Book 1 of the "Malice" Duology. ... The princess isn't supposed to fall for an evil sorceress. But in this darkly magical retelling of "Sleeping Beauty", true love is more complicated than a simple fairy tale. Perfect for fans of Naomi Novik and Holly Black. Once upon a time, there was a wicked fairy who, in an act of vengeance, cursed a line of princesses to die. A curse that could only be broken by true love's kiss. Utter nonsense. Let me tell you, no one in Briar cares what happens to our princess. I thought I didn't care, either. Until I met her. Princess Aurora, last heir to the ... |
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Намисли си желание... Откакто се помни, Еванджелин Фокс вярва в истинската любов и щастливия край... до момента, в който разбира, че мъжът на сърцето ѝ ще се жени за друга. В отчаян опит да спре сватбата и да излекува нараненото си сърце, Еванджелин сключва сделка с харизматичния, но пагубен Принц на сърцата. Той се съгласява да помогне в замяна на три целувки - тя ще трябва да целуне трима души, когато и където той прецени. Ала още след първата Еванджелин осъзнава, че сделките с безсмъртен са опасна игра - и че Принцът на сърцата иска много повече от нея, отколкото е обещала. Той има планове за Еванджелин, ... |
The heart-stopping sequel to the international bestseller "A Curse So Dark and Lonely". New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer. ... Harper has freed Prince Rhen from the curse that almost destroyed his kingdom. But all is not well; rumours are rife that there is a rival heir with a stronger claim to the throne and that "Princess" Harper of Disi is nothing but a fraud. Grey has fled the castle carrying a terrible secret. When he is discovered by soldiers and returned to Ironrose by force, Grey's allegiances begin to shift. And as he grows closer to an enemy princess, he is forced to ... |
Най-накрая проклятието, тегнещо над принц Рен от Ембърфол, е развалено. Но кралството се изправя срещу още по-големи заплахи. Слухове витаят, че Рен може би не е истинският наследник на трона. Харпър е на негова страна, но гвардейският му командир е изчезнал, а Карис Луран за пореден път заплашва да превземе Ембърфол. Този път дъщеря ѝ Лия Мара вижда недостатъци в плана, но дали ще успее да убеди Грей да застане срещу своя приятел, дори ако е за доброто на Ембърфол? "Не мога да изкарам от главата си този иновативен, вълнуващ прочит на историята за Красавицата и Звяра". Сара Холанд Книгата е част от ... |
"Once upon a time, a very long time ago now, about last Friday, Winnie the Pooh lived in a forest all by himself under the name of Sanders... " The adventures of Christopher Robin and his friends from the Hundred-Acre Wood include Pooh Bear using a balloon to get honey, Piglet meeting a Heffalump, and Eeyore having a birthday. For nearly 70 years, Milne's classic story about young Christopher Robin and his adventures with his friends from the Hundred-Acre Wood has captivated readers of all ages. ... |
The end of love. The beginning of you. ... Reiko loves the endless sky and electric colours of the Californian desert. It is a refuge from an increasingly claustrophobic life of family pressures and her own secrets. Then she meets Seth, a boy who shares a love of the desert and her yearning for a different kind of life. But Reiko and Seth both want something the other can't give them. As summer ends, things begin to fall apart. But sometimes a broken heart is all you need to set you free... ... |
After a childhood filled with poverty and neglect, Beyah Grim finally has her hard-earned ticket out of Kentucky with a full ride to Penn State. But two months before she's finally free to change her life for the better, an unexpected death leaves her homeless and forced to spend the remainder of her summer in Texas with a father she barely knows. Devastated and anxious for the summer to go by quickly, Beyah has no time or patience for Samson, the wealthy, brooding guy next door. Yet, the connection between them is too intense to ignore. But with their upcoming futures sending them to opposite ends of the country, ... |
"Not all love stories are written the same way. Ours had torn chapters, missing paragraphs, and a bittersweet ending."Luna Rexroth is everyone’s favorite wallflower. Sweet. Caring. Charitable. Quiet. Fake. Underneath the meek, tomboy exterior everyone loves (yet pities) is a girl who knows exactly what, and who, she wants - namely, the boy from the treehouse who taught her how to curse in sign language. Who taught her how to laugh. To live. To love. Knight Cole is everyone’s favorite football hero. Gorgeous. Athletic. Rugged. Popular. Liar. This daredevil hell-raiser could knock you up with his gaze alone, but ... |
The period in which we live corresponds to an era during which traditional grounds once more breaking both in terms of mass media communication forms and applications and its terms of culture, life forms and social rules. In this study is analyzed the period in which walls are being pulled down, when inter-social relations are passing beyond boundaries, to live together (with different identities and cultures), new social discourse and representations that show attempts to make it a part of a shared future correspond to the transformation of mass communication devices and are affected by its power to transform culture. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. A heart-rending story of strength in adversity, A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute is a celebration of the overwhelming power of love. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by bestselling novelist, Jenny Colgan. Jean Paget, a young English woman, is captured by the Japanese army in Malaya during World War Two. She is ... |
Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience. In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through eighty seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and an actionable framework for meaningful connection, she gives us the language and tools to access a universe of new choices and second chances - a universe where we can share and steward the stories of our bravest and most heartbreaking moments with one another in a way that builds connection. Over the past two decades, Brown's extensive research into the experiences that ... |
"След багера" е първия роман на майстора на късия разказ Джак Харт. Той е изграден от два паралелни разказа, единият от които описва времето на петдесетте, а другият - нашето съвремие. Книгата едновременно е социален документ и разсъждение за промяната в човешкия живот като цяло. Това е затрогващата история на семейство Дауд, които биват откъснати от своите корени в Килиндъф, и се налага да се преселят по икономически причини в Мидландс, където торфените блата предлагат възможности за индустрията. Книгата представя стария селски живот с множество интересни детайли, които функционират като силни художествени ... |