Resource Centre; teacher's Guide provides step-by-step guidance on all content in the Class Book, including an introductory description of methodology and concept behind the course; classroom Presentation Tool allows you to run smooth heads-up lessons by projecting the Class Book with embedded audio and video; classroom Presentation Tool can be ... |