Страниците и в тази книга са един дълъг разказ. Няколкото така наречени епизода привидно го повеждат в различни посоки. Всъщност единствената посока е навътре към преживяванията на полковник Христо Лазаров от военното разузнаване. Читателят разбира, че името е измислено, за да скрие една конкретна личност. Този жив все още човек обаче е литературно обременен с преживяванията и на други като него. Така той става обобщаващ образ. В самия заник на своя дълъг живот полковникът от резерва Христо Лазаров разбира стойностната страна на нещата. А така също порочността, престъпността и бездушието на политическата класа, която ни ... |
A 78-card deck and guidebook. ... Deluxe tarot radiant with mystical energy by renowned American Wiccan Priestess Phyllis Curott, illustrated by UK Hedgewitch Danielle Barlow. A new interpretation of the Tarot blending the divine magic of nature with modern Witchcraft, offering spiritual insight and life-changing wisdom to awaken the Witch within. "The Witches' Wisdom Tarot" brings you into the heart of what it means to be a Witch, a wise one who lives with reverence for the land, for life, and for the divine magic that connects us all. And you don't have to be a Witch to benefit from its wisdom. This ... |
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The sequel to the international bestseller "One of Us is Lying". ... Welcome back to Bayview High... It's been a year since the events of "One Of Us Is Lying". But nothing has settled for the residents of Bayview. Not now someone has started playing a sinister game of Truth or Dare. Choose truth? You must reveal your darkest secret. Choose dare? Well, that could be even more dangerous. Even deadly. When the game takes an even darker turn, suddenly no one at Bayview High knows who to trust. But they need to find out who is behind the game, before it's too late. "Praise for One of Us is ... |
A geek, a jock, a criminal, a princess. A murder. Who would you believe? Five students walk into detention. Only four leave alive. Yale hopeful Bronwyn has never publicly broken a rule. Sports star Cooper only knows what he's doing in the baseball diamond. Bad boy Nate is one misstep away from a life of crime. Prom queen Addy is holding together the cracks in her perfect life. And outsider Simon, creator of the notorious gossip app at Bayview High, won't ever talk about any of them again. He dies 24 hours before he could post their deepest secrets online. Investigators conclude it's no accident. All of them ... |
Opium-Caffeine-Mescaline. Of all the many things humans rely on plants for, surely the most curious is our use of them to change consciousness: to stimulate, calm, or completely alter the qualities of our mental experience. In This Is Your Mind On Plants, Michael Pollan explores three very different drugs - opium, caffeine and mescaline - and throws the fundamental strangeness of our thinking about them into sharp relief. Exploring and participating in the cultures that have grown up around these drugs, while consuming (or in the case of caffeine, trying not to consume) them, Pollan reckons with the powerful human ... |
Наблюдавай внимателно и може да разрешиш загадката. ... В понеделник следобед петима ученици от гимназия "Бейвю" се събират в стаята за наказания. Бронуин - отличничката, Ади - красавицата, Нейт - престъпникът, Купър - спортистът, и Саймън - аутсайдерът, създател на прословутото клюкарско приложение за "Бейвю". Един от тях така и не напуска тази стая. В понеделник Саймън умира, но не по случайност. Във вторник той би трябвало да публикува любопитни разкрития за четиримата си съученици... което ги превръща в заподозрени в неговото убийство. Но дали те не са единствено прикритие за убиец, който е все ... |
Минаха почти две години, откакто Саймън умря по време на задържане след часовете, а последиците бяха трудни за всички. Първо, Четиримата от Бейвю трябваше да доказват, че не са убийци. След това новото поколение успя да надхитри отмъстителния имитатор. Сега всички са отново вкъщи за лятото и се опитват да продължат напред. Само че това е Бейвю и нещата никога не са прости. Странната реклама на огромен билборд изглежда като лоша шега: Време е за нова игра!. Но после един от тях изчезва и става ясно, че играта не е забавна. Този, който стои зад всичко, не споделя какви са правилата. Или може би няма такива. Бронуин. ... |
The Award - Winning Sunday Times №1 Bestseller. ... 97 - hour weeks. Life and death decisions. A constant tsunami of bodily fluids. And the hospital parking meter earns more that you. Welcome to the life of a junior doctor. Scribbled in secret after endless days, sleepless night and missed weekends, Adam Kay's diaries provide a no-holds-barred account of his time on the NHS front line. Hilarious, horrifying and heartbreaking, this is everything you wanted to know - and more than a few thing you didn't - about life on and off the hospital. "So funny and important it should be given out on prescription." ... |
To all the world, Alizeh is a disposable servant, not the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom forced to hide in plain sight. The crown prince, Kamran, has heard the prophecies foretelling the death of his king. But he could never have imagined that the servant girl with the strange eyes, the girl he can't put out of his mind, would one day soon uproot his kingdom - and the world. Clashing empires, forbidden romance, and a long-forgotten queen destined to save her people. New York Times bestselling author Tahereh Mafi's first novel in this epic, romantic fantasy series - This Woven Kingdom, inspired by ... |
Every ending has a beginning. Lily and her ex-husband, Ryle, have just settled into a civil coparenting rhythm when she suddenly bumps into her first love, Atlas, again. After nearly two years separated, she is elated that for once, time is on their side, and she immediately says yes when Atlas asks her on a date. But her excitement is quickly hampered by the knowledge that, though they are no longer married, Ryle is still very much a part of her life-and Atlas Corrigan is the one man he will hate being in his ex-wife and daughter's life."Before It Ends with Us, it started with Atlas. Colleen Hoover tells fan ... |
This book is in British English. ... Lisa wants some passport photos. So she is in the old bus station. She is alone. Lisa is at the photo booth. She is waiting for her passport photos. There are some photos in the machine. Lisa looks at the pictures. But they are not Lisa's pictures. Something is wrong. Now Lisa is frightened. Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanreaders.com. The book is two versions available: book book + CD Included CD contains audio versions of all the chapters of the book. ... |
This book is in British English. ... Marco is young and bored. He dislikes working on his father's farm, picking and packing boxes of peaches all day in the hot sun. He wants freedom, money and excitement. One weekend, he decides to leave home. He takes a train to the city, but he is not prepared for what he finds there. Included CD contains audio versions of all the chapters of the book. Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |